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synced 2025-02-17 06:28:30 +00:00
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var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
function preload() {
// Phaser can load Bitmap Fonts.
// As with all load operations the first parameter is a unique key, which must be unique between all image files.
// Next is the bitmap font file itself, in this case desyrel.png
// Finally is the path to the XML file that goes with the font.
game.load.bitmapFont('desyrel', 'assets/fonts/desyrel.png', 'assets/fonts/desyrel.xml');
// Note that the XML file should be saved with UTF-8 encoding or some browsers (such as Firefox) won't load it.
// There are various tools that can create Bitmap Fonts and the XML file needed.
// On Windows you can use the free app BMFont: http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/
// On OS X we recommend Glyph Designer: http://www.71squared.com/en/glyphdesigner
var text;
function create() {
game.stage.backgroundColor = '#0072bc';
text = game.add.bitmapText(200, 100, 'Bitmap Fonts!', { font: '64px Desyrel', align: 'center' });
function update() {
text.setText('Bitmap Fonts!\nx: ' + Math.round(game.input.x) + ' y: ' + Math.round(game.input.y));