photonstorm 5980a3bdc6 Loader can now natively load XML files via load.xml. Once the XML file has loaded it is parsed via either DOMParser or ActiveXObject and then added to the Cache, where it can be retrieved via cache.getXML(key).
Cache now has support for XML files stored in their own container. You can add them with `cache.addXML` (typically this is done from the Loader automatically for you) and get them with `cache.getXML(key)`. There is also `cache.checkXMLKey(key)`, `cache.checkKeys` and `cache.removeXML(key)`.
2014-09-19 13:45:04 +01:00

1465 lines
40 KiB

* @author Richard Davey <>
* @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link|MIT License}
* A game only has one instance of a Cache and it is used to store all externally loaded assets such as images, sounds
* and data files as a result of Loader calls. Cached items use string based keys for look-up.
* @class Phaser.Cache
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game.
Phaser.Cache = function (game) {
* @property {Phaser.Game} game - Local reference to game.
*/ = game;
* @property {object} _canvases - Canvas key-value container.
* @private
this._canvases = {};
* @property {object} _images - Image key-value container.
* @private
this._images = {};
* @property {object} _textures - RenderTexture key-value container.
* @private
this._textures = {};
* @property {object} _sounds - Sound key-value container.
* @private
this._sounds = {};
* @property {object} _text - Text key-value container.
* @private
this._text = {};
* @property {object} _json - JSOIN key-value container.
* @private
this._json = {};
* @property {object} _xml - XML key-value container.
* @private
this._xml = {};
* @property {object} _physics - Physics data key-value container.
* @private
this._physics = {};
* @property {object} _tilemaps - Tilemap key-value container.
* @private
this._tilemaps = {};
* @property {object} _binary - Binary file key-value container.
* @private
this._binary = {};
* @property {object} _bitmapDatas - BitmapData key-value container.
* @private
this._bitmapDatas = {};
* @property {object} _bitmapFont - BitmapFont key-value container.
* @private
this._bitmapFont = {};
* @property {Phaser.Signal} onSoundUnlock - This event is dispatched when the sound system is unlocked via a touch event on cellular devices.
this.onSoundUnlock = new Phaser.Signal();
* @property {array} _cacheMap - Const to cache object look-up array.
this._cacheMap = [];
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.CANVAS] = this._canvases;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.IMAGE] = this._images;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.TEXTURE] = this._textures;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.SOUND] = this._sounds;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.TEXT] = this._text;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.PHYSICS] = this._physics;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.TILEMAP] = this._tilemaps;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.BINARY] = this._binary;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.BITMAPDATA] = this._bitmapDatas;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.BITMAPFONT] = this._bitmapFont;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.JSON] = this._json;
this._cacheMap[Phaser.Cache.XML] = this._xml;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.CANVAS = 1;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.IMAGE = 2;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.TEXTURE = 3;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.SOUND = 4;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.TEXT = 5;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.PHYSICS = 6;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.TILEMAP = 7;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.BINARY = 8;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.BITMAPDATA = 9;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.BITMAPFONT = 10;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.JSON = 11;
* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.Cache.XML = 12;
Phaser.Cache.prototype = {
* Add a new canvas object in to the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addCanvas
* @param {string} key - Asset key for this canvas.
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas - Canvas DOM element.
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context - Render context of this canvas.
addCanvas: function (key, canvas, context) {
this._canvases[key] = { canvas: canvas, context: context };
* Add a binary object in to the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addBinary
* @param {string} key - Asset key for this binary data.
* @param {object} binaryData - The binary object to be addded to the cache.
addBinary: function (key, binaryData) {
this._binary[key] = binaryData;
* Add a BitmapData object in to the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addBitmapData
* @param {string} key - Asset key for this BitmapData.
* @param {Phaser.BitmapData} bitmapData - The BitmapData object to be addded to the cache.
* @return {Phaser.BitmapData} The BitmapData object to be addded to the cache.
addBitmapData: function (key, bitmapData) {
this._bitmapDatas[key] = bitmapData;
return bitmapData;
* Add a new Phaser.RenderTexture in to the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addRenderTexture
* @param {string} key - The unique key by which you will reference this object.
* @param {Phaser.Texture} texture - The texture to use as the base of the RenderTexture.
addRenderTexture: function (key, texture) {
var frame = new Phaser.Frame(0, 0, 0, texture.width, texture.height, '', '');
this._textures[key] = { texture: texture, frame: frame };
* Add a new sprite sheet in to the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addSpriteSheet
* @param {string} key - The unique key by which you will reference this object.
* @param {string} url - URL of this sprite sheet file.
* @param {object} data - Extra sprite sheet data.
* @param {number} frameWidth - Width of the sprite sheet.
* @param {number} frameHeight - Height of the sprite sheet.
* @param {number} [frameMax=-1] - How many frames stored in the sprite sheet. If -1 then it divides the whole sheet evenly.
* @param {number} [margin=0] - If the frames have been drawn with a margin, specify the amount here.
* @param {number} [spacing=0] - If the frames have been drawn with spacing between them, specify the amount here.
addSpriteSheet: function (key, url, data, frameWidth, frameHeight, frameMax, margin, spacing) {
this._images[key] = { url: url, data: data, frameWidth: frameWidth, frameHeight: frameHeight, margin: margin, spacing: spacing };
PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key] = new PIXI.BaseTexture(data);
PIXI.TextureCache[key] = new PIXI.Texture(PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key]);
this._images[key].frameData = Phaser.AnimationParser.spriteSheet(, key, frameWidth, frameHeight, frameMax, margin, spacing);
* Add a new tilemap to the Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addTilemap
* @param {string} key - The unique key by which you will reference this object.
* @param {string} url - URL of the tilemap image.
* @param {object} mapData - The tilemap data object (either a CSV or JSON file).
* @param {number} format - The format of the tilemap data.
addTilemap: function (key, url, mapData, format) {
this._tilemaps[key] = { url: url, data: mapData, format: format };
* Add a new texture atlas to the Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addTextureAtlas
* @param {string} key - The unique key by which you will reference this object.
* @param {string} url - URL of this texture atlas file.
* @param {object} data - Extra texture atlas data.
* @param {object} atlasData - Texture atlas frames data.
* @param {number} format - The format of the texture atlas.
addTextureAtlas: function (key, url, data, atlasData, format) {
this._images[key] = { url: url, data: data };
PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key] = new PIXI.BaseTexture(data);
PIXI.TextureCache[key] = new PIXI.Texture(PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key]);
if (format == Phaser.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_ARRAY)
this._images[key].frameData = Phaser.AnimationParser.JSONData(, atlasData, key);
else if (format == Phaser.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_HASH)
this._images[key].frameData = Phaser.AnimationParser.JSONDataHash(, atlasData, key);
else if (format == Phaser.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_XML_STARLING)
this._images[key].frameData = Phaser.AnimationParser.XMLData(, atlasData, key);
* Add a new Bitmap Font to the Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addBitmapFont
* @param {string} key - The unique key by which you will reference this object.
* @param {string} url - URL of this font xml file.
* @param {object} data - Extra font data.
* @param {object} xmlData - Texture atlas frames data.
* @param {number} [xSpacing=0] - If you'd like to add additional horizontal spacing between the characters then set the pixel value here.
* @param {number} [ySpacing=0] - If you'd like to add additional vertical spacing between the lines then set the pixel value here.
addBitmapFont: function (key, url, data, xmlData, xSpacing, ySpacing) {
this._images[key] = { url: url, data: data };
PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key] = new PIXI.BaseTexture(data);
PIXI.TextureCache[key] = new PIXI.Texture(PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key]);
Phaser.LoaderParser.bitmapFont(, xmlData, key, xSpacing, ySpacing);
this._bitmapFont[key] = PIXI.BitmapText.fonts[key];
* Add a new physics data object to the Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addTilemap
* @param {string} key - The unique key by which you will reference this object.
* @param {string} url - URL of the physics json data.
* @param {object} JSONData - The physics data object (a JSON file).
* @param {number} format - The format of the physics data.
addPhysicsData: function (key, url, JSONData, format) {
this._physics[key] = { url: url, data: JSONData, format: format };
* Adds a default image to be used in special cases such as WebGL Filters. Is mapped to the key __default.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addDefaultImage
* @protected
addDefaultImage: function () {
var img = new Image();
this._images['__default'] = { url: null, data: img };
this._images['__default'].frame = new Phaser.Frame(0, 0, 0, 32, 32, '', '');
this._images['__default'].frameData = new Phaser.FrameData();
this._images['__default'].frameData.addFrame(new Phaser.Frame(0, 0, 0, 32, 32, null,;
PIXI.BaseTextureCache['__default'] = new PIXI.BaseTexture(img);
PIXI.TextureCache['__default'] = new PIXI.Texture(PIXI.BaseTextureCache['__default']);
* Adds an image to be used when a key is wrong / missing. Is mapped to the key __missing.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addMissingImage
* @protected
addMissingImage: function () {
var img = new Image();
img.src = "";
this._images['__missing'] = { url: null, data: img };
this._images['__missing'].frame = new Phaser.Frame(0, 0, 0, 32, 32, '', '');
this._images['__missing'].frameData = new Phaser.FrameData();
this._images['__missing'].frameData.addFrame(new Phaser.Frame(0, 0, 0, 32, 32, null,;
PIXI.BaseTextureCache['__missing'] = new PIXI.BaseTexture(img);
PIXI.TextureCache['__missing'] = new PIXI.Texture(PIXI.BaseTextureCache['__missing']);
* Add a new text data.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addText
* @param {string} key - Asset key for the text data.
* @param {string} url - URL of this text data file.
* @param {object} data - Extra text data.
addText: function (key, url, data) {
this._text[key] = { url: url, data: data };
* Add a new json object into the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addJSON
* @param {string} key - Asset key for the json data.
* @param {string} url - URL of this json data file.
* @param {object} data - Extra json data.
addJSON: function (key, url, data) {
this._json[key] = { url: url, data: data };
* Add a new xml object into the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addXML
* @param {string} key - Asset key for the xml file.
* @param {string} url - URL of this xml file.
* @param {object} data - Extra text data.
addXML: function (key, url, data) {
this._xml[key] = { url: url, data: data };
* Adds an Image file into the Cache. The file must have already been loaded, typically via Phaser.Loader.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addImage
* @param {string} key - The unique key by which you will reference this object.
* @param {string} url - URL of this image file.
* @param {object} data - Extra image data.
addImage: function (key, url, data) {
this._images[key] = { url: url, data: data };
this._images[key].frame = new Phaser.Frame(0, 0, 0, data.width, data.height, key,;
this._images[key].frameData = new Phaser.FrameData();
this._images[key].frameData.addFrame(new Phaser.Frame(0, 0, 0, data.width, data.height, url,;
PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key] = new PIXI.BaseTexture(data);
PIXI.TextureCache[key] = new PIXI.Texture(PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key]);
* Adds a Sound file into the Cache. The file must have already been loaded, typically via Phaser.Loader.
* @method Phaser.Cache#addSound
* @param {string} key - Asset key for the sound.
* @param {string} url - URL of this sound file.
* @param {object} data - Extra sound data.
* @param {boolean} webAudio - True if the file is using web audio.
* @param {boolean} audioTag - True if the file is using legacy HTML audio.
addSound: function (key, url, data, webAudio, audioTag) {
webAudio = webAudio || true;
audioTag = audioTag || false;
var decoded = false;
if (audioTag)
decoded = true;
this._sounds[key] = { url: url, data: data, isDecoding: false, decoded: decoded, webAudio: webAudio, audioTag: audioTag, locked: };
* Reload a Sound file from the server.
* @method Phaser.Cache#reloadSound
* @param {string} key - Asset key for the sound.
reloadSound: function (key) {
var _this = this;
if (this._sounds[key])
this._sounds[key].data.src = this._sounds[key].url;
this._sounds[key].data.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function () {
return _this.reloadSoundComplete(key);
}, false);
* Fires the onSoundUnlock event when the sound has completed reloading.
* @method Phaser.Cache#reloadSoundComplete
* @param {string} key - Asset key for the sound.
reloadSoundComplete: function (key) {
if (this._sounds[key])
this._sounds[key].locked = false;
* Updates the sound object in the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#updateSound
* @param {string} key - Asset key for the sound.
updateSound: function (key, property, value) {
if (this._sounds[key])
this._sounds[key][property] = value;
* Add a new decoded sound.
* @method Phaser.Cache#decodedSound
* @param {string} key - Asset key for the sound.
* @param {object} data - Extra sound data.
decodedSound: function (key, data) {
this._sounds[key].data = data;
this._sounds[key].decoded = true;
this._sounds[key].isDecoding = false;
* Get a canvas object from the cache by its key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getCanvas
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the canvas to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {object} The canvas object.
getCanvas: function (key) {
if (this._canvases[key])
return this._canvases[key].canvas;
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getCanvas: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get a BitmapData object from the cache by its key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getBitmapData
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the BitmapData object to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.BitmapData} The requested BitmapData object if found, or null if not.
getBitmapData: function (key) {
if (this._bitmapDatas[key])
return this._bitmapDatas[key];
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getBitmapData: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get a BitmapFont object from the cache by its key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getBitmapFont
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the BitmapFont object to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.BitmapFont} The requested BitmapFont object if found, or null if not.
getBitmapFont: function (key) {
if (this._bitmapFont[key])
return this._bitmapFont[key];
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getBitmapFont: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get a physics data object from the cache by its key. You can get either the entire data set, a single object or a single fixture of an object from it.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getPhysicsData
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the physics data object to retrieve from the Cache.
* @param {string} [object=null] - If specified it will return just the physics object that is part of the given key, if null it will return them all.
* @param {string} fixtureKey - Fixture key of fixture inside an object. This key can be set per fixture with the Phaser Exporter.
* @return {object} The requested physics object data if found.
getPhysicsData: function (key, object, fixtureKey) {
if (typeof object === 'undefined' || object === null)
// Get 'em all
if (this._physics[key])
return this._physics[key].data;
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getPhysicsData: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
if (this._physics[key] && this._physics[key].data[object])
var fixtures = this._physics[key].data[object];
//try to find a fixture by it's fixture key if given
if (fixtures && fixtureKey)
for (var fixture in fixtures)
// This contains the fixture data of a polygon or a circle
fixture = fixtures[fixture];
// Test the key
if (fixture.fixtureKey === fixtureKey)
return fixture;
// We did not find the requested fixture
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getPhysicsData: Could not find given fixtureKey: "' + fixtureKey + ' in ' + key + '"');
return fixtures;
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getPhysicsData: Invalid key/object: "' + key + ' / ' + object + '"');
return null;
* Checks if a key for the given cache object type exists.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkKey
* @param {number} type - The Cache type to check against. I.e. Phaser.Cache.CANVAS, Phaser.Cache.IMAGE, Phaser.Cache.JSON, etc.
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the image to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkKey: function (type, key) {
if (this._cacheMap[type][key])
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given key exists in the Canvas Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkCanvasKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the canvas to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkCanvasKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.CANVAS, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the Image Cache. Note that this also includes Texture Atlases, Sprite Sheets and Retro Fonts.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkImageKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the image to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkImageKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.IMAGE, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the Texture Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkTextureKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the image to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkTextureKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.TEXTURE, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the Sound Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkSoundKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the sound file to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkSoundKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.SOUND, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the Text Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkTextKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the text file to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkTextKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.TEXT, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the Physics Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkPhysicsKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the physics data file to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkPhysicsKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.PHYSICS, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the Tilemap Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkTilemapKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the Tilemap to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkTilemapKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.TILEMAP, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the Binary Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkBinaryKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the binary file to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkBinaryKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.BINARY, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the BitmapData Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkBitmapDataKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the BitmapData to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkBitmapDataKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.BITMAPDATA, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the BitmapFont Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkBitmapFontKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the BitmapFont to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkBitmapFontKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.BITMAPFONT, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the JSON Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkJSONKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the JSON file to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkJSONKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.JSON, key);
* Checks if the given key exists in the XML Cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#checkXMLKey
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the XML file to check is in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists, otherwise false.
checkXMLKey: function (key) {
return this.checkKey(Phaser.Cache.XML, key);
* Get image data by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getImage
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the image to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {object} The image data if found in the Cache, otherwise `null`.
getImage: function (key) {
if (this._images[key])
return this._images[key].data;
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getImage: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
return null;
* Get tilemap data by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getTilemapData
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the tilemap data to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Object} The raw tilemap data in CSV or JSON format.
getTilemapData: function (key) {
if (this._tilemaps[key])
return this._tilemaps[key];
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getTilemapData: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get frame data by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getFrameData
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the frame data to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.FrameData} The frame data.
getFrameData: function (key) {
if (this._images[key])
return this._images[key].frameData;
return null;
* Replaces a set of frameData with a new Phaser.FrameData object.
* @method Phaser.Cache#updateFrameData
* @param {string} key - The unique key by which you will reference this object.
* @param {number} frameData - The new FrameData.
updateFrameData: function (key, frameData) {
if (this._images[key])
this._images[key].frameData = frameData;
* Get a single frame out of a frameData set by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getFrameByIndex
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the frame data to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.Frame} The frame object.
getFrameByIndex: function (key, frame) {
if (this._images[key])
return this._images[key].frameData.getFrame(frame);
return null;
* Get a single frame out of a frameData set by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getFrameByName
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the frame data to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.Frame} The frame object.
getFrameByName: function (key, frame) {
if (this._images[key])
return this._images[key].frameData.getFrameByName(frame);
return null;
* Get a single frame by key. You'd only do this to get the default Frame created for a non-atlas/spritesheet image.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getFrame
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the frame data to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.Frame} The frame data.
getFrame: function (key) {
if (this._images[key])
return this._images[key].frame;
return null;
* Get a single texture frame by key. You'd only do this to get the default Frame created for a non-atlas/spritesheet image.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getTextureFrame
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the frame to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.Frame} The frame data.
getTextureFrame: function (key) {
if (this._textures[key])
return this._textures[key].frame;
return null;
* Get a RenderTexture by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getTexture
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the RenderTexture to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.RenderTexture} The RenderTexture object.
getTexture: function (key) {
if (this._textures[key])
return this._textures[key];
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getTexture: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get sound by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getSound
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the sound to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {Phaser.Sound} The sound object.
getSound: function (key) {
if (this._sounds[key])
return this._sounds[key];
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getSound: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get sound data by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getSoundData
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the sound to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {object} The sound data.
getSoundData: function (key) {
if (this._sounds[key])
return this._sounds[key].data;
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getSoundData: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Check if the given sound has finished decoding.
* @method Phaser.Cache#isSoundDecoded
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the sound in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} The decoded state of the Sound object.
isSoundDecoded: function (key) {
if (this._sounds[key])
return this._sounds[key].decoded;
* Check if the given sound is ready for playback. A sound is considered ready when it has finished decoding and the device is no longer touch locked.
* @method Phaser.Cache#isSoundReady
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the sound in the Cache.
* @return {boolean} True if the sound is decoded and the device is not touch locked.
isSoundReady: function (key) {
return (this._sounds[key] && this._sounds[key].decoded && === false);
* Get the number of frames in this image.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getFrameCount
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the image you want.
* @return {integer} Then number of frames. 0 if the image is not found.
getFrameCount: function (key) {
if (this._images[key])
return this._images[key];
return 0;
* Get text data by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getText
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the text data to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {object} The text data.
getText: function (key) {
if (this._text[key])
return this._text[key].data;
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getText: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get a JSON object by key from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getJSON
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the json object to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {object} The JSON object.
getJSON: function (key) {
if (this._json[key])
return this._json[key].data;
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getJSON: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get a XML object by key from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getXML
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the XML object to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {object} The XML object.
getXML: function (key) {
if (this._xml[key])
return this._xml[key].data;
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getXML: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Get binary data by key.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getBinary
* @param {string} key - Asset key of the binary data object to retrieve from the Cache.
* @return {object} The binary data object.
getBinary: function (key) {
if (this._binary[key])
return this._binary[key];
console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getBinary: Invalid key: "' + key + '"');
* Gets all keys used by the Cache for the given data type.
* @method Phaser.Cache#getKeys
* @param {number} [type=Phaser.Cache.IMAGE] - The type of Cache keys you wish to get. Can be Cache.CANVAS, Cache.IMAGE, Cache.SOUND, etc.
* @return {Array} The array of item keys.
getKeys: function (type) {
var array = null;
switch (type)
case Phaser.Cache.CANVAS:
array = this._canvases;
case Phaser.Cache.IMAGE:
array = this._images;
case Phaser.Cache.TEXTURE:
array = this._textures;
case Phaser.Cache.SOUND:
array = this._sounds;
case Phaser.Cache.TEXT:
array = this._text;
case Phaser.Cache.PHYSICS:
array = this._physics;
case Phaser.Cache.TILEMAP:
array = this._tilemaps;
case Phaser.Cache.BINARY:
array = this._binary;
case Phaser.Cache.BITMAPDATA:
array = this._bitmapDatas;
case Phaser.Cache.BITMAPFONT:
array = this._bitmapFont;
case Phaser.Cache.JSON:
array = this._json;
case Phaser.Cache.XML:
array = this._xml;
if (!array)
var output = [];
for (var item in array)
if (item !== '__default' && item !== '__missing')
return output;
* Removes a canvas from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeCanvas
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeCanvas: function (key) {
delete this._canvases[key];
* Removes an image from the cache and optionally from the Pixi.BaseTextureCache as well.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeImage
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
* @param {boolean} [removeFromPixi=true] - Should this image also be removed from the Pixi BaseTextureCache?
removeImage: function (key, removeFromPixi) {
if (typeof removeFromPixi === 'undefined') { removeFromPixi = true; }
delete this._images[key];
if (removeFromPixi)
* Removes a sound from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeSound
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeSound: function (key) {
delete this._sounds[key];
* Removes a text from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeText
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeText: function (key) {
delete this._text[key];
* Removes a json object from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeJSON
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeJSON: function (key) {
delete this._json[key];
* Removes a xml object from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeXML
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeXML: function (key) {
delete this._xml[key];
* Removes a physics data file from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removePhysics
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removePhysics: function (key) {
delete this._physics[key];
* Removes a tilemap from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeTilemap
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeTilemap: function (key) {
delete this._tilemaps[key];
* Removes a binary file from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeBinary
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeBinary: function (key) {
delete this._binary[key];
* Removes a bitmap data from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeBitmapData
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeBitmapData: function (key) {
delete this._bitmapDatas[key];
* Removes a bitmap font from the cache.
* @method Phaser.Cache#removeBitmapFont
* @param {string} key - Key of the asset you want to remove.
removeBitmapFont: function (key) {
delete this._bitmapFont[key];
* Clears the cache. Removes every local cache object reference.
* @method Phaser.Cache#destroy
destroy: function () {
for (var item in this._canvases)
delete this._canvases[item];
for (var item in this._images)
if (item !== '__default' && item !== '__missing')
delete this._images[item];
for (var item in this._sounds)
delete this._sounds[item];
for (var item in this._text)
delete this._text[item];
for (var item in this._json)
delete this._json[item];
for (var item in this._xml)
delete this._xml[item];
for (var item in this._textures)
delete this._textures[item];
for (var item in this._physics)
delete this._physics[item];
for (var item in this._tilemaps)
delete this._tilemaps[item];
for (var item in this._binary)
delete this._binary[item];
for (var item in this._bitmapDatas)
delete this._bitmapDatas[item];
for (var item in this._bitmapFont)
delete this._bitmapFont[item];
Phaser.Cache.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Cache;