Tommy Leung 1dd779efcb update SpineGameObject.d.ts
- extends from Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject
- implements interfaces for mixins
- use Omit for setSize signature conflicts in ComputedSize
- use @ts-ignore for state property conflict; spine.AnimationState significantly different than GameObject.state
- added semi-colons to better match rest of defintion files
2020-01-18 14:14:07 -07:00

18 lines
771 B

declare namespace Phaser.Loader.FileTypes {
interface SpineFileConfig {
key: string;
textureURL?: string;
textureExtension?: string;
textureXhrSettings?: Phaser.Types.Loader.XHRSettingsObject;
normalMap?: string;
atlasURL?: string;
atlasExtension?: string;
atlasXhrSettings?: Phaser.Types.Loader.XHRSettingsObject;
class SpineFile extends Phaser.Loader.MultiFile {
constructor(loader: Phaser.Loader.LoaderPlugin, key: string | Phaser.Loader.FileTypes.SpineFileConfig, jsonURL: string | string[], atlasURL: string, preMultipliedAlpha: boolean, jsonXhrSettings: Phaser.Types.Loader.XHRSettingsObject, atlasXhrSettings: Phaser.Types.Loader.XHRSettingsObject)