/** * Takes the given string and pads it out, to the length required, using the character * specified. For example if you need a string to be 6 characters long, you can call: * * `pad('bob', 6, '-', 2)` * * This would return: `bob---` as it has padded it out to 6 characters, using the `-` on the right. * * You can also use it to pad numbers (they are always returned as strings): * * `pad(512, 6, '0', 1)` * * Would return: `000512` with the string padded to the left. * * If you don't specify a direction it'll pad to both sides: * * `pad('c64', 7, '*')` * * Would return: `**c64**` * * @method Phaser.Utils.pad * @param {string} str - The target string. `toString()` will be called on the string, which means you can also pass in common data types like numbers. * @param {integer} [len=0] - The number of characters to be added. * @param {string} [pad=" "] - The string to pad it out with (defaults to a space). * @param {integer} [dir=3] - The direction dir = 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (both). * @return {string} The padded string. */ export default function (str: any, len?: any, pad?: any, dir?: any): any;