/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2013-2024 Phaser Studio Inc. * @license {@link https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT|MIT License} */ var Clamp = require('../math/Clamp'); var Class = require('../utils/Class'); var Events = require('./events'); var FindClosestInSorted = require('../utils/array/FindClosestInSorted'); var Frame = require('./AnimationFrame'); var GetValue = require('../utils/object/GetValue'); var SortByDigits = require('../utils/array/SortByDigits'); /** * @classdesc * A Frame based Animation. * * Animations in Phaser consist of a sequence of `AnimationFrame` objects, which are managed by * this class, along with properties that impact playback, such as the animations frame rate * or delay. * * This class contains all of the properties and methods needed to handle playback of the animation * directly to an `AnimationState` instance, which is owned by a Sprite, or similar Game Object. * * You don't typically create an instance of this class directly, but instead go via * either the `AnimationManager` or the `AnimationState` and use their `create` methods, * depending on if you need a global animation, or local to a specific Sprite. * * @class Animation * @memberof Phaser.Animations * @constructor * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationManager} manager - A reference to the global Animation Manager * @param {string} key - The unique identifying string for this animation. * @param {Phaser.Types.Animations.Animation} config - The Animation configuration. */ var Animation = new Class({ initialize: function Animation (manager, key, config) { /** * A reference to the global Animation Manager. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#manager * @type {Phaser.Animations.AnimationManager} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.manager = manager; /** * The unique identifying string for this animation. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#key * @type {string} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.key = key; /** * A frame based animation (as opposed to a bone based animation) * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#type * @type {string} * @default frame * @since 3.0.0 */ this.type = 'frame'; /** * Extract all the frame data into the frames array. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#frames * @type {Phaser.Animations.AnimationFrame[]} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.frames = this.getFrames( manager.textureManager, GetValue(config, 'frames', []), GetValue(config, 'defaultTextureKey', null), GetValue(config, 'sortFrames', true) ); /** * The frame rate of playback in frames per second (default 24 if duration is null) * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#frameRate * @type {number} * @default 24 * @since 3.0.0 */ this.frameRate = GetValue(config, 'frameRate', null); /** * How long the animation should play for, in milliseconds. * If the `frameRate` property has been set then it overrides this value, * otherwise the `frameRate` is derived from `duration`. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#duration * @type {number} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.duration = GetValue(config, 'duration', null); /** * How many ms per frame, not including frame specific modifiers. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#msPerFrame * @type {number} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.msPerFrame; /** * Skip frames if the time lags, or always advanced anyway? * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#skipMissedFrames * @type {boolean} * @default true * @since 3.0.0 */ this.skipMissedFrames = GetValue(config, 'skipMissedFrames', true); /** * The delay in ms before the playback will begin. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#delay * @type {number} * @default 0 * @since 3.0.0 */ this.delay = GetValue(config, 'delay', 0); /** * Number of times to repeat the animation. Set to -1 to repeat forever. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#repeat * @type {number} * @default 0 * @since 3.0.0 */ this.repeat = GetValue(config, 'repeat', 0); /** * The delay in ms before the a repeat play starts. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#repeatDelay * @type {number} * @default 0 * @since 3.0.0 */ this.repeatDelay = GetValue(config, 'repeatDelay', 0); /** * Should the animation yoyo (reverse back down to the start) before repeating? * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#yoyo * @type {boolean} * @default false * @since 3.0.0 */ this.yoyo = GetValue(config, 'yoyo', false); /** * If the animation has a delay set, before playback will begin, this * controls when the first frame is set on the Sprite. If this property * is 'false' then the frame is set only after the delay has expired. * This is the default behavior. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#showBeforeDelay * @type {boolean} * @default false * @since 3.60.0 */ this.showBeforeDelay = GetValue(config, 'showBeforeDelay', false); /** * Should the GameObject's `visible` property be set to `true` when the animation starts to play? * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#showOnStart * @type {boolean} * @default false * @since 3.0.0 */ this.showOnStart = GetValue(config, 'showOnStart', false); /** * Should the GameObject's `visible` property be set to `false` when the animation finishes? * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#hideOnComplete * @type {boolean} * @default false * @since 3.0.0 */ this.hideOnComplete = GetValue(config, 'hideOnComplete', false); /** * Start playback of this animation from a random frame? * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#randomFrame * @type {boolean} * @default false * @since 3.60.0 */ this.randomFrame = GetValue(config, 'randomFrame', false); /** * Global pause. All Game Objects using this Animation instance are impacted by this property. * * @name Phaser.Animations.Animation#paused * @type {boolean} * @default false * @since 3.0.0 */ this.paused = false; this.calculateDuration(this, this.getTotalFrames(), this.duration, this.frameRate); if (this.manager.on) { this.manager.on(Events.PAUSE_ALL, this.pause, this); this.manager.on(Events.RESUME_ALL, this.resume, this); } }, /** * Gets the total number of frames in this animation. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#getTotalFrames * @since 3.50.0 * * @return {number} The total number of frames in this animation. */ getTotalFrames: function () { return this.frames.length; }, /** * Calculates the duration, frame rate and msPerFrame values. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#calculateDuration * @since 3.50.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.Animation} target - The target to set the values on. * @param {number} totalFrames - The total number of frames in the animation. * @param {?number} [duration] - The duration to calculate the frame rate from. Pass `null` if you wish to set the `frameRate` instead. * @param {?number} [frameRate] - The frame rate to calculate the duration from. */ calculateDuration: function (target, totalFrames, duration, frameRate) { if (duration === null && frameRate === null) { // No duration or frameRate given, use default frameRate of 24fps target.frameRate = 24; target.duration = (24 / totalFrames) * 1000; } else if (duration && frameRate === null) { // Duration given but no frameRate, so set the frameRate based on duration // I.e. 12 frames in the animation, duration = 4000 ms // So frameRate is 12 / (4000 / 1000) = 3 fps target.duration = duration; target.frameRate = totalFrames / (duration / 1000); } else { // frameRate given, derive duration from it (even if duration also specified) // I.e. 15 frames in the animation, frameRate = 30 fps // So duration is 15 / 30 = 0.5 * 1000 (half a second, or 500ms) target.frameRate = frameRate; target.duration = (totalFrames / frameRate) * 1000; } target.msPerFrame = 1000 / target.frameRate; }, /** * Add frames to the end of the animation. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#addFrame * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {(string|Phaser.Types.Animations.AnimationFrame[])} config - Either a string, in which case it will use all frames from a texture with the matching key, or an array of Animation Frame configuration objects. * * @return {this} This Animation object. */ addFrame: function (config) { return this.addFrameAt(this.frames.length, config); }, /** * Add frame/s into the animation. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#addFrameAt * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} index - The index to insert the frame at within the animation. * @param {(string|Phaser.Types.Animations.AnimationFrame[])} config - Either a string, in which case it will use all frames from a texture with the matching key, or an array of Animation Frame configuration objects. * * @return {this} This Animation object. */ addFrameAt: function (index, config) { var newFrames = this.getFrames(this.manager.textureManager, config); if (newFrames.length > 0) { if (index === 0) { this.frames = newFrames.concat(this.frames); } else if (index === this.frames.length) { this.frames = this.frames.concat(newFrames); } else { var pre = this.frames.slice(0, index); var post = this.frames.slice(index); this.frames = pre.concat(newFrames, post); } this.updateFrameSequence(); } return this; }, /** * Check if the given frame index is valid. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#checkFrame * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} index - The index to be checked. * * @return {boolean} `true` if the index is valid, otherwise `false`. */ checkFrame: function (index) { return (index >= 0 && index < this.frames.length); }, /** * Called internally when this Animation first starts to play. * Sets the accumulator and nextTick properties. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#getFirstTick * @protected * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationState} state - The Animation State belonging to the Game Object invoking this call. */ getFirstTick: function (state) { // When is the first update due? state.accumulator = 0; state.nextTick = (state.currentFrame.duration) ? state.currentFrame.duration : state.msPerFrame; }, /** * Returns the AnimationFrame at the provided index * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#getFrameAt * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} index - The index in the AnimationFrame array * * @return {Phaser.Animations.AnimationFrame} The frame at the index provided from the animation sequence */ getFrameAt: function (index) { return this.frames[index]; }, /** * Creates AnimationFrame instances based on the given frame data. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#getFrames * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Textures.TextureManager} textureManager - A reference to the global Texture Manager. * @param {(string|Phaser.Types.Animations.AnimationFrame[])} frames - Either a string, in which case it will use all frames from a texture with the matching key, or an array of Animation Frame configuration objects. * @param {string} [defaultTextureKey] - The key to use if no key is set in the frame configuration object. * * @return {Phaser.Animations.AnimationFrame[]} An array of newly created AnimationFrame instances. */ getFrames: function (textureManager, frames, defaultTextureKey, sortFrames) { if (sortFrames === undefined) { sortFrames = true; } var out = []; var prev; var animationFrame; var index = 1; var i; var textureKey; // if frames is a string, we'll get all the frames from the texture manager as if it's a sprite sheet if (typeof frames === 'string') { textureKey = frames; if (!textureManager.exists(textureKey)) { console.warn('Texture "%s" not found', textureKey); return out; } var texture = textureManager.get(textureKey); var frameKeys = texture.getFrameNames(); if (sortFrames) { SortByDigits(frameKeys); } frames = []; frameKeys.forEach(function (value) { frames.push({ key: textureKey, frame: value }); }); } if (!Array.isArray(frames) || frames.length === 0) { return out; } for (i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { var item = frames[i]; var key = GetValue(item, 'key', defaultTextureKey); if (!key) { continue; } // Could be an integer or a string var frame = GetValue(item, 'frame', 0); // The actual texture frame var textureFrame = textureManager.getFrame(key, frame); if (!textureFrame) { console.warn('Texture "%s" not found', key); continue; } animationFrame = new Frame(key, frame, index, textureFrame); animationFrame.duration = GetValue(item, 'duration', 0); animationFrame.isFirst = (!prev); // The previously created animationFrame if (prev) { prev.nextFrame = animationFrame; animationFrame.prevFrame = prev; } out.push(animationFrame); prev = animationFrame; index++; } if (out.length > 0) { animationFrame.isLast = true; // Link them end-to-end, so they loop animationFrame.nextFrame = out[0]; out[0].prevFrame = animationFrame; // Generate the progress data var slice = 1 / (out.length - 1); for (i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { out[i].progress = i * slice; } } return out; }, /** * Called internally. Sets the accumulator and nextTick values of the current Animation. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#getNextTick * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationState} state - The Animation State belonging to the Game Object invoking this call. */ getNextTick: function (state) { state.accumulator -= state.nextTick; state.nextTick = (state.currentFrame.duration) ? state.currentFrame.duration : state.msPerFrame; }, /** * Returns the frame closest to the given progress value between 0 and 1. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#getFrameByProgress * @since 3.4.0 * * @param {number} value - A value between 0 and 1. * * @return {Phaser.Animations.AnimationFrame} The frame closest to the given progress value. */ getFrameByProgress: function (value) { value = Clamp(value, 0, 1); return FindClosestInSorted(value, this.frames, 'progress'); }, /** * Advance the animation frame. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#nextFrame * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationState} state - The Animation State to advance. */ nextFrame: function (state) { var frame = state.currentFrame; if (frame.isLast) { // We're at the end of the animation // Yoyo? (happens before repeat) if (state.yoyo) { this.handleYoyoFrame(state, false); } else if (state.repeatCounter > 0) { // Repeat (happens before complete) if (state.inReverse && state.forward) { state.forward = false; } else { this.repeatAnimation(state); } } else { state.complete(); } } else { this.updateAndGetNextTick(state, frame.nextFrame); } }, /** * Handle the yoyo functionality in nextFrame and previousFrame methods. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#handleYoyoFrame * @private * @since 3.12.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationState} state - The Animation State to advance. * @param {boolean} isReverse - Is animation in reverse mode? (Default: false) */ handleYoyoFrame: function (state, isReverse) { if (!isReverse) { isReverse = false; } if (state.inReverse === !isReverse && state.repeatCounter > 0) { if (state.repeatDelay === 0 || state.pendingRepeat) { state.forward = isReverse; } this.repeatAnimation(state); return; } if (state.inReverse !== isReverse && state.repeatCounter === 0) { state.complete(); return; } state.forward = isReverse; var frame = (isReverse) ? state.currentFrame.nextFrame : state.currentFrame.prevFrame; this.updateAndGetNextTick(state, frame); }, /** * Returns the animation last frame. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#getLastFrame * @since 3.12.0 * * @return {Phaser.Animations.AnimationFrame} The last Animation Frame. */ getLastFrame: function () { return this.frames[this.frames.length - 1]; }, /** * Called internally when the Animation is playing backwards. * Sets the previous frame, causing a yoyo, repeat, complete or update, accordingly. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#previousFrame * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationState} state - The Animation State belonging to the Game Object invoking this call. */ previousFrame: function (state) { var frame = state.currentFrame; if (frame.isFirst) { // We're at the start of the animation if (state.yoyo) { this.handleYoyoFrame(state, true); } else if (state.repeatCounter > 0) { if (state.inReverse && !state.forward) { this.repeatAnimation(state); } else { // Repeat (happens before complete) state.forward = true; this.repeatAnimation(state); } } else { state.complete(); } } else { this.updateAndGetNextTick(state, frame.prevFrame); } }, /** * Update Frame and Wait next tick. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#updateAndGetNextTick * @private * @since 3.12.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationState} state - The Animation State. * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationFrame} frame - An Animation frame. */ updateAndGetNextTick: function (state, frame) { state.setCurrentFrame(frame); this.getNextTick(state); }, /** * Removes the given AnimationFrame from this Animation instance. * This is a global action. Any Game Object using this Animation will be impacted by this change. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#removeFrame * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationFrame} frame - The AnimationFrame to be removed. * * @return {this} This Animation object. */ removeFrame: function (frame) { var index = this.frames.indexOf(frame); if (index !== -1) { this.removeFrameAt(index); } return this; }, /** * Removes a frame from the AnimationFrame array at the provided index * and updates the animation accordingly. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#removeFrameAt * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} index - The index in the AnimationFrame array * * @return {this} This Animation object. */ removeFrameAt: function (index) { this.frames.splice(index, 1); this.updateFrameSequence(); return this; }, /** * Called internally during playback. Forces the animation to repeat, providing there are enough counts left * in the repeat counter. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#repeatAnimation * @fires Phaser.Animations.Events#ANIMATION_REPEAT * @fires Phaser.Animations.Events#SPRITE_ANIMATION_REPEAT * @fires Phaser.Animations.Events#SPRITE_ANIMATION_KEY_REPEAT * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Animations.AnimationState} state - The Animation State belonging to the Game Object invoking this call. */ repeatAnimation: function (state) { if (state._pendingStop === 2) { if (state._pendingStopValue === 0) { return state.stop(); } else { state._pendingStopValue--; } } if (state.repeatDelay > 0 && !state.pendingRepeat) { state.pendingRepeat = true; state.accumulator -= state.nextTick; state.nextTick += state.repeatDelay; } else { state.repeatCounter--; if (state.forward) { state.setCurrentFrame(state.currentFrame.nextFrame); } else { state.setCurrentFrame(state.currentFrame.prevFrame); } if (state.isPlaying) { this.getNextTick(state); state.handleRepeat(); } } }, /** * Converts the animation data to JSON. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#toJSON * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {Phaser.Types.Animations.JSONAnimation} The resulting JSONAnimation formatted object. */ toJSON: function () { var output = { key: this.key, type: this.type, frames: [], frameRate: this.frameRate, duration: this.duration, skipMissedFrames: this.skipMissedFrames, delay: this.delay, repeat: this.repeat, repeatDelay: this.repeatDelay, yoyo: this.yoyo, showBeforeDelay: this.showBeforeDelay, showOnStart: this.showOnStart, randomFrame: this.randomFrame, hideOnComplete: this.hideOnComplete }; this.frames.forEach(function (frame) { output.frames.push(frame.toJSON()); }); return output; }, /** * Called internally whenever frames are added to, or removed from, this Animation. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#updateFrameSequence * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {this} This Animation object. */ updateFrameSequence: function () { var len = this.frames.length; var slice = 1 / (len - 1); var frame; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { frame = this.frames[i]; frame.index = i + 1; frame.isFirst = false; frame.isLast = false; frame.progress = i * slice; if (i === 0) { frame.isFirst = true; if (len === 1) { frame.isLast = true; frame.nextFrame = frame; frame.prevFrame = frame; } else { frame.isLast = false; frame.prevFrame = this.frames[len - 1]; frame.nextFrame = this.frames[i + 1]; } } else if (i === len - 1 && len > 1) { frame.isLast = true; frame.prevFrame = this.frames[len - 2]; frame.nextFrame = this.frames[0]; } else if (len > 1) { frame.prevFrame = this.frames[i - 1]; frame.nextFrame = this.frames[i + 1]; } } return this; }, /** * Pauses playback of this Animation. The paused state is set immediately. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#pause * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {this} This Animation object. */ pause: function () { this.paused = true; return this; }, /** * Resumes playback of this Animation. The paused state is reset immediately. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#resume * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {this} This Animation object. */ resume: function () { this.paused = false; return this; }, /** * Destroys this Animation instance. It will remove all event listeners, * remove this animation and its key from the global Animation Manager, * and then destroy all Animation Frames in turn. * * @method Phaser.Animations.Animation#destroy * @since 3.0.0 */ destroy: function () { if (this.manager.off) { this.manager.off(Events.PAUSE_ALL, this.pause, this); this.manager.off(Events.RESUME_ALL, this.resume, this); } this.manager.remove(this.key); for (var i = 0; i < this.frames.length; i++) { this.frames[i].destroy(); } this.frames = []; this.manager = null; } }); module.exports = Animation;