/// /** * Phaser - Physics - PhysicsManager */ module Phaser.Physics { export class PhysicsManager { constructor(game: Phaser.Game) { this.game = game; //this.gravity = new Vec2; //this.drag = new Vec2; //this.bounce = new Vec2; //this.angularDrag = 0; //this.bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); //this._distance = new Vec2; //this._tangent = new Vec2; } public game: Phaser.Game; // Temp calculation vars private _drag: number; private _delta: number; private _velocityDelta: number; private _length: number = 0; private _distance: Vec2; private _tangent: Vec2; private _separatedX: bool; private _separatedY: bool; private _overlap: number; private _maxOverlap: number; private _obj1Velocity: number; private _obj2Velocity: number; private _obj1NewVelocity: number; private _obj2NewVelocity: number; private _average: number; private _quadTree: QuadTree; private _quadTreeResult: bool; //public bounds: Rectangle; //public gravity: Vec2; //public drag: Vec2; //public bounce: Vec2; //public angularDrag: number; grav: number = 0.2; drag: number = 1; bounce: number = 0.3; friction: number = 0.05; min_f: number = 0; max_f: number = 1; min_b: number = 0; max_b: number = 1; min_g: number = 0; max_g = 1; xmin: number = 0; xmax: number = 800; ymin: number = 0; ymax: number = 600; objrad: number = 24; tilerad: number = 24 * 2; objspeed: number = 0.2; maxspeed: number = 20; public update() { } public updateMotion(body: Phaser.Physics.Body) { this._velocityDelta = (this.computeVelocity(body.angularVelocity, body.gravity.x, body.angularAcceleration, body.angularDrag, body.maxAngular) - body.angularVelocity) / 2; body.angularVelocity += this._velocityDelta; body.sprite.transform.rotation += body.angularVelocity * this.game.time.physicsElapsed; body.angularVelocity += this._velocityDelta; this._velocityDelta = (this.computeVelocity(body.velocity.x, body.gravity.x, body.acceleration.x, body.drag.x) - body.velocity.x) / 2; body.velocity.x += this._velocityDelta; this._delta = body.velocity.x * this.game.time.physicsElapsed; body.aabb.pos.x += this._delta; body.deltaX = this._delta; this._velocityDelta = (this.computeVelocity(body.velocity.y, body.gravity.y, body.acceleration.y, body.drag.y) - body.velocity.y) / 2; body.velocity.y += this._velocityDelta; this._delta = body.velocity.y * this.game.time.physicsElapsed; body.aabb.pos.y += this._delta; body.deltaY = this._delta; //body.aabb.integrateVerlet(); } /** * A tween-like function that takes a starting velocity and some other factors and returns an altered velocity. * * @param {number} Velocity Any component of velocity (e.g. 20). * @param {number} Acceleration Rate at which the velocity is changing. * @param {number} Drag Really kind of a deceleration, this is how much the velocity changes if Acceleration is not set. * @param {number} Max An absolute value cap for the velocity. * * @return {number} The altered Velocity value. */ public computeVelocity(velocity: number, gravity: number = 0, acceleration: number = 0, drag: number = 0, max: number = 10000): number { if (acceleration !== 0) { velocity += (acceleration + gravity) * this.game.time.physicsElapsed; } else if (drag !== 0) { this._drag = drag * this.game.time.physicsElapsed; if (velocity - this._drag > 0) { velocity = velocity - this._drag; } else if (velocity + this._drag < 0) { velocity += this._drag; } else { velocity = 0; } } //velocity += gravity; if (velocity != 0) { if (velocity > max) { velocity = max; } else if (velocity < -max) { velocity = -max; } } return velocity; } } }