var Phaser; (function (Phaser) { /// /** * Phaser - Physics - Body * A binding between a Sprite and a physics object (AABB or Circle) */ (function (Physics) { var Body = (function () { function Body(sprite, type) { this.angularVelocity = 0; this.angularAcceleration = 0; this.angularDrag = 0; this.maxAngular = 10000; this.deltaX = 0; this.deltaY = 0; this.sprite = sprite; =; this.type = type; this.aabb = new Phaser.Physics.AABB(, sprite.x, sprite.y, sprite.width, sprite.height); this.velocity = new Phaser.Vec2(); this.acceleration = new Phaser.Vec2(); this.drag = new Phaser.Vec2(); this.gravity = new Phaser.Vec2(); this.maxVelocity = new Phaser.Vec2(10000, 10000); this.angularVelocity = 0; this.angularAcceleration = 0; this.angularDrag = 0; this.maxAngular = 10000; //this.touching = Phaser.Types.NONE; //this.wasTouching = Phaser.Types.NONE; this.allowCollisions = Phaser.Types.ANY; //this.position = new Phaser.Vec2(sprite.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, sprite.y + this.bounds.halfHeight); //this.oldPosition = new Phaser.Vec2(sprite.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, sprite.y + this.bounds.halfHeight); //this.offset = new Phaser.Vec2; } return Body; })(); Physics.Body = Body; //public wasTouching: number; //public mass: number = 1; //public position: Phaser.Vec2; //public oldPosition: Phaser.Vec2; //public offset: Phaser.Vec2; //public bounds: Phaser.Rectangle; /* private _width: number = 0; private _height: number = 0; public get x(): number { return this.sprite.x + this.offset.x; } public get y(): number { return this.sprite.y + this.offset.y; } public set width(value: number) { this._width = value; } public set height(value: number) { this._height = value; } public get width(): number { return this._width * this.sprite.transform.scale.x; } public get height(): number { return this._height * this.sprite.transform.scale.y; } public preUpdate() { this.oldPosition.copyFrom(this.position); this.bounds.x = this.x; this.bounds.y = this.y; this.bounds.width = this.width; this.bounds.height = this.height; } // Shall we do this? Or just update the values directly in the separate functions? But then the bounds will be out of sync - as long as // the bounds are updated and used in calculations then we can do one final sprite movement here I guess? public postUpdate() { // if this is all it does maybe move elsewhere? Sprite postUpdate? if (this.type !== Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED) { //; this.wasTouching = this.touching; this.touching = Phaser.Types.NONE; } this.position.setTo(this.x, this.y); } public get hullWidth(): number { if (this.deltaX > 0) { return this.bounds.width + this.deltaX; } else { return this.bounds.width - this.deltaX; } } public get hullHeight(): number { if (this.deltaY > 0) { return this.bounds.height + this.deltaY; } else { return this.bounds.height - this.deltaY; } } public get hullX(): number { if (this.position.x < this.oldPosition.x) { return this.position.x; } else { return this.oldPosition.x; } } public get hullY(): number { if (this.position.y < this.oldPosition.y) { return this.position.y; } else { return this.oldPosition.y; } } public get deltaXAbs(): number { return (this.deltaX > 0 ? this.deltaX : -this.deltaX); } public get deltaYAbs(): number { return (this.deltaY > 0 ? this.deltaY : -this.deltaY); } public get deltaX(): number { return this.position.x - this.oldPosition.x; } public get deltaY(): number { return this.position.y - this.oldPosition.y; } */ })(Phaser.Physics || (Phaser.Physics = {})); var Physics = Phaser.Physics; })(Phaser || (Phaser = {}));