/// /** * Phaser - Pointer * * A Pointer object is used by the Touch and MSPoint managers and represents a single finger on the touch screen. */ var Phaser; (function (Phaser) { var Pointer = (function () { /** * Constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game. * @return {Phaser.Pointer} This object. */ function Pointer(game, id) { /** * Local private variable to store the status of dispatching a hold event * @property _holdSent * @type {bool} * @private */ this._holdSent = false; /** * Local private variable storing the short-term history of pointer movements * @property _history * @type {Array} * @private */ this._history = []; /** * Local private variable storing the time at which the next history drop should occur * @property _lastDrop * @type {Number} * @private */ this._nextDrop = 0; // Monitor events outside of a state reset loop this._stateReset = false; /** * A Vector object containing the initial position when the Pointer was engaged with the screen. * @property positionDown * @type {Vec2} **/ this.positionDown = null; /** * A Vector object containing the current position of the Pointer on the screen. * @property position * @type {Vec2} **/ this.position = null; /** * A Circle object centered on the x/y screen coordinates of the Pointer. * Default size of 44px (Apple's recommended "finger tip" size) * @property circle * @type {Circle} **/ this.circle = null; /** * * @property withinGame * @type {bool} */ this.withinGame = false; /** * The horizontal coordinate of point relative to the viewport in pixels, excluding any scroll offset * @property clientX * @type {Number} */ this.clientX = -1; /** * The vertical coordinate of point relative to the viewport in pixels, excluding any scroll offset * @property clientY * @type {Number} */ this.clientY = -1; /** * The horizontal coordinate of point relative to the viewport in pixels, including any scroll offset * @property pageX * @type {Number} */ this.pageX = -1; /** * The vertical coordinate of point relative to the viewport in pixels, including any scroll offset * @property pageY * @type {Number} */ this.pageY = -1; /** * The horizontal coordinate of point relative to the screen in pixels * @property screenX * @type {Number} */ this.screenX = -1; /** * The vertical coordinate of point relative to the screen in pixels * @property screenY * @type {Number} */ this.screenY = -1; /** * The horizontal coordinate of point relative to the game element. This value is automatically scaled based on game size. * @property x * @type {Number} */ this.x = -1; /** * The vertical coordinate of point relative to the game element. This value is automatically scaled based on game size. * @property y * @type {Number} */ this.y = -1; /** * If the Pointer is a mouse this is true, otherwise false * @property isMouse * @type {bool} **/ this.isMouse = false; /** * If the Pointer is touching the touchscreen, or the mouse button is held down, isDown is set to true * @property isDown * @type {bool} **/ this.isDown = false; /** * If the Pointer is not touching the touchscreen, or the mouse button is up, isUp is set to true * @property isUp * @type {bool} **/ this.isUp = true; /** * A timestamp representing when the Pointer first touched the touchscreen. * @property timeDown * @type {Number} **/ this.timeDown = 0; /** * A timestamp representing when the Pointer left the touchscreen. * @property timeUp * @type {Number} **/ this.timeUp = 0; /** * A timestamp representing when the Pointer was last tapped or clicked * @property previousTapTime * @type {Number} **/ this.previousTapTime = 0; /** * The total number of times this Pointer has been touched to the touchscreen * @property totalTouches * @type {Number} **/ this.totalTouches = 0; /** * The number of miliseconds since the last click * @property msSinceLastClick * @type {Number} **/ this.msSinceLastClick = Number.MAX_VALUE; /** * The Game Object this Pointer is currently over / touching / dragging. * @property targetObject * @type {Any} **/ this.targetObject = null; /** * The top-most Camera that this Pointer is over (if any, null if none). * If the Pointer is over several cameras that are stacked on-top of each other this is only ever set to the top-most rendered camera. * @property camera * @type {Phaser.Camera} **/ this.camera = null; this.game = game; this.id = id; this.active = false; this.position = new Phaser.Vec2(); this.positionDown = new Phaser.Vec2(); this.circle = new Phaser.Circle(0, 0, 44); if(id == 0) { this.isMouse = true; } } Object.defineProperty(Pointer.prototype, "duration", { get: /** * How long the Pointer has been depressed on the touchscreen. If not currently down it returns -1. * @property duration * @type {Number} **/ function () { if(this.isUp) { return -1; } return this.game.time.now - this.timeDown; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Pointer.prototype, "worldX", { get: /** * Gets the X value of this Pointer in world coordinates based on the given camera. * @param {Camera} [camera] */ function () { if(this.camera) { return (this.camera.worldView.x - this.camera.screenView.x) + this.x; } return null; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Pointer.prototype, "worldY", { get: /** * Gets the Y value of this Pointer in world coordinates based on the given camera. * @param {Camera} [camera] */ function () { if(this.camera) { return (this.camera.worldView.y - this.camera.screenView.y) + this.y; } return null; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Pointer.prototype.start = /** * Called when the Pointer is pressed onto the touchscreen * @method start * @param {Any} event */ function (event) { this.identifier = event.identifier; this.target = event.target; if(event.button) { this.button = event.button; } // Fix to stop rogue browser plugins from blocking the visibility state event if(this.game.paused == true && this.game.stage.scale.incorrectOrientation == false) { this.game.stage.resumeGame(); return this; } this._history.length = 0; this.active = true; this.withinGame = true; this.isDown = true; this.isUp = false; // Work out how long it has been since the last click this.msSinceLastClick = this.game.time.now - this.timeDown; this.timeDown = this.game.time.now; this._holdSent = false; // This sets the x/y and other local values this.move(event); // x and y are the old values here? this.positionDown.setTo(this.x, this.y); if(this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH || this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE || (this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE && this.game.input.currentPointers == 0)) { //this.game.input.x = this.x * this.game.input.scale.x; //this.game.input.y = this.y * this.game.input.scale.y; this.game.input.x = this.x; this.game.input.y = this.y; this.game.input.position.setTo(this.x, this.y); this.game.input.onDown.dispatch(this); this.game.input.resetSpeed(this.x, this.y); } this._stateReset = false; this.totalTouches++; if(this.isMouse == false) { this.game.input.currentPointers++; } if(this.targetObject !== null) { this.targetObject.input._touchedHandler(this); } return this; }; Pointer.prototype.update = function () { if(this.active) { if(this._holdSent == false && this.duration >= this.game.input.holdRate) { if(this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH || this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE || (this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE && this.game.input.currentPointers == 0)) { this.game.input.onHold.dispatch(this); } this._holdSent = true; } // Update the droppings history if(this.game.input.recordPointerHistory && this.game.time.now >= this._nextDrop) { this._nextDrop = this.game.time.now + this.game.input.recordRate; this._history.push({ x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y }); if(this._history.length > this.game.input.recordLimit) { this._history.shift(); } } // Check which camera they are over this.camera = this.game.world.cameras.getCameraUnderPoint(this.x, this.y); } }; Pointer.prototype.move = /** * Called when the Pointer is moved on the touchscreen * @method move * @param {Any} event */ function (event) { if(this.game.input.pollLocked) { return; } if(event.button) { this.button = event.button; } this.clientX = event.clientX; this.clientY = event.clientY; this.pageX = event.pageX; this.pageY = event.pageY; this.screenX = event.screenX; this.screenY = event.screenY; this.x = (this.pageX - this.game.stage.offset.x) * this.game.input.scale.x; this.y = (this.pageY - this.game.stage.offset.y) * this.game.input.scale.y; this.position.setTo(this.x, this.y); this.circle.x = this.x; this.circle.y = this.y; if(this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH || this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE || (this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE && this.game.input.currentPointers == 0)) { this.game.input.activePointer = this; this.game.input.x = this.x; this.game.input.y = this.y; this.game.input.position.setTo(this.game.input.x, this.game.input.y); this.game.input.circle.x = this.game.input.x; this.game.input.circle.y = this.game.input.y; } // If the game is paused we don't process any target objects if(this.game.paused) { return this; } // Easy out if we're dragging something and it still exists if(this.targetObject !== null && this.targetObject.input && this.targetObject.input.isDragged == true) { if(this.targetObject.input.update(this) == false) { this.targetObject = null; } return this; } // Work out which object is on the top this._highestRenderOrderID = -1; this._highestRenderObject = -1; this._highestInputPriorityID = -1; for(var i = 0; i < this.game.input.totalTrackedObjects; i++) { if(this.game.input.inputObjects[i] && this.game.input.inputObjects[i].input && this.game.input.inputObjects[i].input.checkPointerOver(this)) { // If the object has a higher InputManager.PriorityID OR if the priority ID is the same as the current highest AND it has a higher renderOrderID, then set it to the top if(this.game.input.inputObjects[i].input.priorityID > this._highestInputPriorityID || (this.game.input.inputObjects[i].input.priorityID == this._highestInputPriorityID && this.game.input.inputObjects[i].renderOrderID > this._highestRenderOrderID)) { this._highestRenderOrderID = this.game.input.inputObjects[i].renderOrderID; this._highestRenderObject = i; this._highestInputPriorityID = this.game.input.inputObjects[i].input.priorityID; } } } if(this._highestRenderObject == -1) { // The pointer isn't over anything, check if we've got a lingering previous target if(this.targetObject !== null) { this.targetObject.input._pointerOutHandler(this); this.targetObject = null; } } else { if(this.targetObject == null) { // And now set the new one this.targetObject = this.game.input.inputObjects[this._highestRenderObject]; this.targetObject.input._pointerOverHandler(this); } else { // We've got a target from the last update if(this.targetObject == this.game.input.inputObjects[this._highestRenderObject]) { // Same target as before, so update it if(this.targetObject.input.update(this) == false) { this.targetObject = null; } } else { // The target has changed, so tell the old one we've left it this.targetObject.input._pointerOutHandler(this); // And now set the new one this.targetObject = this.game.input.inputObjects[this._highestRenderObject]; this.targetObject.input._pointerOverHandler(this); } } } return this; }; Pointer.prototype.leave = /** * Called when the Pointer leaves the target area * @method leave * @param {Any} event */ function (event) { this.withinGame = false; this.move(event); }; Pointer.prototype.stop = /** * Called when the Pointer leaves the touchscreen * @method stop * @param {Any} event */ function (event) { if(this._stateReset) { event.preventDefault(); return; } this.timeUp = this.game.time.now; if(this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH || this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE || (this.game.input.multiInputOverride == Phaser.InputManager.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE && this.game.input.currentPointers == 0)) { this.game.input.onUp.dispatch(this); // Was it a tap? if(this.duration >= 0 && this.duration <= this.game.input.tapRate) { // Was it a double-tap? if(this.timeUp - this.previousTapTime < this.game.input.doubleTapRate) { // Yes, let's dispatch the signal then with the 2nd parameter set to true this.game.input.onTap.dispatch(this, true); } else { // Wasn't a double-tap, so dispatch a single tap signal this.game.input.onTap.dispatch(this, false); } this.previousTapTime = this.timeUp; } } // Mouse is always active if(this.id > 0) { this.active = false; } this.withinGame = false; this.isDown = false; this.isUp = true; if(this.isMouse == false) { this.game.input.currentPointers--; } for(var i = 0; i < this.game.input.totalTrackedObjects; i++) { if(this.game.input.inputObjects[i] && this.game.input.inputObjects[i].input && this.game.input.inputObjects[i].input.enabled) { this.game.input.inputObjects[i].input._releasedHandler(this); } } if(this.targetObject) { this.targetObject.input._releasedHandler(this); } this.targetObject = null; return this; }; Pointer.prototype.justPressed = /** * The Pointer is considered justPressed if the time it was pressed onto the touchscreen or clicked is less than justPressedRate * @method justPressed * @param {Number} [duration]. * @return {bool} */ function (duration) { if (typeof duration === "undefined") { duration = this.game.input.justPressedRate; } if(this.isDown === true && (this.timeDown + duration) > this.game.time.now) { return true; } else { return false; } }; Pointer.prototype.justReleased = /** * The Pointer is considered justReleased if the time it left the touchscreen is less than justReleasedRate * @method justReleased * @param {Number} [duration]. * @return {bool} */ function (duration) { if (typeof duration === "undefined") { duration = this.game.input.justReleasedRate; } if(this.isUp === true && (this.timeUp + duration) > this.game.time.now) { return true; } else { return false; } }; Pointer.prototype.reset = /** * Resets the Pointer properties. Called by InputManager.reset when you perform a State change. * @method reset */ function () { if(this.isMouse == false) { this.active = false; } this.identifier = null; this.isDown = false; this.isUp = true; this.totalTouches = 0; this._holdSent = false; this._history.length = 0; this._stateReset = true; if(this.targetObject && this.targetObject.input) { this.targetObject.input._releasedHandler(this); } this.targetObject = null; }; Pointer.prototype.toString = /** * Returns a string representation of this object. * @method toString * @return {String} a string representation of the instance. **/ function () { return "[{Pointer (id=" + this.id + " identifer=" + this.identifier + " active=" + this.active + " duration=" + this.duration + " withinGame=" + this.withinGame + " x=" + this.x + " y=" + this.y + " clientX=" + this.clientX + " clientY=" + this.clientY + " screenX=" + this.screenX + " screenY=" + this.screenY + " pageX=" + this.pageX + " pageY=" + this.pageY + ")}]"; }; return Pointer; })(); Phaser.Pointer = Pointer; })(Phaser || (Phaser = {}));