/// /** * Game * * This is where the magic happens. The Game object is the heart of your game, * providing quick access to common functions and handling the boot process. * * "Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something." * Thomas A. Edison * * @package Phaser.Game * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2013 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt MIT License */ var Phaser; (function (Phaser) { var Game = (function () { /** * Game constructor * * Instantiate a new Phaser.Game object. * * @constructor * @param callbackContext Which context will the callbacks be called with. * @param parent {string} ID of its parent DOM element. * @param width {number} The width of your game in game pixels. * @param height {number} The height of your game in game pixels. * @param preloadCallback {function} Preload callback invoked when init default screen. * @param createCallback {function} Create callback invoked when create default screen. * @param updateCallback {function} Update callback invoked when update default screen. * @param renderCallback {function} Render callback invoked when render default screen. * @param destroyCallback {function} Destroy callback invoked when state is destroyed. */ function Game(callbackContext, parent, width, height, preloadCallback, createCallback, updateCallback, renderCallback, destroyCallback) { if (typeof parent === "undefined") { parent = ''; } if (typeof width === "undefined") { width = 800; } if (typeof height === "undefined") { height = 600; } if (typeof preloadCallback === "undefined") { preloadCallback = null; } if (typeof createCallback === "undefined") { createCallback = null; } if (typeof updateCallback === "undefined") { updateCallback = null; } if (typeof renderCallback === "undefined") { renderCallback = null; } if (typeof destroyCallback === "undefined") { destroyCallback = null; } var _this = this; /** * Whether load complete loading or not. * @type {bool} */ this._loadComplete = false; /** * Game is paused? * @type {bool} */ this._paused = false; /** * The state to be switched to in the next frame. * @type {State} */ this._pendingState = null; /** * The current State object (defaults to null) * @type {State} */ this.state = null; /** * This will be called when init states. (loading assets...) * @type {function} */ this.onPreloadCallback = null; /** * This will be called when create states. (setup states...) * @type {function} */ this.onCreateCallback = null; /** * This will be called when State is updated, this doesn't happen during load (see onLoadUpdateCallback) * @type {function} */ this.onUpdateCallback = null; /** * This will be called when the State is rendered, this doesn't happen during load (see onLoadRenderCallback) * @type {function} */ this.onRenderCallback = null; /** * This will be called before the State is rendered and before the stage is cleared * @type {function} */ this.onPreRenderCallback = null; /** * This will be called when the State is updated but only during the load process * @type {function} */ this.onLoadUpdateCallback = null; /** * This will be called when the State is rendered but only during the load process * @type {function} */ this.onLoadRenderCallback = null; /** * This will be called when states paused. * @type {function} */ this.onPausedCallback = null; /** * This will be called when the state is destroyed (i.e. swapping to a new state) * @type {function} */ this.onDestroyCallback = null; /** * Whether the game engine is booted, aka available. * @type {bool} */ this.isBooted = false; /** * Is game running or paused? * @type {bool} */ this.isRunning = false; // Single instance check if(window['PhaserGlobal'] && window['PhaserGlobal'].singleInstance) { if(Phaser.GAMES.length > 0) { console.log('Phaser detected an instance of this game already running, aborting'); return; } } this.id = Phaser.GAMES.push(this) - 1; this.callbackContext = callbackContext; this.onPreloadCallback = preloadCallback; this.onCreateCallback = createCallback; this.onUpdateCallback = updateCallback; this.onRenderCallback = renderCallback; this.onDestroyCallback = destroyCallback; if(document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive') { setTimeout(function () { return Phaser.GAMES[_this.id].boot(parent, width, height); }); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', Phaser.GAMES[this.id].boot(parent, width, height), false); window.addEventListener('load', Phaser.GAMES[this.id].boot(parent, width, height), false); } } Game.prototype.boot = /** * Initialize engine sub modules and start the game. * @param parent {string} ID of parent Dom element. * @param width {number} Width of the game screen. * @param height {number} Height of the game screen. */ function (parent, width, height) { var _this = this; if(this.isBooted == true) { return; } if(!document.body) { setTimeout(function () { return Phaser.GAMES[_this.id].boot(parent, width, height); }, 13); } else { document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', Phaser.GAMES[this.id].boot); window.removeEventListener('load', Phaser.GAMES[this.id].boot); this.onPause = new Phaser.Signal(); this.onResume = new Phaser.Signal(); this.device = new Phaser.Device(); this.net = new Phaser.Net(this); this.math = new Phaser.GameMath(this); this.stage = new Phaser.Stage(this, parent, width, height); this.world = new Phaser.World(this, width, height); this.add = new Phaser.GameObjectFactory(this); this.cache = new Phaser.Cache(this); this.load = new Phaser.Loader(this); this.time = new Phaser.TimeManager(this); this.tweens = new Phaser.TweenManager(this); this.input = new Phaser.InputManager(this); this.sound = new Phaser.SoundManager(this); this.rnd = new Phaser.RandomDataGenerator([ (Date.now() * Math.random()).toString() ]); this.physics = new Phaser.Physics.PhysicsManager(this); this.plugins = new Phaser.PluginManager(this, this); this.load.onLoadComplete.add(this.loadComplete, this); this.setRenderer(Phaser.Types.RENDERER_CANVAS); this.world.boot(); this.stage.boot(); this.input.boot(); this.isBooted = true; // Set-up some static helper references Phaser.DebugUtils.game = this; Phaser.ColorUtils.game = this; Phaser.DebugUtils.context = this.stage.context; // Display the default game screen? if(this.onPreloadCallback == null && this.onCreateCallback == null && this.onUpdateCallback == null && this.onRenderCallback == null && this._pendingState == null) { this._raf = new Phaser.RequestAnimationFrame(this, this.bootLoop); } else { this.isRunning = true; this._loadComplete = false; this._raf = new Phaser.RequestAnimationFrame(this, this.loop); if(this._pendingState) { this.switchState(this._pendingState, false, false); } else { this.startState(); } } } }; Game.prototype.loadComplete = /** * Called when the load has finished after preload was run. */ function () { this._loadComplete = true; this.onCreateCallback.call(this.callbackContext); }; Game.prototype.bootLoop = /** * The bootLoop is called while the game is still booting (waiting for the DOM and resources to be available) */ function () { this.tweens.update(); this.input.update(); this.stage.update(); }; Game.prototype.pausedLoop = /** * The pausedLoop is called when the game is paused. */ function () { this.tweens.update(); this.input.update(); this.stage.update(); this.sound.update(); if(this.onPausedCallback !== null) { this.onPausedCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } }; Game.prototype.loop = /** * Game loop method will be called when it's running. */ function () { this.plugins.preUpdate(); this.tweens.update(); this.input.update(); this.stage.update(); this.sound.update(); this.physics.update(); this.world.update(); this.plugins.update(); if(this._loadComplete && this.onUpdateCallback) { this.onUpdateCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } else if(this._loadComplete == false && this.onLoadUpdateCallback) { this.onLoadUpdateCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } this.world.postUpdate(); this.plugins.postUpdate(); this.plugins.preRender(); if(this._loadComplete && this.onPreRenderCallback) { this.onPreRenderCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } this.renderer.render(); this.plugins.render(); if(this._loadComplete && this.onRenderCallback) { this.onRenderCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } else if(this._loadComplete == false && this.onLoadRenderCallback) { this.onLoadRenderCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } this.plugins.postRender(); }; Game.prototype.startState = /** * Start current state. */ function () { if(this.onPreloadCallback !== null) { this.load.reset(); this.onPreloadCallback.call(this.callbackContext); // Is the loader empty? if(this.load.queueSize == 0) { if(this.onCreateCallback !== null) { this.onCreateCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } this._loadComplete = true; } else { // Start the loader going as we have something in the queue this.load.onLoadComplete.add(this.loadComplete, this); this.load.start(); } } else { // No init? Then there was nothing to load either if(this.onCreateCallback !== null) { this.onCreateCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } this._loadComplete = true; } }; Game.prototype.setRenderer = function (renderer) { switch(renderer) { case Phaser.Types.RENDERER_AUTO_DETECT: this.renderer = new Phaser.Renderer.Headless.HeadlessRenderer(this); break; case Phaser.Types.RENDERER_AUTO_DETECT: case Phaser.Types.RENDERER_CANVAS: this.renderer = new Phaser.Renderer.Canvas.CanvasRenderer(this); break; // WebGL coming soon :) } }; Game.prototype.setCallbacks = /** * Set the most common state callbacks (init, create, update, render). * @param preloadCallback {function} Init callback invoked when init state. * @param createCallback {function} Create callback invoked when create state. * @param updateCallback {function} Update callback invoked when update state. * @param renderCallback {function} Render callback invoked when render state. * @param destroyCallback {function} Destroy callback invoked when state is destroyed. */ function (preloadCallback, createCallback, updateCallback, renderCallback, destroyCallback) { if (typeof preloadCallback === "undefined") { preloadCallback = null; } if (typeof createCallback === "undefined") { createCallback = null; } if (typeof updateCallback === "undefined") { updateCallback = null; } if (typeof renderCallback === "undefined") { renderCallback = null; } if (typeof destroyCallback === "undefined") { destroyCallback = null; } this.onPreloadCallback = preloadCallback; this.onCreateCallback = createCallback; this.onUpdateCallback = updateCallback; this.onRenderCallback = renderCallback; this.onDestroyCallback = destroyCallback; }; Game.prototype.switchState = /** * Switch to a new State. * @param state {State} The state you want to switch to. * @param [clearWorld] {bool} clear everything in the world? (Default to true) * @param [clearCache] {bool} clear asset cache? (Default to false and ONLY available when clearWorld=true) */ function (state, clearWorld, clearCache) { if (typeof clearWorld === "undefined") { clearWorld = true; } if (typeof clearCache === "undefined") { clearCache = false; } if(this.isBooted == false) { this._pendingState = state; return; } // Destroy current state? if(this.onDestroyCallback !== null) { this.onDestroyCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } this.input.reset(true); // Prototype? if(typeof state === 'function') { this.state = new state(this); } else { this.state = state; } // Ok, have we got the right functions? if(this.state['create'] || this.state['update']) { this.callbackContext = this.state; this.onPreloadCallback = null; this.onLoadRenderCallback = null; this.onLoadUpdateCallback = null; this.onCreateCallback = null; this.onUpdateCallback = null; this.onRenderCallback = null; this.onPreRenderCallback = null; this.onPausedCallback = null; this.onDestroyCallback = null; // Bingo, let's set them up if(this.state['preload']) { this.onPreloadCallback = this.state['preload']; } if(this.state['loadRender']) { this.onLoadRenderCallback = this.state['loadRender']; } if(this.state['loadUpdate']) { this.onLoadUpdateCallback = this.state['loadUpdate']; } if(this.state['create']) { this.onCreateCallback = this.state['create']; } if(this.state['update']) { this.onUpdateCallback = this.state['update']; } if(this.state['preRender']) { this.onPreRenderCallback = this.state['preRender']; } if(this.state['render']) { this.onRenderCallback = this.state['render']; } if(this.state['paused']) { this.onPausedCallback = this.state['paused']; } if(this.state['destroy']) { this.onDestroyCallback = this.state['destroy']; } if(clearWorld) { this.world.destroy(); if(clearCache == true) { this.cache.destroy(); } } this._loadComplete = false; this.startState(); } else { throw new Error("Invalid State object given. Must contain at least a create or update function."); } }; Game.prototype.destroy = /** * Nuke the entire game from orbit */ function () { this.callbackContext = null; this.onPreloadCallback = null; this.onLoadRenderCallback = null; this.onLoadUpdateCallback = null; this.onCreateCallback = null; this.onUpdateCallback = null; this.onRenderCallback = null; this.onPausedCallback = null; this.onDestroyCallback = null; this.cache = null; this.input = null; this.load = null; this.sound = null; this.stage = null; this.time = null; this.world = null; this.isBooted = false; }; Object.defineProperty(Game.prototype, "paused", { get: function () { return this._paused; }, set: function (value) { if(value == true && this._paused == false) { this._paused = true; this.onPause.dispatch(); this.sound.pauseAll(); this._raf.callback = this.pausedLoop; } else if(value == false && this._paused == true) { this._paused = false; this.onResume.dispatch(); this.input.reset(); this.sound.resumeAll(); if(this.isRunning == false) { this._raf.callback = this.bootLoop; } else { this._raf.callback = this.loop; } } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Game.prototype, "camera", { get: function () { return this.world.cameras.current; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return Game; })(); Phaser.Game = Game; })(Phaser || (Phaser = {}));