/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2018 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ var Actions = require('../../actions/'); var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var GetFastValue = require('../../utils/object/GetFastValue'); var GetValue = require('../../utils/object/GetValue'); var Range = require('../../utils/array/Range'); var Set = require('../../structs/Set'); var Sprite = require('../sprite/Sprite'); /** * @callback GroupCallback * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} item - A group member */ /** * @callback GroupMultipleCreateCallback * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[]} items - The newly created group members */ /** * @typedef {object} GroupConfig * * @property {?object} [classType=Sprite] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#classType}. * @property {?boolean} [active=true] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#active}. * @property {?number} [maxSize=-1] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#maxSize}. * @property {?string} [defaultKey=null] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#defaultKey}. * @property {?(string|integer)} [defaultFrame=null] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#defaultFrame}. * @property {?boolean} [runChildUpdate=false] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#runChildUpdate}. * @property {?GroupCallback} [createCallback=null] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createCallback}. * @property {?GroupCallback} [removeCallback=null] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#removeCallback}. * @property {?GroupMultipleCreateCallback} [createMultipleCallback=null] - Sets {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createMultipleCallback}. */ /** * @typedef {object} GroupCreateConfig * * The total number of objects created will be * * key.length * frame.length * frameQuantity * (yoyo ? 2 : 1) * (1 + repeat) * * In the simplest case, 1 + `repeat` objects will be created. * * If `max` is positive, then the total created will not exceed `max`. * * `key` is required. * * @property {?object} [classType] - The class of each new Game Object. * @property {string} [key] - The texture key of each new Game Object. * @property {?(string|integer)} [frame=null] - The texture frame of each new Game Object. * @property {?boolean} [visible=true] - The visible state of each new Game Object. * @property {?boolean} [active=true] - The active state of each new Game Object. * @property {?number} [repeat=0] - The number of times each `key` × `frame` combination will be *repeated* (after the first combination). * @property {?boolean} [randomKey=false] - Select a `key` at random. * @property {?boolean} [randomFrame=false] - Select a `frame` at random. * @property {?boolean} [yoyo=false] - Select keys and frames by moving forward then backward through `key` and `frame`. * @property {?number} [frameQuantity=1] - The number of times each `frame` should be combined with one `key`. * @property {?number} [max=0] - The maximum number of new Game Objects to create. 0 is no maximum. * @property {?object} [setXY] * @property {?number} [setXY.x=0] - The horizontal position of each new Game Object. * @property {?number} [setXY.y=0] - The vertical position of each new Game Object. * @property {?number} [setXY.stepX=0] - Increment each Game Object's horizontal position from the previous by this amount, starting from `setXY.x`. * @property {?number} [setXY.stepY=0] - Increment each Game Object's vertical position from the previous by this amount, starting from `setXY.y`. * @property {?object} [setRotation] * @property {?number} [setRotation.value=0] - Rotation of each new Game Object. * @property {?number} [setRotation.step=0] - Increment each Game Object's rotation from the previous by this amount, starting at `setRotation.value`. * @property {?object} [setScale] * @property {?number} [setScale.x=0] - The horizontal scale of each new Game Object. * @property {?number} [setScale.y=0] - The vertical scale of each new Game Object. * @property {?number} [setScale.stepX=0] - Increment each Game Object's horizontal scale from the previous by this amount, starting from `setScale.x`. * @property {?number} [setScale.stepY=0] - Increment each Game object's vertical scale from the previous by this amount, starting from `setScale.y`. * @property {?object} [setAlpha] * @property {?number} [setAlpha.value=0] - The alpha value of each new Game Object. * @property {?number} [setAlpha.step=0] - Increment each Game Object's alpha from the previous by this amount, starting from `setAlpha.value`. * @property {?*} [hitArea] - A geometric shape that defines the hit area for the Game Object. * @property {?HitAreaCallback} [hitAreaCallback] - A callback to be invoked when the Game Object is interacted with. * @property {?(false|GridAlignConfig)} [gridAlign=false] - Align the new Game Objects in a grid using these settings. * * @see Phaser.Actions.GridAlign * @see Phaser.Actions.SetAlpha * @see Phaser.Actions.SetHitArea * @see Phaser.Actions.SetRotation * @see Phaser.Actions.SetScale * @see Phaser.Actions.SetXY * @see Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createFromConfig * @see Phaser.Utils.Array.Range */ /** * @classdesc A Group is a way for you to create, manipulate, or recycle similar Game Objects. * * Group membership is non-exclusive. A Game Object can belong to several groups, one group, or none. * * Groups themselves aren't displayable, and can't be positioned, rotated, scaled, or hidden. * * @class Group * @memberOf Phaser.GameObjects * @constructor * @since 3.0.0 * @param {Phaser.Scene} scene - The scene this group belongs to. * @param {?(Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[]|GroupConfig)} [children] - Game objects to add to this group; or the `config` argument. * @param {GroupConfig} [config] - Settings for this group. * * @see Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Group * @see Phaser.Physics.Arcade.StaticGroup */ var Group = new Class({ initialize: function Group (scene, children, config) { if (config === undefined && !Array.isArray(children) && typeof children === 'object') { config = children; children = null; } /** * This scene this group belongs to. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#scene * @type {Phaser.Scene} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.scene = scene; /** * Members of this group. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#children * @type {Phaser.Structs.Set.} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.children = new Set(children); /** * A flag identifying this object as a group. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#isParent * @type {boolean} * @default true * @since 3.0.0 */ this.isParent = true; /** * The class to create new group members from. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#classType * @type {object} * @since 3.0.0 * @default Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite */ this.classType = GetFastValue(config, 'classType', Sprite); /** * Whether this group runs its {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#preUpdate} method * (which may update any members). * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#active * @type {boolean} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.active = GetFastValue(config, 'active', true); /** * The maximum size of this group, if used as a pool. -1 is no limit. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#maxSize * @type {integer} * @since 3.0.0 * @default -1 */ this.maxSize = GetFastValue(config, 'maxSize', -1); /** * A default texture key to use when creating new group members. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#defaultKey * @type {string} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.defaultKey = GetFastValue(config, 'defaultKey', null); /** * A default texture frame to use when creating new group members. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#defaultFrame * @type {(string|integer)} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.defaultFrame = GetFastValue(config, 'defaultFrame', null); /** * Whether to call the update method of any members. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#runChildUpdate * @type {boolean} * @default false * @since 3.0.0 * @see Phaser.GameObjects.Group#preUpdate */ this.runChildUpdate = GetFastValue(config, 'runChildUpdate', false); /** * A function to be called when adding or creating group members. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createCallback * @type {?GroupCallback} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.createCallback = GetFastValue(config, 'createCallback', null); /** * A function to be called when removing group members. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#removeCallback * @type {?GroupCallback} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.removeCallback = GetFastValue(config, 'removeCallback', null); /** * A function to be called when creating several group members at once. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createMultipleCallback * @type {?GroupMultipleCreateCallback} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.createMultipleCallback = GetFastValue(config, 'createMultipleCallback', null); if (config) { this.createMultiple(config); } }, /** * Creates a new Game Object and adds it to this group, unless the group {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#isFull is full}. * * Calls {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createCallback}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#create * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} [x=0] - The horizontal position of the new Game Object in the world. * @param {number} [y=0] - The vertical position of the new Game Object in the world. * @param {string} [key=defaultKey] - The texture key of the new Game Object. * @param {(string|integer)} [frame=defaultFrame] - The texture frame of the new Game Object. * @param {boolean} [visible=true] - The {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible#visible} state of the new Game Object. * @param {boolean} [active=true] - The {@link Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#active} state of the new Game Object. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} The new Game Object. */ create: function (x, y, key, frame, visible, active) { if (x === undefined) { x = 0; } if (y === undefined) { y = 0; } if (key === undefined) { key = this.defaultKey; } if (frame === undefined) { frame = this.defaultFrame; } if (visible === undefined) { visible = true; } if (active === undefined) { active = true; } // Pool? if (this.isFull()) { return null; } var child = new this.classType(this.scene, x, y, key, frame); this.scene.sys.displayList.add(child); if (child.preUpdate) { this.scene.sys.updateList.add(child); } child.visible = visible; child.setActive(active); this.add(child); return child; }, /** * Creates several Game Objects and adds them to this group. * * Calls {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createMultipleCallback} * and {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createCallback}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createMultiple * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {GroupCreateConfig|GroupCreateConfig[]} config - Creation settings. This can be a single configuration object or an array of such objects, which will be applied in turn. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[]} The newly created Game Objects. */ createMultiple: function (config) { if (!Array.isArray(config)) { config = [ config ]; } var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < config.length; i++) { var entries = this.createFromConfig(config[i]); output = output.concat(entries); } return output; }, /** * A helper for {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createMultiple}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createFromConfig * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {GroupCreateConfig} options - Creation settings. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[]} The newly created Game Objects. */ createFromConfig: function (options) { this.classType = GetFastValue(options, 'classType', this.classType); var key = GetFastValue(options, 'key', undefined); var frame = GetFastValue(options, 'frame', null); var visible = GetFastValue(options, 'visible', true); var active = GetFastValue(options, 'active', true); var entries = []; // Can't do anything without at least a key if (key === undefined) { return entries; } else { if (!Array.isArray(key)) { key = [ key ]; } if (!Array.isArray(frame)) { frame = [ frame ]; } } // Build an array of key frame pairs to loop through var repeat = GetFastValue(options, 'repeat', 0); var randomKey = GetFastValue(options, 'randomKey', false); var randomFrame = GetFastValue(options, 'randomFrame', false); var yoyo = GetFastValue(options, 'yoyo', false); var quantity = GetFastValue(options, 'frameQuantity', 1); var max = GetFastValue(options, 'max', 0); // If a grid is set we use that to override the quantity? var range = Range(key, frame, { max: max, qty: quantity, random: randomKey, randomB: randomFrame, repeat: repeat, yoyo: yoyo }); for (var c = 0; c < range.length; c++) { entries.push(this.create(0, 0, range[c].a, range[c].b, visible, active)); } // Post-creation options (applied only to those items created in this call): var x = GetValue(options, 'setXY.x', 0); var y = GetValue(options, 'setXY.y', 0); var stepX = GetValue(options, 'setXY.stepX', 0); var stepY = GetValue(options, 'setXY.stepY', 0); Actions.SetXY(entries, x, y, stepX, stepY); var rotation = GetValue(options, 'setRotation.value', 0); var stepRotation = GetValue(options, 'setRotation.step', 0); Actions.SetRotation(entries, rotation, stepRotation); var scaleX = GetValue(options, 'setScale.x', 1); var scaleY = GetValue(options, 'setScale.y', scaleX); var stepScaleX = GetValue(options, 'setScale.stepX', 0); var stepScaleY = GetValue(options, 'setScale.stepY', 0); Actions.SetScale(entries, scaleX, scaleY, stepScaleX, stepScaleY); var alpha = GetValue(options, 'setAlpha.value', 1); var stepAlpha = GetValue(options, 'setAlpha.step', 0); Actions.SetAlpha(entries, alpha, stepAlpha); var hitArea = GetFastValue(options, 'hitArea', null); var hitAreaCallback = GetFastValue(options, 'hitAreaCallback', null); if (hitArea) { Actions.SetHitArea(entries, hitArea, hitAreaCallback); } var grid = GetFastValue(options, 'gridAlign', false); if (grid) { Actions.GridAlign(entries, grid); } if (this.createMultipleCallback) { this.createMultipleCallback.call(this, entries); } return entries; }, /** * Updates any group members, if {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#runChildUpdate} is enabled. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#preUpdate * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} time - The current timestamp. * @param {number} delta - The delta time elapsed since the last frame. */ preUpdate: function (time, delta) { if (!this.runChildUpdate || this.children.size === 0) { return; } // Because a Group child may mess with the length of the Group during its update var temp = this.children.entries.slice(); for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { var item = temp[i]; if (item.active) { item.update(time, delta); } } }, /** * Adds a Game Object to this group. * * Calls {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createCallback}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#add * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} child - The Game Object to add. * @param {boolean} [addToScene=false] - Also add the Game Object to the scene. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Group} This Group object. */ add: function (child, addToScene) { if (addToScene === undefined) { addToScene = false; } this.children.set(child); if (this.createCallback) { this.createCallback.call(this, child); } if (addToScene) { this.scene.sys.displayList.add(child); if (child.preUpdate) { this.scene.sys.updateList.add(child); } } child.on('destroy', this.remove, this); return this; }, /** * Adds several Game Objects to this group. * * Calls {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#createCallback}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#addMultiple * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[]} children - The Game Objects to add. * @param {boolean} [addToScene=false] - Also add the Game Objects to the scene. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Group} This group. */ addMultiple: function (children, addToScene) { if (addToScene === undefined) { addToScene = false; } if (Array.isArray(children)) { for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { this.add(children[i], addToScene); } } return this; }, /** * Removes a member of this group. * * Calls {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#removeCallback}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#remove * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} child - The Game Object to remove. * @param {boolean} [removeFromScene=false] - Also remove the group member from the scene. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Group} This Group object. */ remove: function (child, removeFromScene) { if (removeFromScene === undefined) { removeFromScene = false; } this.children.delete(child); if (this.removeCallback) { this.removeCallback.call(this, child); } if (removeFromScene) { this.scene.sys.displayList.remove(child); if (child.preUpdate) { this.scene.sys.updateList.remove(child); } } child.off('destroy', this.remove, this); return this; }, /** * Removes all members of this group. * * Does not call {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#removeCallback}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#clear * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {boolean} [removeFromScene=false] - Also remove each group member from the scene. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Group} This group. */ clear: function (removeFromScene) { if (removeFromScene === undefined) { removeFromScene = false; } var children = this.children; for (var i = 0; i < children.size; i++) { var gameObject = children.entries[i]; gameObject.off('destroy', this.remove, this); if (removeFromScene) { this.scene.sys.displayList.remove(gameObject); if (gameObject.preUpdate) { this.scene.sys.updateList.remove(gameObject); } } } this.children.clear(); return this; }, /** * Tests if a Game Object is a member of this group. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#contains * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} child - A Game Object. * * @return {boolean} True if the Game Object is a member of this group. */ contains: function (child) { return this.children.contains(child); }, /** * All members of the group. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#getChildren * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[]} The group members. */ getChildren: function () { return this.children.entries; }, /** * The number of members of the group. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#getLength * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {integer} */ getLength: function () { return this.children.size; }, /** * Scans the group for the first member that has an {@link Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#active} state matching the argument, * assigns `x` and `y`, and returns the member. * * If no matching member is found and `createIfNull` is true and the group isn't full then it will create a new Game Object using `x`, `y`, `key`, `frame`, and `visible`. * Unless a new member is created, `key`, `frame`, and `visible` are ignored. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#getFirst * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {boolean} [state=false] - The {@link Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#active} value to match. * @param {boolean} [createIfNull=false] - Create a new Game Object if no matching members are found, using the following arguments. * @param {number} [x] - The horizontal position of the Game Object in the world. * @param {number} [y] - The vertical position of the Game Object in the world. * @param {string} [key=defaultKey] - The texture key assigned to a new Game Object (if one is created). * @param {(string|integer)} [frame=defaultFrame] - A texture frame assigned to a new Game Object (if one is created). * @param {boolean} [visible=true] - The {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible#visible} state of a new Game Object (if one is created). * * @return {?Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} The first matching group member, or a newly created member, or null. */ getFirst: function (state, createIfNull, x, y, key, frame, visible) { if (state === undefined) { state = false; } if (createIfNull === undefined) { createIfNull = false; } var gameObject; var children = this.children.entries; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { gameObject = children[i]; if (gameObject.active === state) { if (typeof(x) === 'number') { gameObject.x = x; } if (typeof(y) === 'number') { gameObject.y = y; } return gameObject; } } // Got this far? We need to create or bail if (createIfNull) { return this.create(x, y, key, frame, visible); } else { return null; } }, /** * Scans the group for the first member that has an {@link Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#active} state set to `false`, * assigns `x` and `y`, and returns the member. * * If no inactive member is found and the group isn't full then it will create a new Game Object using `x`, `y`, `key`, `frame`, and `visible`. * The new Game Object will have its active state set to `true`. * Unless a new member is created, `key`, `frame`, and `visible` are ignored. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#get * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} [x] - The horizontal position of the Game Object in the world. * @param {number} [y] - The vertical position of the Game Object in the world. * @param {string} [key=defaultKey] - The texture key assigned to a new Game Object (if one is created). * @param {(string|integer)} [frame=defaultFrame] - A texture frame assigned to a new Game Object (if one is created). * @param {boolean} [visible=true] - The {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible#visible} state of a new Game Object (if one is created). * * @return {?Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} The first inactive group member, or a newly created member, or null. */ get: function (x, y, key, frame, visible) { return this.getFirst(false, true, x, y, key, frame, visible); }, /** * Scans the group for the first member that has an {@link Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#active} state set to `true`, * assigns `x` and `y`, and returns the member. * * If no active member is found and `createIfNull` is `true` and the group isn't full then it will create a new one using `x`, `y`, `key`, `frame`, and `visible`. * Unless a new member is created, `key`, `frame`, and `visible` are ignored. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#getFirstAlive * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {boolean} [createIfNull=false] - Create a new Game Object if no matching members are found, using the following arguments. * @param {number} [x] - The horizontal position of the Game Object in the world. * @param {number} [y] - The vertical position of the Game Object in the world. * @param {string} [key=defaultKey] - The texture key assigned to a new Game Object (if one is created). * @param {(string|integer)} [frame=defaultFrame] - A texture frame assigned to a new Game Object (if one is created). * @param {boolean} [visible=true] - The {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible#visible} state of a new Game Object (if one is created). * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} The first active group member, or a newly created member, or null. */ getFirstAlive: function (createIfNull, x, y, key, frame, visible) { return this.getFirst(true, createIfNull, x, y, key, frame, visible); }, /** * Scans the group for the first member that has an {@link Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#active} state set to `false`, * assigns `x` and `y`, and returns the member. * * If no inactive member is found and `createIfNull` is `true` and the group isn't full then it will create a new one using `x`, `y`, `key`, `frame`, and `visible`. * The new Game Object will have an active state set to `true`. * Unless a new member is created, `key`, `frame`, and `visible` are ignored. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#getFirstDead * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {boolean} [createIfNull=false] - Create a new Game Object if no matching members are found, using the following arguments. * @param {number} [x] - The horizontal position of the Game Object in the world. * @param {number} [y] - The vertical position of the Game Object in the world. * @param {string} [key=defaultKey] - The texture key assigned to a new Game Object (if one is created). * @param {(string|integer)} [frame=defaultFrame] - A texture frame assigned to a new Game Object (if one is created). * @param {boolean} [visible=true] - The {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible#visible} state of a new Game Object (if one is created). * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} The first inactive group member, or a newly created member, or null. */ getFirstDead: function (createIfNull, x, y, key, frame, visible) { return this.getFirst(false, createIfNull, x, y, key, frame, visible); }, /** * {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Animation#play Plays} an animation for all members of this group. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#playAnimation * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {string} key - The string-based key of the animation to play. * @param {string} [startFrame=0] - Optionally start the animation playing from this frame index. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Group} This Group object. */ playAnimation: function (key, startFrame) { Actions.PlayAnimation(this.children.entries, key, startFrame); return this; }, /** * Whether this group's size at its {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#maxSize maximum}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#isFull * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {boolean} True if the number of members equals {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#maxSize}. */ isFull: function () { if (this.maxSize === -1) { return false; } else { return (this.children.size === this.maxSize); } }, /** * Counts the number of active (or inactive) group members. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#countActive * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {boolean} [value=true] - Count active (true) or inactive (false) group members. * * @return {integer} The number of group members with an active state matching the `active` argument. */ countActive: function (value) { if (value === undefined) { value = true; } var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.children.size; i++) { if (this.children.entries[i].active === value) { total++; } } return total; }, /** * Counts the number of in-use (active) group members. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#getTotalUsed * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {integer} The number of group members with an active state of true. */ getTotalUsed: function () { return this.countActive(); }, /** * The difference of {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#maxSize} and the number of active group members. * * This represents the number of group members that could be created or reactivated before reaching the size limit. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#getTotalFree * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {integer} maxSize minus the number of active group numbers; or a large number (if maxSize is -1). */ getTotalFree: function () { var used = this.getTotalUsed(); var capacity = (this.maxSize === -1) ? 999999999999 : this.maxSize; return (capacity - used); }, /** * Sets the depth of each group member. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#setDepth * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} value - The amount to set the property to. * @param {number} step - This is added to the `value` amount, multiplied by the iteration counter. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Group} This Group object. */ setDepth: function (value, step) { Actions.SetDepth(this.children.entries, value, step); return this; }, /** * Deactivates a member of this group. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#kill * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} gameObject - A member of this group. */ kill: function (gameObject) { if (this.children.contains(gameObject)) { gameObject.setActive(false); } }, /** * Deactivates and hides a member of this group. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#killAndHide * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} gameObject - A member of this group. */ killAndHide: function (gameObject) { if (this.children.contains(gameObject)) { gameObject.setActive(false); gameObject.setVisible(false); } }, /** * Toggles (flips) the visible state of each member of this group. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#toggleVisible * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Group} This Group object. */ toggleVisible: function () { Actions.ToggleVisible(this.children.entries); return this; }, /** * Empties this group and removes it from the scene. * * Does not call {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Group#removeCallback}. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.Group#destroy * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {boolean} [destroyChildren=false] - Also {@link Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#destroy} each group member. */ destroy: function (destroyChildren) { if (destroyChildren === undefined) { destroyChildren = false; } if (destroyChildren) { var children = this.children; for (var i = 0; i < children.size; i++) { var gameObject = children.entries[i]; // Remove the event hook first or it'll go all recursive hell on us gameObject.off('destroy', this.remove, this); gameObject.destroy(); } } this.children.clear(); this.scene = undefined; this.children = undefined; } }); module.exports = Group;