/** * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2016 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * If you need more fine-grained control over the handling of specific keys you can create and use Phaser.Key objects. * * @class Phaser.Key * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - Current game instance. * @param {integer} keycode - The key code this Key is responsible for. See {@link Phaser.KeyCode}. */ Phaser.Key = function (game, keycode) { /** * @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game. */ this.game = game; /** * The enabled state of the key - see `enabled`. * @property {boolean} _enabled * @private */ this._enabled = true; /** * @property {object} event - Stores the most recent DOM event. * @readonly */ this.event = null; /** * @property {boolean} isDown - The "down" state of the key. This will remain `true` for as long as the keyboard thinks this key is held down. * @default */ this.isDown = false; /** * @property {boolean} isUp - The "up" state of the key. This will remain `true` for as long as the keyboard thinks this key is up. * @default */ this.isUp = true; /** * @property {boolean} altKey - The down state of the ALT key, if pressed at the same time as this key. * @default */ this.altKey = false; /** * @property {boolean} ctrlKey - The down state of the CTRL key, if pressed at the same time as this key. * @default */ this.ctrlKey = false; /** * @property {boolean} shiftKey - The down state of the SHIFT key, if pressed at the same time as this key. * @default */ this.shiftKey = false; /** * @property {number} timeDown - The timestamp when the key was last pressed down. This is based on Game.time.now. */ this.timeDown = 0; /** * If the key is down this value holds the duration of that key press and is constantly updated. * If the key is up it holds the duration of the previous down session. * @property {number} duration - The number of milliseconds this key has been held down for. * @default */ this.duration = 0; /** * @property {number} timeUp - The timestamp when the key was last released. This is based on Game.time.now. * @default */ this.timeUp = -2500; /** * @property {number} repeats - If a key is held down this holds down the number of times the key has 'repeated'. * @default */ this.repeats = 0; /** * @property {number} keyCode - The keycode of this key. */ this.keyCode = keycode; /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onDown - This Signal is dispatched every time this Key is pressed down. It is only dispatched once (until the key is released again). */ this.onDown = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {function} onHoldCallback - A callback that is called while this Key is held down. Warning: Depending on refresh rate that could be 60+ times per second. */ this.onHoldCallback = null; /** * @property {object} onHoldContext - The context under which the onHoldCallback will be called. */ this.onHoldContext = null; /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onUp - This Signal is dispatched every time this Key is released. It is only dispatched once (until the key is pressed and released again). */ this.onUp = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {boolean} _justDown - True if the key has just been pressed (NOTE: requires to be reset, see justDown getter) * @private */ this._justDown = false; /** * @property {boolean} _justUp - True if the key has just been pressed (NOTE: requires to be reset, see justDown getter) * @private */ this._justUp = false; }; Phaser.Key.prototype = { /** * Called automatically by Phaser.Keyboard. * * @method Phaser.Key#update * @protected */ update: function () { if (!this._enabled) { return; } if (this.isDown) { this.duration = this.game.time.time - this.timeDown; this.repeats++; if (this.onHoldCallback) { this.onHoldCallback.call(this.onHoldContext, this); } } }, /** * Called automatically by Phaser.Keyboard. * * @method Phaser.Key#processKeyDown * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - The DOM event that triggered this. * @protected */ processKeyDown: function (event) { if (!this._enabled) { return; } this.event = event; // exit if this key down is from auto-repeat if (this.isDown) { return; } this.altKey = event.altKey; this.ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey; this.shiftKey = event.shiftKey; this.isDown = true; this.isUp = false; this.timeDown = this.game.time.time; this.duration = 0; this.repeats = 0; // _justDown will remain true until it is read via the justDown Getter // this enables the game to poll for past presses, or reset it at the start of a new game state this._justDown = true; this.onDown.dispatch(this); }, /** * Called automatically by Phaser.Keyboard. * * @method Phaser.Key#processKeyUp * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - The DOM event that triggered this. * @protected */ processKeyUp: function (event) { if (!this._enabled) { return; } this.event = event; if (this.isUp) { return; } this.isDown = false; this.isUp = true; this.timeUp = this.game.time.time; this.duration = this.game.time.time - this.timeDown; // _justUp will remain true until it is read via the justUp Getter // this enables the game to poll for past presses, or reset it at the start of a new game state this._justUp = true; this.onUp.dispatch(this); }, /** * Resets the state of this Key. * * This sets isDown to false, isUp to true, resets the time to be the current time, and _enables_ the key. * In addition, if it is a "hard reset", it clears clears any callbacks associated with the onDown and onUp events and removes the onHoldCallback. * * @method Phaser.Key#reset * @param {boolean} [hard=true] - A soft reset won't reset any events or callbacks; a hard reset will. */ reset: function (hard) { if (hard === undefined) { hard = true; } this.isDown = false; this.isUp = true; this.timeUp = this.game.time.time; this.duration = 0; this._enabled = true; // .enabled causes reset(false) this._justDown = false; this._justUp = false; if (hard) { this.onDown.removeAll(); this.onUp.removeAll(); this.onHoldCallback = null; this.onHoldContext = null; } }, /** * Returns `true` if the Key was pressed down within the `duration` value given, or `false` if it either isn't down, * or was pressed down longer ago than then given duration. * * @method Phaser.Key#downDuration * @param {number} [duration=50] - The duration within which the key is considered as being just pressed. Given in ms. * @return {boolean} True if the key was pressed down within the given duration. */ downDuration: function (duration) { if (duration === undefined) { duration = 50; } return (this.isDown && this.duration < duration); }, /** * Returns `true` if the Key was pressed down within the `duration` value given, or `false` if it either isn't down, * or was pressed down longer ago than then given duration. * * @method Phaser.Key#upDuration * @param {number} [duration=50] - The duration within which the key is considered as being just released. Given in ms. * @return {boolean} True if the key was released within the given duration. */ upDuration: function (duration) { if (duration === undefined) { duration = 50; } return (!this.isDown && ((this.game.time.time - this.timeUp) < duration)); } }; /** * The justDown value allows you to test if this Key has just been pressed down or not. * When you check this value it will return `true` if the Key is down, otherwise `false`. * You can only call justDown once per key press. It will only return `true` once, until the Key is released and pressed down again. * This allows you to use it in situations where you want to check if this key is down without using a Signal, such as in a core game loop. * * @name Phaser.Key#justDown * @property {boolean} justDown * @memberof Phaser.Key * @default false */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Key.prototype, "justDown", { get: function () { var current = this._justDown; this._justDown = false; return current; } }); /** * The justUp value allows you to test if this Key has just been released or not. * When you check this value it will return `true` if the Key is up, otherwise `false`. * You can only call justUp once per key release. It will only return `true` once, until the Key is pressed down and released again. * This allows you to use it in situations where you want to check if this key is up without using a Signal, such as in a core game loop. * * @name Phaser.Key#justUp * @property {boolean} justUp * @memberof Phaser.Key * @default false */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Key.prototype, "justUp", { get: function () { var current = this._justUp; this._justUp = false; return current; } }); /** * An enabled key processes its update and dispatches events. * A key can be disabled momentarily at runtime instead of deleting it. * @name Phaser.Key#enabled * @property {boolean} enabled * @memberof Phaser.Key * @default true */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Key.prototype, "enabled", { get: function () { return this._enabled; }, set: function (value) { value = !!value; if (value !== this._enabled) { if (!value) { this.reset(false); } this._enabled = value; } } }); Phaser.Key.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Key;