/** * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * The Stage controls the canvas on which everything is displayed. It handles display within the browser, * focus handling, game resizing, scaling and the pause, boot and orientation screens. * * @class Phaser.Stage * @extends PIXI.Stage * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - Game reference to the currently running game. * @param {number} width - Width of the canvas element. * @param {number} height - Height of the canvas element. */ Phaser.Stage = function (game, width, height) { /** * @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running Game. */ this.game = game; /** * @property {Phaser.Point} offset - Holds the offset coordinates of the Game.canvas from the top-left of the browser window (used by Input and other classes) */ this.offset = new Phaser.Point(); PIXI.Stage.call(this, 0x000000, false); /** * @property {string} name - The name of this object. * @default */ this.name = '_stage_root'; this.interactive = false; /** * @property {boolean} disableVisibilityChange - By default if the browser tab loses focus the game will pause. You can stop that behaviour by setting this property to true. * @default */ this.disableVisibilityChange = false; /** * @property {number|false} checkOffsetInterval - The time (in ms) between which the stage should check to see if it has moved. * @default */ this.checkOffsetInterval = 2500; /** * @property {boolean} exists - If exists is true the Stage and all children are updated, otherwise it is skipped. * @default */ this.exists = true; /** * @property {number} _nextOffsetCheck - The time to run the next offset check. * @private */ this._nextOffsetCheck = 0; /** * @property {number} _backgroundColor - Stage background color. * @private */ this._backgroundColor; if (game.config) { this.parseConfig(game.config); } else { this.game.canvas = Phaser.Canvas.create(width, height); this.game.canvas.style['-webkit-full-screen'] = 'width: 100%; height: 100%'; } }; Phaser.Stage.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Stage.prototype); Phaser.Stage.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Stage; /** * This is called automatically after the plugins preUpdate and before the State.update. * Most objects have preUpdate methods and it's where initial movement and positioning is done. * * @method Phaser.Stage#preUpdate */ Phaser.Stage.prototype.preUpdate = function () { this.currentRenderOrderID = 0; var i = this.children.length; while (i--) { this.children[i].preUpdate(); } } /** * This is called automatically after the State.update, but before particles or plugins update. * * @method Phaser.Stage#update */ Phaser.Stage.prototype.update = function () { var i = this.children.length; while (i--) { this.children[i].update(); } } /** * This is called automatically before the renderer runs and after the plugins have updated. * In postUpdate this is where all the final physics calculatations and object positioning happens. * The objects are processed in the order of the display list. * The only exception to this is if the camera is following an object, in which case that is updated first. * * @method Phaser.Stage#postUpdate */ Phaser.Stage.prototype.postUpdate = function () { if (this.game.world.camera.target) { this.game.world.camera.target.postUpdate(); this.game.world.camera.update(); var i = this.children.length; while (i--) { if (this.children[i] !== this.game.world.camera.target) { this.children[i].postUpdate(); } } } else { this.game.world.camera.update(); var i = this.children.length; while (i--) { this.children[i].postUpdate(); } } } /** * Parses a Game configuration object. * * @method Phaser.Stage#parseConfig * @protected */ Phaser.Stage.prototype.parseConfig = function (config) { if (config['canvasID']) { this.game.canvas = Phaser.Canvas.create(this.game.width, this.game.height, config['canvasID']); } else { this.game.canvas = Phaser.Canvas.create(this.game.width, this.game.height); } if (config['canvasStyle']) { this.game.canvas.stlye = config['canvasStyle']; } else { this.game.canvas.style['-webkit-full-screen'] = 'width: 100%; height: 100%'; } if (config['checkOffsetInterval']) { this.checkOffsetInterval = config['checkOffsetInterval']; } if (config['disableVisibilityChange']) { this.disableVisibilityChange = config['disableVisibilityChange']; } if (config['fullScreenScaleMode']) { this.fullScreenScaleMode = config['fullScreenScaleMode']; } if (config['scaleMode']) { this.scaleMode = config['scaleMode']; } if (config['backgroundColor']) { this.backgroundColor = config['backgroundColor']; } } /** * Initialises the stage and adds the event listeners. * @method Phaser.Stage#boot * @private */ Phaser.Stage.prototype.boot = function () { Phaser.Canvas.getOffset(this.game.canvas, this.offset); this.bounds = new Phaser.Rectangle(this.offset.x, this.offset.y, this.game.width, this.game.height); var _this = this; this._onChange = function (event) { return _this.visibilityChange(event); } Phaser.Canvas.setUserSelect(this.game.canvas, 'none'); Phaser.Canvas.setTouchAction(this.game.canvas, 'none'); document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this._onChange, false); document.addEventListener('webkitvisibilitychange', this._onChange, false); document.addEventListener('pagehide', this._onChange, false); document.addEventListener('pageshow', this._onChange, false); window.onblur = this._onChange; window.onfocus = this._onChange; } /** * Runs Stage processes that need periodic updates, such as the offset checks. * @method Phaser.Stage#update */ Phaser.Stage.prototype.update = function () { if (this.checkOffsetInterval !== false) { if (this.game.time.now > this._nextOffsetCheck) { Phaser.Canvas.getOffset(this.game.canvas, this.offset); this._nextOffsetCheck = this.game.time.now + this.checkOffsetInterval; } } } /** * This method is called when the document visibility is changed. * @method Phaser.Stage#visibilityChange * @param {Event} event - Its type will be used to decide whether the game should be paused or not. */ Phaser.Stage.prototype.visibilityChange = function (event) { if (this.disableVisibilityChange) { return; } if (this.game.paused === false && (event.type == 'pagehide' || event.type == 'blur' || document['hidden'] === true || document['webkitHidden'] === true)) { this.game.paused = true; } else { this.game.paused = false; } } /** * Sets the background color for the stage. * * @name Phaser.Stage#setBackgroundColor * @param {number} backgroundColor - The color of the background, easiest way to pass this in is in hex format like: 0xFFFFFF for white. */ Phaser.Stage.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(backgroundColor) { this._backgroundColor = backgroundColor || 0x000000; this.backgroundColorSplit = PIXI.hex2rgb(this.backgroundColor); var hex = this._backgroundColor.toString(16); hex = '000000'.substr(0, 6 - hex.length) + hex; this.backgroundColorString = '#' + hex; } /** * @name Phaser.Stage#backgroundColor * @property {number|string} backgroundColor - Gets and sets the background color of the stage. The color can be given as a number: 0xff0000 or a hex string: '#ff0000' */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Stage.prototype, "backgroundColor", { get: function () { return this._backgroundColor; }, set: function (color) { this._backgroundColor = color; if (this.game.transparent === false) { if (typeof color === 'string') { color = Phaser.Color.hexToRGB(color); } this.setBackgroundColor(color); } } });