// Phaser.Physics.Matter.World var Bodies = require('./lib/factory/Bodies'); var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var Composite = require('./lib/body/Composite'); var Engine = require('./lib/core/Engine'); var EventEmitter = require('eventemitter3'); var GetFastValue = require('../../utils/object/GetFastValue'); var GetValue = require('../../utils/object/GetValue'); var MatterBody = require('./lib/body/Body'); var MatterEvents = require('./lib/core/Events'); var MatterWorld = require('./lib/body/World'); var MatterTileBody = require('./MatterTileBody'); var World = new Class({ Extends: EventEmitter, initialize: function World (scene, config) { EventEmitter.call(this); this.scene = scene; this.engine = Engine.create(config); this.localWorld = this.engine.world; var gravity = GetValue(config, 'gravity', null); if (gravity) { this.setGravity(gravity.x, gravity.y, gravity.scale); } /** * @property {object} walls - An object containing the 4 wall bodies that bound the physics world. */ this.walls = { left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null }; if (GetFastValue(config, 'setBounds', false)) { var boundsConfig = config['setBounds']; if (typeof boundsConfig === 'boolean') { this.setBounds(); } else { var x = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'x', 0); var y = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'y', 0); var width = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'width', scene.sys.game.config.width); var height = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'height', scene.sys.game.config.height); var thickness = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'thickness', 64); var left = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'left', true); var right = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'right', true); var top = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'top', true); var bottom = GetFastValue(boundsConfig, 'bottom', true); this.setBounds(x, y, width, height, thickness, left, right, top, bottom); } } this.isPaused = GetValue(config, 'isPaused', false); this.drawDebug = GetValue(config, 'debug', false); this.debugGraphic; this.defaults = { debugShowBody: GetValue(config, 'debugShowBody', true), debugShowStaticBody: GetValue(config, 'debugShowStaticBody', true), debugShowVelocity: GetValue(config, 'debugShowVelocity', true), bodyDebugColor: GetValue(config, 'debugBodyColor', 0xff00ff), staticBodyDebugColor: GetValue(config, 'debugBodyColor', 0x0000ff), velocityDebugColor: GetValue(config, 'debugVelocityColor', 0x00ff00) }; if (this.drawDebug) { this.createDebugGraphic(); } this.setEventsProxy(); }, setEventsProxy: function () { var _this = this; var engine = this.engine; MatterEvents.on(engine, 'beforeUpdate', function (event) { _this.emit('beforeupdate', event); }); MatterEvents.on(engine, 'afterUpdate', function (event) { _this.emit('afterupdate', event); }); MatterEvents.on(engine, 'collisionStart', function (event) { var pairs = event.pairs; var bodyA; var bodyB; if (pairs.length > 0) { bodyA = pairs[0].bodyA; bodyB = pairs[0].bodyB; } _this.emit('collisionstart', event, bodyA, bodyB); }); MatterEvents.on(engine, 'collisionActive', function (event) { var pairs = event.pairs; var bodyA; var bodyB; if (pairs.length > 0) { bodyA = pairs[0].bodyA; bodyB = pairs[0].bodyB; } _this.emit('collisionactive', event, bodyA, bodyB); }); MatterEvents.on(engine, 'collisionEnd', function (event) { var pairs = event.pairs; var bodyA; var bodyB; if (pairs.length > 0) { bodyA = pairs[0].bodyA; bodyB = pairs[0].bodyB; } _this.emit('collisionend', event, bodyA, bodyB); }); }, /** * Sets the bounds of the Physics world to match the given world pixel dimensions. * You can optionally set which 'walls' to create: left, right, top or bottom. * If none of the walls are given it will default to use the walls settings it had previously. * I.e. if you previously told it to not have the left or right walls, and you then adjust the world size * the newly created bounds will also not have the left and right walls. * Explicitly state them in the parameters to override this. * * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#setBounds * @param {number} x - The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounds. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounds. * @param {number} width - The width of the bounds. * @param {number} height - The height of the bounds. * @param {boolean} [left=true] - If true will create the left bounds wall. * @param {boolean} [right=true] - If true will create the right bounds wall. * @param {boolean} [top=true] - If true will create the top bounds wall. * @param {boolean} [bottom=true] - If true will create the bottom bounds wall. */ setBounds: function (x, y, width, height, thickness, left, right, top, bottom) { if (x === undefined) { x = 0; } if (y === undefined) { y = 0; } if (width === undefined) { width = this.scene.sys.game.config.width; } if (height === undefined) { height = this.scene.sys.game.config.height; } if (thickness === undefined) { thickness = 128; } if (left === undefined) { left = true; } if (right === undefined) { right = true; } if (top === undefined) { top = true; } if (bottom === undefined) { bottom = true; } this.updateWall(left, 'left', x - thickness, y, thickness, height); this.updateWall(right, 'right', x + width, y, thickness, height); this.updateWall(top, 'top', x, y - thickness, width, thickness); this.updateWall(bottom, 'bottom', x, y + height, width, thickness); return this; }, // position = 'left', 'right', 'top' or 'bottom' updateWall: function (add, position, x, y, width, height) { var wall = this.walls[position]; if (add) { if (wall) { MatterWorld.remove(this.localWorld, wall); } // adjust center x += (width / 2); y += (height / 2); this.walls[position] = this.create(x, y, width, height, { isStatic: true, friction: 0, frictionStatic: 0 }); } else { if (wall) { MatterWorld.remove(this.localWorld, wall); } this.walls[position] = null; } }, createDebugGraphic: function () { var graphic = this.scene.sys.add.graphics({ x: 0, y: 0 }); graphic.setZ(Number.MAX_VALUE); this.debugGraphic = graphic; this.drawDebug = true; return graphic; }, disableGravity: function () { this.localWorld.gravity.x = 0; this.localWorld.gravity.y = 0; this.localWorld.gravity.scale = 0; return this; }, setGravity: function (x, y, scale) { if (x === undefined) { x = 0; } if (y === undefined) { y = 1; } this.localWorld.gravity.x = x; this.localWorld.gravity.y = y; if (scale !== undefined) { this.localWorld.gravity.scale = scale; } return this; }, create: function (x, y, width, height, options) { var body = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, width, height, options); MatterWorld.add(this.localWorld, body); return body; }, // object can be single or an array, and can be a body, composite or constraint add: function (object) { MatterWorld.add(this.localWorld, object); return this; }, remove: function (object, deep) { var body = (object.body) ? object.body : object; Composite.removeBody(this.localWorld, body, deep); return this; }, removeConstraint: function (constraint, deep) { Composite.remove(this.localWorld, constraint, deep); return this; }, /** * Adds MatterTileBody instances for all the colliding tiles within the given tilemap layer. Set * the appropriate tiles in your layer to collide before calling this method! * * @method Phaser.Physics.Matter.World#convertTilemapLayer * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.StaticTilemapLayer|Phaser.GameObjects.DynamicTilemapLayer} tiles - * An array of tiles. * @param {object} [options] - Options to be passed to the MatterTileBody constructor. See * Phaser.Physics.Matter.TileBody. * @return {this} */ convertTilemapLayer: function (tilemapLayer, options) { var layerData = tilemapLayer.layer; var tiles = tilemapLayer.getTilesWithin(0, 0, layerData.width, layerData.height, { isColliding: true }); this.convertTiles(tiles, options); return this; }, /** * Adds MatterTileBody instances for the given tiles. This adds bodies regardless of whether the * tiles are set to collide or not. * * @method Phaser.Physics.Matter.World#convertTiles * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.Tile[]} tiles - An array of tiles. * @param {object} [options] - Options to be passed to the MatterTileBody constructor. See * Phaser.Physics.Matter.TileBody. * @return {this} */ convertTiles: function (tiles, options) { if (tiles.length === 0) { return this; } for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { new MatterTileBody(this, tiles[i], options); } return this; }, nextGroup: function (isNonColliding) { return MatterBody.nextGroup(isNonColliding); }, nextCategory: function () { return MatterBody.nextCategory(); }, update: function (time, delta) { if (this.isPaused) { return; } var correction = 1; Engine.update(this.engine, delta, correction); }, postUpdate: function () { if (!this.drawDebug) { return; } var graphics = this.debugGraphic; var bodies = Composite.allBodies(this.localWorld); graphics.clear(); graphics.lineStyle(1, this.defaults.bodyDebugColor); for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { if (!bodies[i].render.visible) { return; } // Handle drawing both single bodies and compound bodies. If compound, draw both the // convex hull (first part) and the rest of the bodies. for (var j = 0; j < bodies[i].parts.length; j++) { var body = bodies[i].parts[j]; var vertices = body.vertices; graphics.moveTo(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y); for (var k = 1; k < vertices.length; k++) { graphics.lineTo(vertices[k].x, vertices[k].y); } graphics.lineTo(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y); graphics.strokePath(); } } }, fromPath: function (path, points) { if (points === undefined) { points = []; } var pathPattern = /L?\s*([\-\d\.e]+)[\s,]*([\-\d\.e]+)*/ig; path.replace(pathPattern, function(match, x, y) { points.push({ x: parseFloat(x), y: parseFloat(y) }); }); return points; }, shutdown: function () { MatterWorld.clear(this.localWorld, false); Engine.clear(this.engine); }, destroy: function () { this.shutdown(); } }); module.exports = World;