"use strict"; /** * @module template/publish * @type {*} */ /*global env: true */ var template = require( 'jsdoc/template' ), fs = require( 'jsdoc/fs' ), _ = require( 'underscore' ), path = require( 'jsdoc/path' ), taffy = require( 'taffydb' ).taffy, handle = require( 'jsdoc/util/error' ).handle, helper = require( 'jsdoc/util/templateHelper' ), htmlsafe = helper.htmlsafe, linkto = helper.linkto, resolveAuthorLinks = helper.resolveAuthorLinks, scopeToPunc = helper.scopeToPunc, hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, conf = env.conf.templates || {}, data, view, outdir = env.opts.destination; var globalUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename( 'global' ); var indexUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename( 'index' ); var navOptions = { systemName : conf.systemName || "Documentation", navType : conf.navType || "vertical", footer : conf.footer || "", copyright : conf.copyright || "", theme : conf.theme || "simplex", linenums : conf.linenums, collapseSymbols : conf.collapseSymbols || false, inverseNav : conf.inverseNav }; var navigationMaster = { index : { title : navOptions.systemName, link : indexUrl, members : [] }, namespace : { title : "Namespaces", link : helper.getUniqueFilename( "namespaces.list" ), members : [] }, module : { title : "Modules", link : helper.getUniqueFilename( "modules.list" ), members : [] }, class : { title : "Classes", link : helper.getUniqueFilename( 'classes.list' ), members : [] }, mixin : { title : "Mixins", link : helper.getUniqueFilename( "mixins.list" ), members : [] }, event : { title : "Events", link : helper.getUniqueFilename( "events.list" ), members : [] }, tutorial : { title : "Tutorials", link : helper.getUniqueFilename( "tutorials.list" ), members : [] }, global : { title : "Global", link : globalUrl, members : [] }, external : { title : "Externals", link : helper.getUniqueFilename( "externals.list" ), members : [] } }; function find( spec ) { return helper.find( data, spec ); } function tutoriallink( tutorial ) { return helper.toTutorial( tutorial, null, { tag : 'em', classname : 'disabled', prefix : 'Tutorial: ' } ); } function getAncestorLinks( doclet ) { return helper.getAncestorLinks( data, doclet ); } function hashToLink( doclet, hash ) { if ( !/^(#.+)/.test( hash ) ) { return hash; } var url = helper.createLink( doclet ); url = url.replace( /(#.+|$)/, hash ); return '' + hash + ''; } function needsSignature( doclet ) { var needsSig = false; // function and class definitions always get a signature if ( doclet.kind === 'function' || doclet.kind === 'class' ) { needsSig = true; } // typedefs that contain functions get a signature, too else if ( doclet.kind === 'typedef' && doclet.type && doclet.type.names && doclet.type.names.length ) { for ( var i = 0, l = doclet.type.names.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( doclet.type.names[i].toLowerCase() === 'function' ) { needsSig = true; break; } } } return needsSig; } function addSignatureParams( f ) { var params = helper.getSignatureParams( f, 'optional' ); f.signature = (f.signature || '') + '(' + params.join( ', ' ) + ')'; } function addSignatureReturns( f ) { var returnTypes = helper.getSignatureReturns( f ); f.signature = '' + (f.signature || '') + '' + '' + (returnTypes.length ? ' → {' + returnTypes.join( '|' ) + '}' : '') + ''; } function addSignatureTypes( f ) { var types = helper.getSignatureTypes( f ); f.signature = (f.signature || '') + '' + (types.length ? ' :' + types.join( '|' ) : '') + ''; } function addAttribs( f ) { var attribs = helper.getAttribs( f ); f.attribs = '' + htmlsafe( attribs.length ? '<' + attribs.join( ', ' ) + '> ' : '' ) + ''; } function shortenPaths( files, commonPrefix ) { // always use forward slashes var regexp = new RegExp( '\\\\', 'g' ); Object.keys( files ).forEach( function ( file ) { files[file].shortened = files[file].resolved.replace( commonPrefix, '' ) .replace( regexp, '/' ); } ); return files; } function getPathFromDoclet( doclet ) { if ( !doclet.meta ) { return; } return doclet.meta.path && doclet.meta.path !== 'null' ? doclet.meta.path + '/' + doclet.meta.filename : doclet.meta.filename; } function generate( docType, title, docs, filename, resolveLinks ) { resolveLinks = resolveLinks === false ? false : true; var docData = { title : title, docs : docs, docType : docType }; var outpath = path.join( outdir, filename ), html = view.render( 'container.tmpl', docData ); if ( resolveLinks ) { html = helper.resolveLinks( html ); // turn {@link foo} into foo } fs.writeFileSync( outpath, html, 'utf8' ); } function generateSourceFiles( sourceFiles ) { Object.keys( sourceFiles ).forEach( function ( file ) { var source; // links are keyed to the shortened path in each doclet's `meta.shortpath` property var sourceOutfile = helper.getUniqueFilename( sourceFiles[file].shortened ); helper.registerLink( sourceFiles[file].shortened, sourceOutfile ); try { source = { kind : 'source', code : helper.htmlsafe( fs.readFileSync( sourceFiles[file].resolved, 'utf8' ) ) }; } catch ( e ) { handle( e ); } generate( 'source', 'Source: ' + sourceFiles[file].shortened, [source], sourceOutfile, false ); } ); } /** * Look for classes or functions with the same name as modules (which indicates that the module * exports only that class or function), then attach the classes or functions to the `module` * property of the appropriate module doclets. The name of each class or function is also updated * for display purposes. This function mutates the original arrays. * * @private * @param {Array.} doclets - The array of classes and functions to * check. * @param {Array.} modules - The array of module doclets to search. */ function attachModuleSymbols( doclets, modules ) { var symbols = {}; // build a lookup table doclets.forEach( function ( symbol ) { symbols[symbol.longname] = symbol; } ); return modules.map( function ( module ) { if ( symbols[module.longname] ) { module.module = symbols[module.longname]; module.module.name = module.module.name.replace( 'module:', 'require("' ) + '")'; } } ); } /** * Create the navigation sidebar. * @param {object} members The members that will be used to create the sidebar. * @param {array} members.classes * @param {array} members.externals * @param {array} members.globals * @param {array} members.mixins * @param {array} members.modules * @param {array} members.namespaces * @param {array} members.tutorials * @param {array} members.events * @return {string} The HTML for the navigation sidebar. */ function buildNav( members ) { var seen = {}; var nav = navigationMaster; if ( members.modules.length ) { members.modules.forEach( function ( m ) { if ( !hasOwnProp.call( seen, m.longname ) ) { nav.module.members.push( linkto( m.longname, m.name ) ); } seen[m.longname] = true; } ); } if ( members.externals.length ) { members.externals.forEach( function ( e ) { if ( !hasOwnProp.call( seen, e.longname ) ) { nav.external.members.push( linkto( e.longname, e.name.replace( /(^"|"$)/g, '' ) ) ); } seen[e.longname] = true; } ); } if ( members.classes.length ) { members.classes.forEach( function ( c ) { if ( !hasOwnProp.call( seen, c.longname ) ) { nav.class.members.push( { link: linkto( c.longname, c.name ), depth: c.longname.split('.').length - 1 } ); } seen[c.longname] = true; } ); } if ( members.events.length ) { members.events.forEach( function ( e ) { if ( !hasOwnProp.call( seen, e.longname ) ) { nav.event.members.push( linkto( e.longname, e.name ) ); } seen[e.longname] = true; } ); } if ( members.namespaces.length ) { members.namespaces.forEach( function ( n ) { if ( !hasOwnProp.call( seen, n.longname ) ) { nav.namespace.members.push( { link: linkto( n.longname, n.name ), depth: 0 } ); } seen[n.longname] = true; } ); } if ( members.mixins.length ) { members.mixins.forEach( function ( m ) { if ( !hasOwnProp.call( seen, m.longname ) ) { nav.mixin.members.push( linkto( m.longname, m.name ) ); } seen[m.longname] = true; } ); } if ( members.tutorials.length ) { members.tutorials.forEach( function ( t ) { nav.tutorial.members.push( tutoriallink( t.name ) ); } ); } if ( members.globals.length ) { members.globals.forEach( function ( g ) { if ( g.kind !== 'typedef' && !hasOwnProp.call( seen, g.longname ) ) { nav.global.members.push( { link: linkto( g.longname, g.name ), depth: g.longname.split('.').length - 1 } ); } seen[g.longname] = true; } ); } var topLevelNav = []; _.each( nav, function ( entry, name ) { if ( entry.members.length > 0 && name !== "index" ) { topLevelNav.push( { title : entry.title, link : entry.link, members : entry.members } ); } } ); nav.topLevelNav = topLevelNav; } /** @param {TAFFY} taffyData See . @param {object} opts @param {Tutorial} tutorials */ exports.publish = function ( taffyData, opts, tutorials ) { data = taffyData; conf['default'] = conf['default'] || {}; var templatePath = opts.template; view = new template.Template( templatePath + '/tmpl' ); // claim some special filenames in advance, so the All-Powerful Overseer of Filename Uniqueness // doesn't try to hand them out later // var indexUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename( 'index' ); // don't call registerLink() on this one! 'index' is also a valid longname // var globalUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename( 'global' ); helper.registerLink( 'global', globalUrl ); // set up templating view.layout = 'layout.tmpl'; // set up tutorials for helper helper.setTutorials( tutorials ); data = helper.prune( data ); data.sort( 'longname, version, since' ); helper.addEventListeners( data ); var sourceFiles = {}; var sourceFilePaths = []; data().each( function ( doclet ) { doclet.attribs = ''; if ( doclet.examples ) { doclet.examples = doclet.examples.map( function ( example ) { var caption, code; if ( example.match( /^\s*([\s\S]+?)<\/caption>(\s*[\n\r])([\s\S]+)$/i ) ) { caption = RegExp.$1; code = RegExp.$3; } return { caption : caption || '', code : code || example }; } ); } if ( doclet.see ) { doclet.see.forEach( function ( seeItem, i ) { doclet.see[i] = hashToLink( doclet, seeItem ); } ); } // build a list of source files var sourcePath; if ( doclet.meta ) { sourcePath = getPathFromDoclet( doclet ); sourceFiles[sourcePath] = { resolved : sourcePath, shortened : null }; sourceFilePaths.push( sourcePath ); } } ); // update outdir if necessary, then create outdir var packageInfo = ( find( {kind : 'package'} ) || [] ) [0]; if ( packageInfo && packageInfo.name ) { outdir = path.join( outdir, packageInfo.name, packageInfo.version ); } fs.mkPath( outdir ); // copy static files to outdir var fromDir = path.join( templatePath, 'static' ), staticFiles = fs.ls( fromDir, 3 ); staticFiles.forEach( function ( fileName ) { var toDir = fs.toDir( fileName.replace( fromDir, outdir ) ); fs.mkPath( toDir ); fs.copyFileSync( fileName, toDir ); } ); if ( sourceFilePaths.length ) { sourceFiles = shortenPaths( sourceFiles, path.commonPrefix( sourceFilePaths ) ); } data().each( function ( doclet ) { var url = helper.createLink( doclet ); helper.registerLink( doclet.longname, url ); // add a shortened version of the full path var docletPath; if ( doclet.meta ) { docletPath = getPathFromDoclet( doclet ); docletPath = sourceFiles[docletPath].shortened; if ( docletPath ) { doclet.meta.shortpath = docletPath; } } } ); data().each( function ( doclet ) { var url = helper.longnameToUrl[doclet.longname]; if ( url.indexOf( '#' ) > -1 ) { doclet.id = helper.longnameToUrl[doclet.longname].split( /#/ ).pop(); } else { doclet.id = doclet.name; } if ( needsSignature( doclet ) ) { addSignatureParams( doclet ); addSignatureReturns( doclet ); addAttribs( doclet ); } } ); // do this after the urls have all been generated data().each( function ( doclet ) { doclet.ancestors = getAncestorLinks( doclet ); if ( doclet.kind === 'member' ) { addSignatureTypes( doclet ); addAttribs( doclet ); } if ( doclet.kind === 'constant' ) { addSignatureTypes( doclet ); addAttribs( doclet ); doclet.kind = 'member'; } } ); var members = helper.getMembers( data ); members.tutorials = tutorials.children; // add template helpers view.find = find; view.linkto = linkto; view.resolveAuthorLinks = resolveAuthorLinks; view.tutoriallink = tutoriallink; view.htmlsafe = htmlsafe; // once for all buildNav( members ); view.nav = navigationMaster; view.navOptions = navOptions; attachModuleSymbols( find( { kind : ['class', 'function'], longname : {left : 'module:'} } ), members.modules ); // only output pretty-printed source files if requested; do this before generating any other // pages, so the other pages can link to the source files if ( conf['default'].outputSourceFiles ) { generateSourceFiles( sourceFiles ); } if ( members.globals.length ) { generate( 'global', 'Global', [ {kind : 'globalobj'} ], globalUrl ); } // some browsers can't make the dropdown work if ( view.nav.module && view.nav.module.members.length ) { generate( 'module', view.nav.module.title, [ {kind : 'sectionIndex', contents : view.nav.module} ], navigationMaster.module.link ); } if ( view.nav.class && view.nav.class.members.length ) { generate( 'class', view.nav.class.title, [ {kind : 'sectionIndex', contents : view.nav.class} ], navigationMaster.class.link ); } if ( view.nav.namespace && view.nav.namespace.members.length ) { generate( 'namespace', view.nav.namespace.title, [ {kind : 'sectionIndex', contents : view.nav.namespace} ], navigationMaster.namespace.link ); } if ( view.nav.mixin && view.nav.mixin.members.length ) { generate( 'mixin', view.nav.mixin.title, [ {kind : 'sectionIndex', contents : view.nav.mixin} ], navigationMaster.mixin.link ); } if ( view.nav.external && view.nav.external.members.length ) { generate( 'external', view.nav.external.title, [ {kind : 'sectionIndex', contents : view.nav.external} ], navigationMaster.external.link ); } if ( view.nav.tutorial && view.nav.tutorial.members.length ) { generate( 'tutorial', view.nav.tutorial.title, [ {kind : 'sectionIndex', contents : view.nav.tutorial} ], navigationMaster.tutorial.link ); } // index page displays information from package.json and lists files var files = find( {kind : 'file'} ), packages = find( {kind : 'package'} ); generate( 'index', 'Index', packages.concat( [ {kind : 'mainpage', readme : opts.readme, longname : (opts.mainpagetitle) ? opts.mainpagetitle : 'Main Page'} ] ).concat( files ), indexUrl ); // set up the lists that we'll use to generate pages var classes = taffy( members.classes ); var modules = taffy( members.modules ); var namespaces = taffy( members.namespaces ); var mixins = taffy( members.mixins ); var externals = taffy( members.externals ); for ( var longname in helper.longnameToUrl ) { if ( hasOwnProp.call( helper.longnameToUrl, longname ) ) { var myClasses = helper.find( classes, {longname : longname} ); if ( myClasses.length ) { generate( 'class', 'Class: ' + myClasses[0].name, myClasses, helper.longnameToUrl[longname] ); } var myModules = helper.find( modules, {longname : longname} ); if ( myModules.length ) { generate( 'module', 'Module: ' + myModules[0].name, myModules, helper.longnameToUrl[longname] ); } var myNamespaces = helper.find( namespaces, {longname : longname} ); if ( myNamespaces.length ) { generate( 'namespace', 'Namespace: ' + myNamespaces[0].name, myNamespaces, helper.longnameToUrl[longname] ); } var myMixins = helper.find( mixins, {longname : longname} ); if ( myMixins.length ) { generate( 'mixin', 'Mixin: ' + myMixins[0].name, myMixins, helper.longnameToUrl[longname] ); } var myExternals = helper.find( externals, {longname : longname} ); if ( myExternals.length ) { generate( 'external', 'External: ' + myExternals[0].name, myExternals, helper.longnameToUrl[longname] ); } } } // TODO: move the tutorial functions to templateHelper.js function generateTutorial( title, tutorial, filename ) { var tutorialData = { title : title, header : tutorial.title, content : tutorial.parse(), children : tutorial.children, docs : null }; var tutorialPath = path.join( outdir, filename ), html = view.render( 'tutorial.tmpl', tutorialData ); // yes, you can use {@link} in tutorials too! html = helper.resolveLinks( html ); // turn {@link foo} into foo fs.writeFileSync( tutorialPath, html, 'utf8' ); } // tutorials can have only one parent so there is no risk for loops function saveChildren( node ) { node.children.forEach( function ( child ) { generateTutorial( 'tutorial' + child.title, child, helper.tutorialToUrl( child.name ) ); saveChildren( child ); } ); } saveChildren( tutorials ); };