var Tween = function (manager, target, key, value) { this.manager = manager; = target; this.key = key; // A function to call when starting the tween, to populate the 'start' and 'end' values with this.value = value; this.start; this.current; this.end; this.ease; this.duration = 1000; this.yoyo = false; this.repeat = 0; this.loop = false; this.delay = 0; this.repeatDelay = 0; this.onCompleteDelay = 0; this.elasticity = 0; // Changes the property to be this before starting the tween this.startAt; this.progress = 0; this.elapsed = 0; this.countdown = 0; this.repeatCounter = 0; // 0 = Waiting to be added to the TweenManager // 1 = Paused (dev needs to invoke Tween.start) // 2 = Started, but waiting for delay to expire // 3 = Playing Forward // 4 = Playing Backwards // 5 = Completed this.state = 0; // if true then duration, delay, etc values are all frame totals this.useFrames = false; this.paused = false; this.callbacks = { onStart: { callback: null, scope: null, params: null }, onUpdate: { callback: null, scope: null, params: null }, onRepeat: { callback: null, scope: null, params: null }, onComplete: { callback: null, scope: null, params: null } }; this.callbackScope; }; Tween.prototype.constructor = Tween; Tween.prototype = { init: function () { this.state = 1; return (!this.paused); }, start: function () { if (this.state !== 1) { return; } this.loadValues(); if (this.delay > 0) { this.countdown = this.delay; this.state = 2; } }, loadValues: function () { this.start =[this.key]; this.current = this.start; this.end = this.value(); if (this.repeat === -1) { this.loop = true; } this.repeatCounter = (this.loop) ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : this.repeat; this.state = 3; }, update: function (timestep, delta) { if (this.state === 2) { // Waiting for delay to expire this.countdown -= (this.useFrames) ? 1 : delta; if (this.countdown <= 0) { this.state = 3; } } if (this.state === 3) { // Playing forwards this.forward(delta); } else if (this.state === 4) { // Playing backwards this.backward(delta); } // Complete? Delete from the Tween Manager return (this.state !== 5); }, // Merge with Backwards and include in update? forward: function (delta) { var elapsed = this.elapsed; var duration = this.duration; elapsed += (this.useFrames) ? 1 : delta; if (elapsed > duration) { elapsed = duration; } var progress = elapsed / duration; var p = this.ease(progress); // Optimize this.current = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * p);[this.key] = this.current; this.elapsed = elapsed; this.progress = progress; if (progress === 1) { // Tween has reached end // Do we yoyo or repeat? this.state = this.processRepeat(); } }, backward: function (delta) { var elapsed = this.elapsed; var duration = this.duration; elapsed += (this.useFrames) ? 1 : delta; if (elapsed > duration) { elapsed = duration; } var progress = elapsed / duration; var p = this.ease(1 - progress); // Optimize this.current = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * p);[this.key] = this.current; this.elapsed = elapsed; this.progress = progress; if (progress === 1) { // Tween has reached start // Do we yoyo or repeat? this.state = this.processRepeat(); } }, processRepeat: function () { // Playing forward, and Yoyo is enabled? if (this.state === 3 && this.yoyo) { // Play backwards this.elapsed = 0; this.progress = 0; return 4; } else if (this.repeatCounter > 0) { this.repeatCounter--; // Reset the elapsed this.current = this.start; this.elapsed = 0; this.progress = 0; // Delay? if (this.repeatDelay > 0) { this.countdown = this.repeatDelay; return 2; } else { return 3; } } return 5; }, eventCallback: function (type, callback, params, scope) { var types = [ 'onStart', 'onUpdate', 'onRepeat', 'onComplete' ]; if (types.indexOf(type) !== -1) { this.callbacks[type] = { callback: callback, scope: scope, params: params }; } return this; }, timeScale: function () { } }; module.exports = Tween;