var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var CONST = require('../../const'); var WebGLSnapshot = require('../snapshot/WebGLSnapshot'); var IsSizePowerOfTwo = require('../../math/pow2/IsSizePowerOfTwo'); // Default Pipelines var TextureTintPipeline = require('./pipelines/TextureTintPipeline'); var FlatTintPipeline = require('./pipelines/FlatTintPipeline'); var WebGLRenderer = new Class({ initialize: function WebGLRenderer (game) { var renderer = this; var config = { backgroundColor: game.config.backgroundColor, contextCreation: { alpha: false, depth: false, // enable when 3D is added in the future antialias: true, premultipliedAlpha: true, stencil: true, preserveDrawingBuffer: false, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: false } }; = game; this.type = CONST.WEBGL; this.width = game.config.width * game.config.resolution; this.height = game.config.height * game.config.resolution; this.canvas = game.canvas; this.blendModes = []; this.contextLost = false; this.autoResize = false; this.pipelines = null; this.snapshotState = { callback: null, type: null, encoder: null }; for (var i = 0; i <= 16; i++) { this.blendModes.push({ func: [ WebGLRenderingContext.ONE, WebGLRenderingContext.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ], equation: WebGLRenderingContext.FUNC_ADD }); } this.blendModes[1].func = [ WebGLRenderingContext.ONE, WebGLRenderingContext.DST_ALPHA ]; this.blendModes[2].func = [ WebGLRenderingContext.DST_COLOR, WebGLRenderingContext.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ]; this.blendModes[3].func = [ WebGLRenderingContext.ONE, WebGLRenderingContext.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR ]; // Intenal Renderer State (Textures, Framebuffers, Pipelines, Buffers, etc) this.currentTextures = new Array(16); this.currentFramebuffer = null; this.currentPipeline = null; this.currentProgram = null; this.currentVertexBuffer = null; this.currentIndexBuffer = null; this.currentBlendMode = Infinity; this.currentScissorState = { enabled: false, x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0 }; // Setup context lost and restore event listeners this.canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', function (event) { renderer.contextLost = true; event.preventDefault(); }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', function (event) { renderer.contextLost = false; renderer.init(config); }, false); // This are initialized post context creation = null; this.supportedExtensions = null; this.extensions = {}; this.init(config); }, init: function (config) { var canvas = this.canvas; var clearColor = config.backgroundColor; var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl', config.contextCreation) || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl', config.contextCreation); if (!gl) { this.contextLost = true; throw new Error('This browser does not support WebGL. Try using the Canvas pipeline.'); } = gl; // Load supported extensions this.supportedExtensions = gl.getSupportedExtensions(); // Setup initial WebGL state gl.disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); gl.disable(gl.CULL_FACE); gl.disable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST); gl.enable(gl.BLEND); gl.clearColor(clearColor.redGL, clearColor.greenGL, clearColor.blueGL, 1.0); // Initialize all textures to null for (var index = 0; index < this.currentTextures.length; ++index) { this.currentTextures[index] = null; } // Clear previous pipelines and reload default ones this.pipelines = {}; this.addPipeline('TextureTintPipeline', new TextureTintPipeline(, gl, this)); this.addPipeline('FlatTintPipeline', new FlatTintPipeline(, gl, this)); this.setBlendMode(CONST.BlendModes.NORMAL); this.resize(this.width, this.height,; return this; }, resize: function (width, height, resolution) { var gl =; var pipelines = this.pipelines; this.width = width * resolution; this.height = height * resolution; this.canvas.width = this.width; this.canvas.height = this.height; if (this.autoResize) { = (this.width / resolution) + 'px'; = (this.height / resolution) + 'px'; } gl.viewport(0, 0, this.width, this.height); // Update all registered pipelines for (var pipelineName in pipelines) { pipelines[pipelineName].resize(width, height, resolution); } return this; }, hasExtension: function (extensionName) { return this.supportedExtensions ? this.supportedExtensions.indexOf(extensionName) : false; }, getExtension: function (extensionName) { if (!this.hasExtension(extensionName)) return null; if (!(extensionName in this.extensions)) { this.extensions[extensionName] =; } return this.extensions[extensionName]; }, flush: function () { if (this.currentPipeline) { this.currentPipeline.flush(); } }, /* Renderer State Manipulation Functions */ hasPipeline: function (pipelineName) { return (pipelineName in this.pipelines); }, getPipeline: function (pipelineName) { if (this.hasPipeline(pipelineName)) return this.pipelines[pipelineName]; return null; }, removePipeline: function (pipelineName) { delete this.pipelines[pipelineName]; return this; }, addPipeline: function (pipelineName, pipelineInstance) { if (!this.hasPipeline(pipelineName)) this.pipelines[pipelineName] = pipelineInstance; else console.warn('Pipeline', pipelineName, ' already exists.'); this.pipelines[pipelineName].resize(this.width, this.height,; return this; }, setPipeline: function (pipelineInstance, overrideProgram) { if (this.currentPipeline !== pipelineInstance) { this.currentPipeline = pipelineInstance; this.currentPipeline.bind(overrideProgram); } return this.currentPipeline; }, setBlendMode: function (blendModeId) { var gl =; var blendMode = this.blendModes[blendModeId]; if (blendModeId === CONST.BlendModes.SKIP_CHECK) return; if (this.currentBlendMode !== blendModeId) { this.flush(); gl.enable(gl.BLEND); gl.blendEquation(blendMode.equation); if (blendMode.func.length > 2) { gl.blendFuncSeparate(blendMode.func[0], blendMode.func[1], blendMode.func[2], blendMode.func[3]); } else { gl.blendFunc(blendMode.func[0], blendMode.func[1]); } this.currentBlendMode = blendModeId; } return this; }, setTexture2D: function (texture, textureUnit) { var gl =; if (texture !== this.currentTextures[textureUnit]) { this.flush(); gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + textureUnit); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture); this.currentTextures[textureUnit] = texture; } return this; }, setFramebuffer: function (framebuffer) { var gl =; if (framebuffer !== this.currentFramebuffer) { this.flush(); gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer); } return this; }, setProgram: function (program) { var gl =; if (program !== this.currentProgram) { this.flush(); gl.useProgram(program); } return this; }, setVertexBuffer: function (vertexBuffer) { var gl =; if (vertexBuffer !== this.currentVertexBuffer) { this.flush(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer); } return this; }, setIndexBuffer: function (indexBuffer) { var gl =; if (indexBuffer !== this.currentIndexBuffer) { this.flush(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer); } return this; }, /* Renderer Resource Creation Functions */ createTextureFromSource: function (source, width, height) { var gl =; var filter = gl.NEAREST; var wrap = gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE; width = source ? source.width : width; height = source ? source.height : height; if (IsSizePowerOfTwo(width, height)) { wrap = gl.REPEAT; } if (!source.glTexture) { if (source.scaleMode === CONST.ScaleModes.LINEAR) { filter = gl.LINEAR; } else if (source.scaleMode === CONST.ScaleModes.NEAREST || { filter = gl.NEAREST; } if (!source && typeof width === 'number' && typeof height === 'number') { source.glTexture = this.createTexture2D(0, filter, filter, wrap, wrap, gl.RGBA, null, width, height); } else { source.glTexture = this.createTexture2D(0, filter, filter, wrap, wrap, gl.RGBA, source.image); } } return source; }, createTexture2D: function (mipLevel, minFilter, magFilter, wrapT, wrapS, format, pixels, width, height, pma) { var gl =; var texture = gl.createTexture(); pma = (pma === undefined || pma === null) ? true : pma; this.setTexture2D(texture, 0); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, minFilter); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, magFilter); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrapS); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrapT); gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, pma); if (pixels === null || pixels === undefined) { gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, mipLevel, format, width, height, 0, format, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); } else { gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, mipLevel, format, format, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels); width = pixels.width; height = pixels.height; } this.setTexture2D(null, 0); texture.isAlphaPremultiplied = pma; texture.isRenderTexture = false; texture.width = width; texture.height = height; return texture; }, createFramebuffer: function (width, height, renderTexture, addDepthStencilBuffer) { var gl =; var framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); var complete = 0; this.setFramebuffer(framebuffer); if (addDepthStencilBuffer) { var depthStencilBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilBuffer); gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_STENCIL, width, height); gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilBuffer); } renderTexture.isRenderTexture = true; renderTexture.isAlphaPremultiplied = false; gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, renderTexture, 0); complete = gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER); if (complete !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { var errors = { 36054: 'Incomplete Attachment', 36055: 'Missing Attachment', 36057: 'Incomplete Dimensions', 36061: 'Framebuffer Unsupported' }; throw new Error('Framebuffer incomplete. Framebuffer status: ' + errors[complete]); } framebuffer.renderTexture = renderTexture; this.setFramebuffer(null); return framebuffer; }, createProgram: function (vertexShader, fragmentShader) { var gl =; var program = gl.createProgram(); var vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); var fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(vs, vertexShader); gl.shaderSource(fs, fragmentShader); gl.compileShader(vs); gl.compileShader(fs); if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { return new Error('Failed to compile Vertex Shader:\n' + gl.getShaderInfoLog(vs)); } if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { return new Error('Failed to compile Fragment Shader:\n' + gl.getShaderInfoLog(fs)); } gl.attachShader(program, vs); gl.attachShader(program, fs); gl.linkProgram(program); if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { return new Error('Failed to link program:\n' + gl.getProgramInfoLog(program)); } return program; }, createVertexBuffer: function (initialDataOrSize, bufferUsage) { var gl =; var vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); this.setVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer); gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, initialDataOrSize, bufferUsage); this.setVertexBuffer(null); return vertexBuffer; }, createIndexBuffer: function () { var gl =; var indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); this.setIndexBuffer(indexBuffer); gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, initialDataOrSize, bufferUsage); this.setIndexBuffer(null); return indexBuffer; }, /* Rendering Functions */ preRender: function () { if (this.contextLost) return; var gl =; var color =; // Bind custom framebuffer here gl.clearColor(color.redGL, color.greenGL, color.blueGL, color.alphaGL); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); }, render: function (scene, children, interpolationPercentage, camera) { if (this.contextLost) return; var gl =; var list = children.list; var childCount = list.length; var scissorEnabled = (camera.x !== 0 || camera.y !== 0 || camera.width !== gl.canvas.width || camera.height !== gl.canvas.height); var pipeline = null; this.currentScissorState.enabled = scissorEnabled; if (scissorEnabled) { gl.enable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST); this.currentScissorState.x = camera.x; this.currentScissorState.y = gl.drawingBufferHeight - camera.y - camera.height; this.currentScissorState.width = camera.width; this.currentScissorState.height = camera.height; gl.scissor(this.currentScissorState.x, this.currentScissorState.y, this.currentScissorState.width, this.currentScissorState.height); } for (var index = 0; index < childCount; ++index) { var child = list[index]; if (!child.willRender()) { continue; } if (child.blendMode !== this.currentBlendMode) { this.setBlendMode(child.blendMode); } if (child.mask) { child.mask.preRenderWebGL(this, child, camera); } child.renderWebGL(this, child, interpolationPercentage, camera); if (child.mask) { child.mask.postRenderWebGL(this, child); } pipeline = this.currentPipeline; } if (pipeline && pipeline.vertexCount > 0) { pipeline.flush(); } if (scissorEnabled) { gl.disable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST); } }, postRender: function () { if (this.contextLost) return; // Unbind custom framebuffer here if (this.snapshotState.callback) { this.snapshotState.callback(WebGLSnapshot(this.canvas, this.snapshotState.type, this.snapshotState.encoder)); this.snapshotState.callback = null; } }, snapshot: function (callback, type, encoderOptions) { this.snapshotState.callback = callback; this.snapshotState.type = type; this.snapshotState.encoder = encoderOptions; return this; }, canvasToTexture: function (srcCanvas, dstTexture, shouldReallocate) { var gl =; if (!dstTexture) { dstTexture = this.createTextureFromSource(srcCanvas, srcCanvas.width, srcCanvas.height); } else { this.setTexture2D(dstTexture); if (!shouldReallocate) { gl.texSubImage2D(0, 0, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, srcCanvas); } else { gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, srcCanvas); dstTexture.width = srcCanvas.width; dstTexture.height = srcCanvas.height; } this.setTexture2D(null); } return dstTexture; }, setTextureFilter: function (texture, filter) { var gl =; var glFilter = [ gl.LINEAR, gl.NEAREST ][filter]; this.setTexture2D(texture, 0); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, glFilter); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, glFilter); this.setTexture2D(null, 0); return this; }, setFloat1: function (program, name, x) { this.setProgram(program);, name), x); return this; }, setFloat2: function (program, name, x, y) { this.setProgram(program);, name), x, y); return this; }, setFloat3: function (program, name, x, y, z) { this.setProgram(program);, name), x, y, z); return this; }, setFloat4: function (program, name, x, y, z, w) { this.setProgram(program);, name), x, y, z, w); return this; }, setInt1: function (program, name, x) { this.setProgram(program);, name), x); return this; }, setInt2: function (program, name, x, y) { this.setProgram(program);, name), x, y); return this; }, setInt3: function (program, name, x, y, z) { this.setProgram(program);, name), x, y, z); return this; }, setInt4: function (program, name, x, y, z, w) { this.setProgram(program);, name), x, y, z, w); return this; }, setMatrix2: function (program, name, transpose, matrix) { this.setProgram(program);, name), transpose, matrix); return this; }, setMatrix3: function (program, name, transpose, matrix) { this.setProgram(program);, name), transpose, matrix); return this; }, setMatrix4: function (program, name, transpose, matrix) { this.setProgram(program);, name), transpose, matrix); return this; } }); module.exports = WebGLRenderer;