/// /// (function () { var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, init, create, update); function init() { game.load.image('balls', 'assets/sprites/balls.png'); game.load.start(); } var scroller: Phaser.ScrollZone; function create() { // The source image (balls.png) is only 102x17 in size, but we want it to create a scroll the size of the whole game window. // We can take advantage of the way a ScrollZone can create a seamless pattern for us automatically. // If you create a ScrollRegion larger than the source texture, it'll create a DynamicTexture and perform a pattern fill on it and use that // for rendering. // We've rounded the height up to 612 because in order to have a seamless pattern it needs to be a multiple of 17 (the height of the source image) scroller = game.add.scrollZone('balls', 0, 0, 800, 612); // Some sin/cos data for the movement game.math.sinCosGenerator(256, 4, 4, 2); } function update() { // Cycle through the wave data and apply it to the scroll speed (causes the circular wave motion) scroller.currentRegion.scrollSpeed.x = game.math.shiftSinTable(); scroller.currentRegion.scrollSpeed.y = game.math.shiftCosTable(); } })();