/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * A Retro Font is similar to a BitmapFont, in that it uses a texture to render the text. However unlike a BitmapFont every character in a RetroFont * is the same size. This makes it similar to a sprite sheet. You typically find font sheets like this from old 8/16-bit games and demos. * * @class Phaser.RetroFont * @extends Phaser.RenderTexture * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - Current game instance. * @param {string} key - The font set graphic set as stored in the Game.Cache. * @param {number} characterWidth - The width of each character in the font set. * @param {number} characterHeight - The height of each character in the font set. * @param {string} chars - The characters used in the font set, in display order. You can use the TEXT_SET consts for common font set arrangements. * @param {number} [charsPerRow] - The number of characters per row in the font set. If not given charsPerRow will be the image width / characterWidth. * @param {number} [xSpacing=0] - If the characters in the font set have horizontal spacing between them set the required amount here. * @param {number} [ySpacing=0] - If the characters in the font set have vertical spacing between them set the required amount here. * @param {number} [xOffset=0] - If the font set doesn't start at the top left of the given image, specify the X coordinate offset here. * @param {number} [yOffset=0] - If the font set doesn't start at the top left of the given image, specify the Y coordinate offset here. */ Phaser.RetroFont = function (game, key, characterWidth, characterHeight, chars, charsPerRow, xSpacing, ySpacing, xOffset, yOffset) { if (!game.cache.checkImageKey(key)) { return false; } if (typeof charsPerRow === 'undefined' || charsPerRow === null) { charsPerRow = game.cache.getImage(key).width / characterWidth; } /** * @property {number} characterWidth - The width of each character in the font set. */ this.characterWidth = characterWidth; /** * @property {number} characterHeight - The height of each character in the font set. */ this.characterHeight = characterHeight; /** * @property {number} characterSpacingX - If the characters in the font set have horizontal spacing between them set the required amount here. */ this.characterSpacingX = xSpacing || 0; /** * @property {number} characterSpacingY - If the characters in the font set have vertical spacing between them set the required amount here. */ this.characterSpacingY = ySpacing || 0; /** * @property {number} characterPerRow - The number of characters per row in the font set. */ this.characterPerRow = charsPerRow; /** * @property {number} offsetX - If the font set doesn't start at the top left of the given image, specify the X coordinate offset here. * @readonly */ this.offsetX = xOffset || 0; /** * @property {number} offsetY - If the font set doesn't start at the top left of the given image, specify the Y coordinate offset here. * @readonly */ this.offsetY = yOffset || 0; /** * @property {string} align - Alignment of the text when multiLine = true or a fixedWidth is set. Set to RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT (default), RetroFont.ALIGN_RIGHT or RetroFont.ALIGN_CENTER. */ this.align = "left"; /** * @property {boolean} multiLine - If set to true all carriage-returns in text will form new lines (see align). If false the font will only contain one single line of text (the default) * @default */ this.multiLine = false; /** * @property {boolean} autoUpperCase - Automatically convert any text to upper case. Lots of old bitmap fonts only contain upper-case characters, so the default is true. * @default */ this.autoUpperCase = true; /** * @property {number} customSpacingX - Adds horizontal spacing between each character of the font, in pixels. * @default */ this.customSpacingX = 0; /** * @property {number} customSpacingY - Adds vertical spacing between each line of multi-line text, set in pixels. * @default */ this.customSpacingY = 0; /** * If you need this RetroFont image to have a fixed width you can set the width in this value. * If text is wider than the width specified it will be cropped off. * @property {number} fixedWidth */ this.fixedWidth = 0; /** * @property {Image} fontSet - A reference to the image stored in the Game.Cache that contains the font. */ this.fontSet = game.cache.getImage(key); /** * @property {string} _text - The text of the font image. * @private */ this._text = ''; /** * @property {array} grabData - An array of rects for faster character pasting. * @private */ this.grabData = []; /** * @property {Phaser.FrameData} frameData - The FrameData representing this Retro Font. */ this.frameData = new Phaser.FrameData(); // Now generate our rects for faster copying later on var currentX = this.offsetX; var currentY = this.offsetY; var r = 0; for (var c = 0; c < chars.length; c++) { var uuid = game.rnd.uuid(); var frame = this.frameData.addFrame(new Phaser.Frame(c, currentX, currentY, this.characterWidth, this.characterHeight, '', uuid)); this.grabData[chars.charCodeAt(c)] = frame.index; PIXI.TextureCache[uuid] = new PIXI.Texture(PIXI.BaseTextureCache[key], { x: currentX, y: currentY, width: this.characterWidth, height: this.characterHeight }); r++; if (r == this.characterPerRow) { r = 0; currentX = this.offsetX; currentY += this.characterHeight + this.characterSpacingY; } else { currentX += this.characterWidth + this.characterSpacingX; } } game.cache.updateFrameData(key, this.frameData); /** * @property {Phaser.Image} stamp - The image that is stamped to the RenderTexture for each character in the font. * @readonly */ this.stamp = new Phaser.Image(game, 0, 0, key, 0); Phaser.RenderTexture.call(this, game, 100, 100, '', Phaser.scaleModes.NEAREST); /** * @property {number} type - Base Phaser object type. */ this.type = Phaser.RETROFONT; }; Phaser.RetroFont.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.RenderTexture.prototype); Phaser.RetroFont.prototype.constructor = Phaser.RetroFont; /** * Align each line of multi-line text to the left. * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT = "left"; /** * Align each line of multi-line text to the right. * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_RIGHT = "right"; /** * Align each line of multi-line text in the center. * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_CENTER = "center"; /** * Text Set 1 = !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET1 = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; /** * Text Set 2 = !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET2 = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; /** * Text Set 3 = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET3 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 "; /** * Text Set 4 = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET4 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789"; /** * Text Set 5 = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,/() '!?-*:0123456789 * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET5 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,/() '!?-*:0123456789"; /** * Text Set 6 = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!?:;0123456789"(),-.' * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET6 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!?:;0123456789\"(),-.' "; /** * Text Set 7 = AGMSY+:4BHNTZ!;5CIOU.?06DJPV,(17EKQW")28FLRX-'39 * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET7 = "AGMSY+:4BHNTZ!;5CIOU.?06DJPV,(17EKQW\")28FLRX-'39"; /** * Text Set 8 = 0123456789 .ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET8 = "0123456789 .ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; /** * Text Set 9 = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ()-0123456789.:,'"?! * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET9 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ()-0123456789.:,'\"?!"; /** * Text Set 10 = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET10 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; /** * Text Set 11 = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,"-+!?()':;0123456789 * @constant * @type {string} */ Phaser.RetroFont.TEXT_SET11 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,\"-+!?()':;0123456789"; /** * If you need this RetroFont to have a fixed width and custom alignment you can set the width here. * If text is wider than the width specified it will be cropped off. * * @method Phaser.RetroFont#setFixedWidth * @memberof Phaser.RetroFont * @param {number} width - Width in pixels of this RetroFont. Set to zero to disable and re-enable automatic resizing. * @param {string} [lineAlignment='left'] - Align the text within this width. Set to RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT (default), RetroFont.ALIGN_RIGHT or RetroFont.ALIGN_CENTER. */ Phaser.RetroFont.prototype.setFixedWidth = function (width, lineAlignment) { if (typeof lineAlignment === 'undefined') { lineAlignment = 'left'; } this.fixedWidth = width; this.align = lineAlignment; }; /** * A helper function that quickly sets lots of variables at once, and then updates the text. * * @method Phaser.RetroFont#setText * @memberof Phaser.RetroFont * @param {string} content - The text of this sprite. * @param {boolean} [multiLine=false] - Set to true if you want to support carriage-returns in the text and create a multi-line sprite instead of a single line. * @param {number} [characterSpacing=0] - To add horizontal spacing between each character specify the amount in pixels. * @param {number} [lineSpacing=0] - To add vertical spacing between each line of text, set the amount in pixels. * @param {string} [lineAlignment='left'] - Align each line of multi-line text. Set to RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT, RetroFont.ALIGN_RIGHT or RetroFont.ALIGN_CENTER. * @param {boolean} [allowLowerCase=false] - Lots of bitmap font sets only include upper-case characters, if yours needs to support lower case then set this to true. */ Phaser.RetroFont.prototype.setText = function (content, multiLine, characterSpacing, lineSpacing, lineAlignment, allowLowerCase) { this.multiLine = multiLine || false; this.customSpacingX = characterSpacing || 0; this.customSpacingY = lineSpacing || 0; this.align = lineAlignment || 'left'; if (allowLowerCase) { this.autoUpperCase = false; } else { this.autoUpperCase = true; } if (content.length > 0) { this.text = content; } }; /** * Updates the texture with the new text. * * @method Phaser.RetroFont#buildRetroFontText * @memberof Phaser.RetroFont */ Phaser.RetroFont.prototype.buildRetroFontText = function () { var cx = 0; var cy = 0; this.clear(); if (this.multiLine) { var lines = this._text.split("\n"); if (this.fixedWidth > 0) { this.resize(this.fixedWidth, (lines.length * (this.characterHeight + this.customSpacingY)) - this.customSpacingY, true); } else { this.resize(this.getLongestLine() * (this.characterWidth + this.customSpacingX), (lines.length * (this.characterHeight + this.customSpacingY)) - this.customSpacingY, true); } // Loop through each line of text for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { // This line of text is held in lines[i] - need to work out the alignment switch (this.align) { case Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT: cx = 0; break; case Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_RIGHT: cx = this.width - (lines[i].length * (this.characterWidth + this.customSpacingX)); break; case Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_CENTER: cx = (this.width / 2) - ((lines[i].length * (this.characterWidth + this.customSpacingX)) / 2); cx += this.customSpacingX / 2; break; } // Sanity checks if (cx < 0) { cx = 0; } this.pasteLine(lines[i], cx, cy, this.customSpacingX); cy += this.characterHeight + this.customSpacingY; } } else { if (this.fixedWidth > 0) { this.resize(this.fixedWidth, this.characterHeight, true); } else { this.resize(this._text.length * (this.characterWidth + this.customSpacingX), this.characterHeight, true); } switch (this.align) { case Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_LEFT: cx = 0; break; case Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_RIGHT: cx = this.width - (this._text.length * (this.characterWidth + this.customSpacingX)); break; case Phaser.RetroFont.ALIGN_CENTER: cx = (this.width / 2) - ((this._text.length * (this.characterWidth + this.customSpacingX)) / 2); cx += this.customSpacingX / 2; break; } this.textureBuffer.clear(); this.pasteLine(this._text, cx, 0, this.customSpacingX); } }; /** * Internal function that takes a single line of text (2nd parameter) and pastes it into the BitmapData at the given coordinates. * Used by getLine and getMultiLine * * @method Phaser.RetroFont#pasteLine * @memberof Phaser.RetroFont * @param {string} line - The single line of text to paste. * @param {number} x - The x coordinate. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate. * @param {number} customSpacingX - Custom X spacing. */ Phaser.RetroFont.prototype.pasteLine = function (line, x, y, customSpacingX) { var p = new Phaser.Point(); for (var c = 0; c < line.length; c++) { // If it's a space then there is no point copying, so leave a blank space if (line.charAt(c) == " ") { x += this.characterWidth + customSpacingX; } else { // If the character doesn't exist in the font then we don't want a blank space, we just want to skip it if (this.grabData[line.charCodeAt(c)] >= 0) { this.stamp.frame = this.grabData[line.charCodeAt(c)]; p.set(x, y); this.render(this.stamp, p, false); x += this.characterWidth + customSpacingX; if (x > this.width) { break; } } } } }; /** * Works out the longest line of text in _text and returns its length * * @method Phaser.RetroFont#getLongestLine * @memberof Phaser.RetroFont * @return {number} The length of the longest line of text. */ Phaser.RetroFont.prototype.getLongestLine = function () { var longestLine = 0; if (this._text.length > 0) { var lines = this._text.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].length > longestLine) { longestLine = lines[i].length; } } } return longestLine; }; /** * Internal helper function that removes all unsupported characters from the _text String, leaving only characters contained in the font set. * * @method Phaser.RetroFont#removeUnsupportedCharacters * @memberof Phaser.RetroFont * @protected * @param {boolean} [stripCR=true] - Should it strip carriage returns as well? * @return {string} A clean version of the string. */ Phaser.RetroFont.prototype.removeUnsupportedCharacters = function (stripCR) { var newString = ""; for (var c = 0; c < this._text.length; c++) { var aChar = this._text[c]; var code = aChar.charCodeAt(0); if (this.grabData[code] >= 0 || (!stripCR && aChar === "\n")) { newString = newString.concat(aChar); } } return newString; }; /** * Updates the x and/or y offset that the font is rendered from. This updates all of the texture frames, so be careful how often it is called. * Note that the values given for the x and y properties are either ADDED to or SUBTRACTED from (if negative) the existing offsetX/Y values of the characters. * So if the current offsetY is 8 and you want it to start rendering from y16 you would call updateOffset(0, 8) to add 8 to the current y offset. * * @method Phaser.RetroFont#updateOffset * @memberof Phaser.RetroFont * @param {number} [xOffset=0] - If the font set doesn't start at the top left of the given image, specify the X coordinate offset here. * @param {number} [yOffset=0] - If the font set doesn't start at the top left of the given image, specify the Y coordinate offset here. */ Phaser.RetroFont.prototype.updateOffset = function (x, y) { if (this.offsetX === x && this.offsetY === y) { return; } var diffX = x - this.offsetX; var diffY = y - this.offsetY; var frames = this.game.cache.getFrameData(this.stamp.key).getFrames(); var i = frames.length; while (i--) { frames[i].x += diffX; frames[i].y += diffY; PIXI.TextureCache[frames[i].uuid].frame.x = frames[i].x; PIXI.TextureCache[frames[i].uuid].frame.y = frames[i].y; } this.buildRetroFontText(); }; /** * @name Phaser.BitmapText#text * @property {string} text - Set this value to update the text in this sprite. Carriage returns are automatically stripped out if multiLine is false. Text is converted to upper case if autoUpperCase is true. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.RetroFont.prototype, "text", { get: function () { return this._text; }, set: function (value) { var newText; if (this.autoUpperCase) { newText = value.toUpperCase(); } else { newText = value; } if (newText !== this._text) { this._text = newText; this.removeUnsupportedCharacters(this.multiLine); this.buildRetroFontText(); } } }); /** * @name Phaser.BitmapText#smoothed * @property {string} text - Set this value to update the text in this sprite. Carriage returns are automatically stripped out if multiLine is false. Text is converted to upper case if autoUpperCase is true. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.RetroFont.prototype, "smoothed", { get: function () { return this.stamp.smoothed; }, set: function (value) { this.stamp.smoothed = value; this.buildRetroFontText(); } });