/** * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2016 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * A Camera is your view into the game world. It has a position and size and renders only those objects within its field of view. * The game automatically creates a single Stage sized camera on boot. Move the camera around the world with Phaser.Camera.x/y * * @class Phaser.Camera * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - Game reference to the currently running game. * @param {number} id - Not being used at the moment, will be when Phaser supports multiple camera * @param {number} x - Position of the camera on the X axis * @param {number} y - Position of the camera on the Y axis * @param {number} width - The width of the view rectangle * @param {number} height - The height of the view rectangle */ Phaser.Camera = function (game, id, x, y, width, height) { /** * @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running Game. */ this.game = game; /** * @property {Phaser.World} world - A reference to the game world. */ this.world = game.world; /** * @property {number} id - Reserved for future multiple camera set-ups. * @default */ this.id = 0; /** * Camera view. * The view into the world we wish to render (by default the game dimensions). * The x/y values are in world coordinates, not screen coordinates, the width/height is how many pixels to render. * Sprites outside of this view are not rendered if Sprite.autoCull is set to `true`. Otherwise they are always rendered. * @property {Phaser.Rectangle} view */ this.view = new Phaser.Rectangle(x, y, width, height); /** * The Camera is bound to this Rectangle and cannot move outside of it. By default it is enabled and set to the size of the World. * The Rectangle can be located anywhere in the world and updated as often as you like. If you don't wish the Camera to be bound * at all then set this to null. The values can be anything and are in World coordinates, with 0,0 being the top-left of the world. * * @property {Phaser.Rectangle} bounds - The Rectangle in which the Camera is bounded. Set to null to allow for movement anywhere. */ this.bounds = new Phaser.Rectangle(x, y, width, height); /** * @property {Phaser.Rectangle} deadzone - Moving inside this Rectangle will not cause the camera to move. */ this.deadzone = null; /** * @property {boolean} visible - Whether this camera is visible or not. * @default */ this.visible = true; /** * @property {boolean} roundPx - If a Camera has roundPx set to `true` it will call `view.floor` as part of its update loop, keeping its boundary to integer values. Set this to `false` to disable this from happening. * @default */ this.roundPx = true; /** * @property {boolean} atLimit - Whether this camera is flush with the World Bounds or not. */ this.atLimit = { x: false, y: false }; /** * @property {Phaser.Sprite} target - If the camera is tracking a Sprite, this is a reference to it, otherwise null. * @default */ this.target = null; /** * @property {PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject - The display object to which all game objects are added. Set by World.boot. */ this.displayObject = null; /** * @property {Phaser.Point} scale - The scale of the display object to which all game objects are added. Set by World.boot. */ this.scale = null; /** * @property {number} totalInView - The total number of Sprites with `autoCull` set to `true` that are visible by this Camera. * @readonly */ this.totalInView = 0; /** * The linear interpolation value to use when following a target. * The default values of 1 means the camera will instantly snap to the target coordinates. * A lower value, such as 0.1 means the camera will more slowly track the target, giving * a smooth transition. You can set the horizontal and vertical values independently, and also * adjust this value in real-time during your game. * @property {Phaser.Point} lerp * @default */ this.lerp = new Phaser.Point(1, 1); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onShakeComplete - This signal is dispatched when the camera shake effect completes. */ this.onShakeComplete = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onFlashComplete - This signal is dispatched when the camera flash effect completes. */ this.onFlashComplete = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * This signal is dispatched when the camera fade effect completes. * When the fade effect completes you will be left with the screen black (or whatever * color you faded to). In order to reset this call `Camera.resetFX`. This is called * automatically when you change State. * @property {Phaser.Signal} onFadeComplete */ this.onFadeComplete = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * The Graphics object used to handle camera fx such as fade and flash. * @property {Phaser.Graphics} fx * @protected */ this.fx = null; /** * @property {Phaser.Point} _targetPosition - Internal point used to calculate target position. * @private */ this._targetPosition = new Phaser.Point(); /** * @property {number} edge - Edge property. * @private * @default */ this._edge = 0; /** * @property {Phaser.Point} position - Current position of the camera in world. * @private * @default */ this._position = new Phaser.Point(); /** * @property {Object} _shake - The shake effect container. * @private */ this._shake = { intensity: 0, duration: 0, horizontal: false, vertical: false, shakeBounds: true, x: 0, y: 0 }; /** * @property {number} _fxDuration - FX duration timer. * @private */ this._fxDuration = 0; /** * @property {number} _fxType - The FX type running. * @private */ this._fxType = 0; }; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_LOCKON = 0; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_PLATFORMER = 1; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN = 2; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN_TIGHT = 3; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_BOTH = 4; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_HORIZONTAL = 5; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_VERTICAL = 6; /** * @constant * @type {boolean} */ Phaser.Camera.ENABLE_FX = true; Phaser.Camera.prototype = { /** * Called automatically by Phaser.World. * * @method Phaser.Camera#boot * @private */ boot: function () { this.displayObject = this.game.world; this.scale = this.game.world.scale; this.game.camera = this; if (Phaser.Graphics && Phaser.Camera.ENABLE_FX) { this.fx = new Phaser.Graphics(this.game); this.game.stage.addChild(this.fx); } }, /** * Camera preUpdate. Sets the total view counter to zero. * * @method Phaser.Camera#preUpdate */ preUpdate: function () { this.totalInView = 0; }, /** * Tell the camera which sprite to follow. * * You can set the follow type and a linear interpolation value. * Use low lerp values (such as 0.1) to automatically smooth the camera motion. * * If you find you're getting a slight "jitter" effect when following a Sprite it's probably to do with sub-pixel rendering of the Sprite position. * This can be disabled by setting `game.renderer.renderSession.roundPixels = true` to force full pixel rendering. * * @method Phaser.Camera#follow * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Image|Phaser.Text} target - The object you want the camera to track. Set to null to not follow anything. * @param {number} [style] - Leverage one of the existing "deadzone" presets. If you use a custom deadzone, ignore this parameter and manually specify the deadzone after calling follow(). * @param {float} [lerpX=1] - A value between 0 and 1. This value specifies the amount of linear interpolation to use when horizontally tracking the target. The closer the value to 1, the faster the camera will track. * @param {float} [lerpY=1] - A value between 0 and 1. This value specifies the amount of linear interpolation to use when vertically tracking the target. The closer the value to 1, the faster the camera will track. */ follow: function (target, style, lerpX, lerpY) { if (style === undefined) { style = Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_LOCKON; } if (lerpX === undefined) { lerpX = 1; } if (lerpY === undefined) { lerpY = 1; } this.target = target; this.lerp.set(lerpX, lerpY); var helper; switch (style) { case Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_PLATFORMER: var w = this.width / 8; var h = this.height / 3; this.deadzone = new Phaser.Rectangle((this.width - w) / 2, (this.height - h) / 2 - h * 0.25, w, h); break; case Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN: helper = Math.max(this.width, this.height) / 4; this.deadzone = new Phaser.Rectangle((this.width - helper) / 2, (this.height - helper) / 2, helper, helper); break; case Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN_TIGHT: helper = Math.max(this.width, this.height) / 8; this.deadzone = new Phaser.Rectangle((this.width - helper) / 2, (this.height - helper) / 2, helper, helper); break; case Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_LOCKON: this.deadzone = null; break; default: this.deadzone = null; break; } }, /** * Sets the Camera follow target to null, stopping it from following an object if it's doing so. * * @method Phaser.Camera#unfollow */ unfollow: function () { this.target = null; }, /** * Move the camera focus on a display object instantly. * @method Phaser.Camera#focusOn * @param {any} displayObject - The display object to focus the camera on. Must have visible x/y properties. */ focusOn: function (displayObject) { this.setPosition(Math.round(displayObject.x - this.view.halfWidth), Math.round(displayObject.y - this.view.halfHeight)); }, /** * Move the camera focus on a location instantly. * @method Phaser.Camera#focusOnXY * @param {number} x - X position. * @param {number} y - Y position. */ focusOnXY: function (x, y) { this.setPosition(Math.round(x - this.view.halfWidth), Math.round(y - this.view.halfHeight)); }, /** * This creates a camera shake effect. It works by applying a random amount of additional * spacing on the x and y axis each frame. You can control the intensity and duration * of the effect, and if it should effect both axis or just one. * * When the shake effect ends the signal Camera.onShakeComplete is dispatched. * * @method Phaser.Camera#shake * @param {float} [intensity=0.05] - The intensity of the camera shake. Given as a percentage of the camera size representing the maximum distance that the camera can move while shaking. * @param {number} [duration=500] - The duration of the shake effect in milliseconds. * @param {boolean} [force=true] - If a camera shake effect is already running and force is true it will replace the previous effect, resetting the duration. * @param {number} [direction=Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_BOTH] - The directions in which the camera can shake. Either Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_BOTH, Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_HORIZONTAL or Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_VERTICAL. * @param {boolean} [shakeBounds=true] - Is the effect allowed to shake the camera beyond its bounds (if set?). * @return {boolean} True if the shake effect was started, otherwise false. */ shake: function (intensity, duration, force, direction, shakeBounds) { if (intensity === undefined) { intensity = 0.05; } if (duration === undefined) { duration = 500; } if (force === undefined) { force = true; } if (direction === undefined) { direction = Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_BOTH; } if (shakeBounds === undefined) { shakeBounds = true; } if (!force && this._shake.duration > 0) { // Can't reset an already running shake return false; } this._shake.intensity = intensity; this._shake.duration = duration; this._shake.shakeBounds = shakeBounds; this._shake.x = 0; this._shake.y = 0; this._shake.horizontal = (direction === Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_BOTH || direction === Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_HORIZONTAL); this._shake.vertical = (direction === Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_BOTH || direction === Phaser.Camera.SHAKE_VERTICAL); return true; }, /** * This creates a camera flash effect. It works by filling the game with the solid fill * color specified, and then fading it away to alpha 0 over the duration given. * * You can use this for things such as hit feedback effects. * * When the effect ends the signal Camera.onFlashComplete is dispatched. * * @method Phaser.Camera#flash * @param {numer} [color=0xffffff] - The color of the flash effect. I.e. 0xffffff for white, 0xff0000 for red, etc. * @param {number} [duration=500] - The duration of the flash effect in milliseconds. * @param {boolean} [force=false] - If a camera flash or fade effect is already running and force is true it will replace the previous effect, resetting the duration. * @return {boolean} True if the effect was started, otherwise false. */ flash: function (color, duration, force) { if (color === undefined) { color = 0xffffff; } if (duration === undefined) { duration = 500; } if (force === undefined) { force = false; } if (!this.fx || (!force && this._fxDuration > 0)) { return false; } this.fx.clear(); this.fx.beginFill(color); this.fx.drawRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.fx.endFill(); this.fx.alpha = 1; this._fxDuration = duration; this._fxType = 0; return true; }, /** * This creates a camera fade effect. It works by filling the game with the * color specified, over the duration given, ending with a solid fill. * * You can use this for things such as transitioning to a new scene. * * The game will be left 'filled' at the end of this effect, likely obscuring * everything. In order to reset it you can call `Camera.resetFX` and it will clear the * fade. Or you can call `Camera.flash` with the same color as the fade, and it will * reverse the process, bringing the game back into view again. * * When the effect ends the signal Camera.onFadeComplete is dispatched. * * @method Phaser.Camera#fade * @param {numer} [color=0x000000] - The color the game will fade to. I.e. 0x000000 for black, 0xff0000 for red, etc. * @param {number} [duration=500] - The duration of the fade in milliseconds. * @param {boolean} [force=false] - If a camera flash or fade effect is already running and force is true it will replace the previous effect, resetting the duration. * @return {boolean} True if the effect was started, otherwise false. */ fade: function (color, duration, force) { if (color === undefined) { color = 0x000000; } if (duration === undefined) { duration = 500; } if (force === undefined) { force = false; } if (!this.fx || (!force && this._fxDuration > 0)) { return false; } this.fx.clear(); this.fx.beginFill(color); this.fx.drawRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.fx.endFill(); this.fx.alpha = 0; this._fxDuration = duration; this._fxType = 1; return true; }, /** * The camera update loop. This is called automatically by the core game loop. * * @method Phaser.Camera#update * @protected */ update: function () { if (this._fxDuration > 0) { this.updateFX(); } if (this.target) { this.updateTarget(); } if (this._shake.duration > 0) { this.updateShake(); } if (this.bounds) { this.checkBounds(); } if (this.roundPx) { this.view.floor(); this._shake.x = Math.floor(this._shake.x); this._shake.y = Math.floor(this._shake.y); } // this.displayObject.position.x = -(this.view.x + this._shake.x); // this.displayObject.position.y = -(this.view.y + this._shake.y); this.displayObject.position.x = -this.view.x; this.displayObject.position.y = -this.view.y; }, /** * Update the camera flash and fade effects. * * @method Phaser.Camera#updateFX * @private */ updateFX: function () { if (this._fxType === 0) { // flash this.fx.alpha -= this.game.time.elapsedMS / this._fxDuration; if (this.fx.alpha <= 0) { this._fxDuration = 0; this.fx.alpha = 0; this.onFlashComplete.dispatch(); } } else { // fade this.fx.alpha += this.game.time.elapsedMS / this._fxDuration; if (this.fx.alpha >= 1) { this._fxDuration = 0; this.fx.alpha = 1; this.onFadeComplete.dispatch(); } } }, /** * Update the camera shake effect. * * @method Phaser.Camera#updateShake * @private */ updateShake: function () { this._shake.duration -= this.game.time.elapsedMS; if (this._shake.duration <= 0) { this.onShakeComplete.dispatch(); this._shake.x = 0; this._shake.y = 0; } else { if (this._shake.horizontal) { this._shake.x = this.game.rnd.frac() * this._shake.intensity * this.view.width * 2 - this._shake.intensity * this.view.width; } if (this._shake.vertical) { this._shake.y = this.game.rnd.frac() * this._shake.intensity * this.view.height * 2 - this._shake.intensity * this.view.height; } } }, /** * Internal method that handles tracking a sprite. * * @method Phaser.Camera#updateTarget * @private */ updateTarget: function () { this._targetPosition.copyFrom(this.target.world); if (this.deadzone) { this._edge = this._targetPosition.x - this.view.x; if (this._edge < this.deadzone.left) { this.view.x = this.game.math.linear(this.view.x, this._targetPosition.x - this.deadzone.left, this.lerp.x); } else if (this._edge > this.deadzone.right) { this.view.x = this.game.math.linear(this.view.x, this._targetPosition.x - this.deadzone.right, this.lerp.x); } this._edge = this._targetPosition.y - this.view.y; if (this._edge < this.deadzone.top) { this.view.y = this.game.math.linear(this.view.y, this._targetPosition.y - this.deadzone.top, this.lerp.y); } else if (this._edge > this.deadzone.bottom) { this.view.y = this.game.math.linear(this.view.y, this._targetPosition.y - this.deadzone.bottom, this.lerp.y); } } else { this.view.x = this.game.math.linear(this.view.x, this._targetPosition.x - this.view.halfWidth, this.lerp.x); this.view.y = this.game.math.linear(this.view.y, this._targetPosition.y - this.view.halfHeight, this.lerp.y); } }, /** * Update the Camera bounds to match the game world. * * @method Phaser.Camera#setBoundsToWorld */ setBoundsToWorld: function () { if (this.bounds) { this.bounds.copyFrom(this.game.world.bounds); } }, /** * Method called to ensure the camera doesn't venture outside of the game world. * Called automatically by Camera.update. * * @method Phaser.Camera#checkBounds * @protected */ checkBounds: function () { this.atLimit.x = false; this.atLimit.y = false; var vx = this.view.x + this._shake.x; var vw = this.view.right + this._shake.x; var vy = this.view.y + this._shake.y; var vh = this.view.bottom + this._shake.y; // Make sure we didn't go outside the cameras bounds if (vx <= this.bounds.x * this.scale.x) { this.atLimit.x = true; this.view.x = this.bounds.x * this.scale.x; if (!this._shake.shakeBounds) { // The camera is up against the bounds, so reset the shake this._shake.x = 0; } } if (vw >= this.bounds.right * this.scale.x) { this.atLimit.x = true; this.view.x = (this.bounds.right * this.scale.x) - this.width; if (!this._shake.shakeBounds) { // The camera is up against the bounds, so reset the shake this._shake.x = 0; } } if (vy <= this.bounds.top * this.scale.y) { this.atLimit.y = true; this.view.y = this.bounds.top * this.scale.y; if (!this._shake.shakeBounds) { // The camera is up against the bounds, so reset the shake this._shake.y = 0; } } if (vh >= this.bounds.bottom * this.scale.y) { this.atLimit.y = true; this.view.y = (this.bounds.bottom * this.scale.y) - this.height; if (!this._shake.shakeBounds) { // The camera is up against the bounds, so reset the shake this._shake.y = 0; } } }, /** * A helper function to set both the X and Y properties of the camera at once * without having to use game.camera.x and game.camera.y. * * @method Phaser.Camera#setPosition * @param {number} x - X position. * @param {number} y - Y position. */ setPosition: function (x, y) { this.view.x = x; this.view.y = y; if (this.bounds) { this.checkBounds(); } }, /** * Sets the size of the view rectangle given the width and height in parameters. * * @method Phaser.Camera#setSize * @param {number} width - The desired width. * @param {number} height - The desired height. */ setSize: function (width, height) { this.view.width = width; this.view.height = height; }, /** * Resets the camera back to 0,0 and un-follows any object it may have been tracking. * Also immediately resets any camera effects that may have been running such as * shake, flash or fade. * * @method Phaser.Camera#reset */ reset: function () { this.target = null; this.view.x = 0; this.view.y = 0; this._shake.duration = 0; this.resetFX(); }, /** * Resets any active FX, such as a fade or flash and immediately clears it. * Useful to calling after a fade in order to remove the fade from the Stage. * * @method Phaser.Camera#resetFX */ resetFX: function () { this.fx.clear(); this.fx.alpha = 0; this._fxDuration = 0; } }; Phaser.Camera.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Camera; /** * The Cameras x coordinate. This value is automatically clamped if it falls outside of the World bounds. * @name Phaser.Camera#x * @property {number} x - Gets or sets the cameras x position. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Camera.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.view.x; }, set: function (value) { this.view.x = value; if (this.bounds) { this.checkBounds(); } } }); /** * The Cameras y coordinate. This value is automatically clamped if it falls outside of the World bounds. * @name Phaser.Camera#y * @property {number} y - Gets or sets the cameras y position. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Camera.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.view.y; }, set: function (value) { this.view.y = value; if (this.bounds) { this.checkBounds(); } } }); /** * The Cameras position. This value is automatically clamped if it falls outside of the World bounds. * @name Phaser.Camera#position * @property {Phaser.Point} position - Gets or sets the cameras xy position using Phaser.Point object. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Camera.prototype, "position", { get: function () { this._position.set(this.view.x, this.view.y); return this._position; }, set: function (value) { if (typeof value.x !== "undefined") { this.view.x = value.x; } if (typeof value.y !== "undefined") { this.view.y = value.y; } if (this.bounds) { this.checkBounds(); } } }); /** * The Cameras width. By default this is the same as the Game size and should not be adjusted for now. * @name Phaser.Camera#width * @property {number} width - Gets or sets the cameras width. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Camera.prototype, "width", { get: function () { return this.view.width; }, set: function (value) { this.view.width = value; } }); /** * The Cameras height. By default this is the same as the Game size and should not be adjusted for now. * @name Phaser.Camera#height * @property {number} height - Gets or sets the cameras height. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Camera.prototype, "height", { get: function () { return this.view.height; }, set: function (value) { this.view.height = value; } });