/// var NPhysics = (function () { function NPhysics() { this.grav = 0.2; this.drag = 1; this.bounce = 0.3; this.friction = 0.05; this.min_f = 0; this.max_f = 1; this.min_b = 0; this.max_b = 1; this.min_g = 0; this.max_g = 1; this.xmin = 0; this.xmax = 800; this.ymin = 0; this.ymax = 600; this.objrad = 24; this.tilerad = 24 * 2; this.objspeed = 0.2; this.maxspeed = 20; } NPhysics.prototype.update = function () { // demoObj.Verlet(); // demoObj.CollideVsWorldBounds(); }; return NPhysics; })(); var AABB = (function () { function AABB(x, y, xw, yw) { this.type = 0; this.pos = new Phaser.Vec2(x, y); this.oldpos = Phaser.Vec2Utils.clone(this.pos); this.xw = Math.abs(xw); this.yw = Math.abs(yw); this.aabbTileProjections = {}; this.aabbTileProjections[TileMapCell.CTYPE_FULL] = this.ProjAABB_Full; this.aabbTileProjections[TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONCAVE] = this.ProjAABB_Concave; this.aabbTileProjections[TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONVEX] = this.ProjAABB_Convex; } AABB.prototype.IntegrateVerlet = function () { //var d = DRAG; //var g = GRAV; var d = 1; var g = 0.2; var p = this.pos; var o = this.oldpos; var px, py; var ox = o.x; var oy = o.y; o.x = px = p.x; o.y = py = p.y; //o = oldposition //integrate p.x += (d * px) - (d * ox); p.y += (d * py) - (d * oy) + g; }; AABB.prototype.ReportCollisionVsWorld = function (px, py, dx, dy, obj) { var p = this.pos; var o = this.oldpos; //calc velocity var vx = p.x - o.x; var vy = p.y - o.y; //find component of velocity parallel to collision normal var dp = (vx * dx + vy * dy); var nx = dp * dx; var ny = dp * dy; var tx = vx - nx; var ty = vy - ny; //we only want to apply collision response forces if the object is travelling into, and not out of, the collision var b, bx, by, f, fx, fy; if (dp < 0) { //f = FRICTION; f = 0.05; fx = tx * f; fy = ty * f; //b = 1 + BOUNCE;//this bounce constant should be elsewhere, i.e inside the object/tile/etc.. b = 1 + 0.3; bx = (nx * b); by = (ny * b); } else { //moving out of collision, do not apply forces bx = by = fx = fy = 0; } p.x += px; p.y += py; o.x += px + bx + fx; o.y += py + by + fy; }; AABB.prototype.CollideAABBVsTile = function (tile) { var pos = this.pos; var c = tile; var tx = c.pos.x; var ty = c.pos.y; var txw = c.xw; var tyw = c.yw; var dx = pos.x - tx; var px = (txw + this.xw) - Math.abs(dx); if (0 < px) { var dy = pos.y - ty; var py = (tyw + this.yw) - Math.abs(dy); if (0 < py) { if (px < py) { if (dx < 0) { //project to the left px *= -1; py = 0; } else { //proj to right py = 0; } } else { if (dy < 0) { //project up px = 0; py *= -1; } else { //project down px = 0; } } this.ResolveBoxTile(px, py, this, c); } } }; AABB.prototype.CollideAABBVsWorldBounds = function () { var p = this.pos; var xw = this.xw; var yw = this.yw; var XMIN = 0; var XMAX = 800; var YMIN = 0; var YMAX = 600; //collide vs. x-bounds //test XMIN var dx = XMIN - (p.x - xw); if (0 < dx) { //object is colliding with XMIN this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx, 0, 1, 0, null); } else { //test XMAX dx = (p.x + xw) - XMAX; if (0 < dx) { //object is colliding with XMAX this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(-dx, 0, -1, 0, null); } } //collide vs. y-bounds //test YMIN var dy = YMIN - (p.y - yw); if (0 < dy) { //object is colliding with YMIN this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, dy, 0, 1, null); } else { //test YMAX dy = (p.y + yw) - YMAX; if (0 < dy) { //object is colliding with YMAX this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, -dy, 0, -1, null); } } }; AABB.prototype.render = function (context) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)'; context.strokeRect(this.pos.x - this.xw, this.pos.y - this.yw, this.xw * 2, this.yw * 2); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)'; context.fillRect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 2, 2); /* if (this.oH == 1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } else if (this.oH == -1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } if (this.oV == 1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } else if (this.oV == -1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } */ }; AABB.prototype.ResolveBoxTile = function (x, y, box, t) { if (0 < t.ID) { return this.aabbTileProjections[t.CTYPE](x, y, box, t); } else { //trace("ResolveBoxTile() was called with an empty (or unknown) tile!: ID=" + t.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } }; AABB.prototype.ProjAABB_Full = function (x, y, obj, t) { var l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x, y, x / l, y / l, t); return AABB.COL_AXIS; }; AABB.prototype.ProjAABB_Convex = function (x, y, obj, t) { //if distance from "innermost" corner of AABB is less than than tile radius, //collision is occuring and we need to project var signx = t.signx; var signy = t.signy; var ox = (obj.pos.x - (signx * obj.xw)) - (t.pos.x - (signx * t.xw)); var oy = (obj.pos.y - (signy * obj.yw)) - (t.pos.y - (signy * t.yw)); var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var twid = t.xw * 2; var rad = Math.sqrt(twid * twid + 0); //note that this should be precomputed at compile-time since it's constant var pen = rad - len; if (((signx * ox) < 0) || ((signy * oy) < 0)) { //the test corner is "outside" the 1/4 of the circle we're interested in var lenP = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x, y, x / lenP, y / lenP, t); return AABB.COL_AXIS; } else if (0 < pen) { //project along corner->circle vector ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return AABB.COL_OTHER; } return AABB.COL_NONE; }; AABB.prototype.ProjAABB_Concave = function (x, y, obj, t) { //if distance from "innermost" corner of AABB is further than tile radius, //collision is occuring and we need to project var signx = t.signx; var signy = t.signy; var ox = (t.pos.x + (signx * t.xw)) - (obj.pos.x - (signx * obj.xw)); var oy = (t.pos.y + (signy * t.yw)) - (obj.pos.y - (signy * obj.yw)); var twid = t.xw * 2; var rad = Math.sqrt(twid * twid + 0); //note that this should be precomputed at compile-time since it's constant var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var pen = len - rad; if (0 < pen) { //collision; we need to either project along the axes, or project along corner->circlecenter vector var lenP = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); if (lenP < pen) { //it's shorter to move along axis directions obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x, y, x / lenP, y / lenP, t); return AABB.COL_AXIS; } else { //project along corner->circle vector ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return AABB.COL_OTHER; } } return AABB.COL_NONE; }; AABB.COL_NONE = 0; AABB.COL_AXIS = 1; AABB.COL_OTHER = 2; return AABB; })(); var TileMapCell = (function () { function TileMapCell(x, y, xw, yw) { this.ID = TileMapCell.TID_EMPTY; this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_EMPTY; this.pos = new Phaser.Vec2(x, y); this.xw = xw; this.yw = yw; this.minx = this.pos.x - this.xw; this.maxx = this.pos.x + this.xw; this.miny = this.pos.y - this.yw; this.maxy = this.pos.y + this.yw; //this stores tile-specific collision information this.signx = 0; this.signy = 0; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } //these functions are used to update the cell //note: ID is assumed to NOT be "empty" state.. //if it IS the empty state, the tile clears itself TileMapCell.prototype.SetState = function (ID) { if (ID == TileMapCell.TID_EMPTY) { this.Clear(); } else { //set tile state to a non-emtpy value, and update it's edges and those of the neighbors this.ID = ID; this.UpdateType(); //this.Draw(); } return this; }; TileMapCell.prototype.Clear = function () { //tile was on, turn it off this.ID = TileMapCell.TID_EMPTY; this.UpdateType(); //this.Draw(); }; TileMapCell.prototype.render = function (context) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,255,0)'; context.strokeRect(this.minx, this.miny, this.xw * 2, this.yw * 2); context.strokeRect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 2, 2); context.closePath(); }; //this converts a tile from implicitly-defined (via ID), to explicit (via properties) TileMapCell.prototype.UpdateType = function () { if (0 < this.ID) { if (this.ID < TileMapCell.CTYPE_45DEG) { //TID_FULL this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_FULL; this.signx = 0; this.signy = 0; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.ID < TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONCAVE) { //45deg this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_45DEG; if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_45DEGpn) { console.log('set tile as 45deg pn'); this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = this.signx / Math.SQRT2; this.sy = this.signy / Math.SQRT2; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_45DEGnn) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = this.signx / Math.SQRT2; this.sy = this.signy / Math.SQRT2; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_45DEGnp) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = this.signx / Math.SQRT2; this.sy = this.signy / Math.SQRT2; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_45DEGpp) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = this.signx / Math.SQRT2; this.sy = this.signy / Math.SQRT2; } else { //trace("BAAAD TILE!!!!!: ID=" + this.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } else if (this.ID < TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONVEX) { //concave this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONCAVE; if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEpn) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEnn) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEnp) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEpp) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else { //trace("BAAAD TILE!!!!!: ID=" + this.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } else if (this.ID < TileMapCell.CTYPE_22DEGs) { //convex this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONVEX; if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXpn) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXnn) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXnp) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXpp) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else { //trace("BAAAD TILE!!!!!: ID=" + this.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } else if (this.ID < TileMapCell.CTYPE_22DEGb) { //22deg small this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_22DEGs; if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_22DEGpnS) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_22DEGnnS) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_22DEGnpS) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_22DEGppS) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else { //trace("BAAAD TILE!!!!!: ID=" + this.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } else if (this.ID < TileMapCell.CTYPE_67DEGs) { //22deg big this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_22DEGb; if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_22DEGpnB) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_22DEGnnB) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_22DEGnpB) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_22DEGppB) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else { //trace("BAAAD TILE!!!!!: ID=" + this.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } else if (this.ID < TileMapCell.CTYPE_67DEGb) { //67deg small this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_67DEGs; if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_67DEGpnS) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_67DEGnnS) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_67DEGnpS) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_67DEGppS) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else { //trace("BAAAD TILE!!!!!: ID=" + this.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } else if (this.ID < TileMapCell.CTYPE_HALF) { //67deg big this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_67DEGb; if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_67DEGpnB) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_67DEGnnB) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_67DEGnpB) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_67DEGppB) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else { //trace("BAAAD TILE!!!!!: ID=" + this.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } else { //half-full tile this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_HALF; if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_HALFd) { this.signx = 0; this.signy = -1; this.sx = this.signx; this.sy = this.signy; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_HALFu) { this.signx = 0; this.signy = 1; this.sx = this.signx; this.sy = this.signy; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_HALFl) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 0; this.sx = this.signx; this.sy = this.signy; } else if (this.ID == TileMapCell.TID_HALFr) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 0; this.sx = this.signx; this.sy = this.signy; } else { //trace("BAAD TILE!!!: ID=" + this.ID + " ("+ t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } } else { //TID_EMPTY this.CTYPE = TileMapCell.CTYPE_EMPTY; this.signx = 0; this.signy = 0; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } }; TileMapCell.TID_EMPTY = 0; TileMapCell.TID_FULL = 1; TileMapCell.TID_45DEGpn = 2; TileMapCell.TID_45DEGnn = 3; TileMapCell.TID_45DEGnp = 4; TileMapCell.TID_45DEGpp = 5; TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEpn = 6; TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEnn = 7; TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEnp = 8; TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEpp = 9; TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXpn = 10; TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXnn = 11; TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXnp = 12; TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXpp = 13; TileMapCell.TID_22DEGpnS = 14; TileMapCell.TID_22DEGnnS = 15; TileMapCell.TID_22DEGnpS = 16; TileMapCell.TID_22DEGppS = 17; TileMapCell.TID_22DEGpnB = 18; TileMapCell.TID_22DEGnnB = 19; TileMapCell.TID_22DEGnpB = 20; TileMapCell.TID_22DEGppB = 21; TileMapCell.TID_67DEGpnS = 22; TileMapCell.TID_67DEGnnS = 23; TileMapCell.TID_67DEGnpS = 24; TileMapCell.TID_67DEGppS = 25; TileMapCell.TID_67DEGpnB = 26; TileMapCell.TID_67DEGnnB = 27; TileMapCell.TID_67DEGnpB = 28; TileMapCell.TID_67DEGppB = 29; TileMapCell.TID_HALFd = 30; TileMapCell.TID_HALFr = 31; TileMapCell.TID_HALFu = 32; TileMapCell.TID_HALFl = 33; TileMapCell.CTYPE_EMPTY = 0; TileMapCell.CTYPE_FULL = 1; TileMapCell.CTYPE_45DEG = 2; TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONCAVE = 6; TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONVEX = 10; TileMapCell.CTYPE_22DEGs = 14; TileMapCell.CTYPE_22DEGb = 18; TileMapCell.CTYPE_67DEGs = 22; TileMapCell.CTYPE_67DEGb = 26; TileMapCell.CTYPE_HALF = 30; return TileMapCell; })(); var Circle = (function () { function Circle(x, y, radius) { this.type = 1; this.pos = new Phaser.Vec2(x, y); this.oldpos = Phaser.Vec2Utils.clone(this.pos); this.radius = radius; this.circleTileProjections = {}; this.circleTileProjections[TileMapCell.CTYPE_FULL] = this.ProjCircle_Full; this.circleTileProjections[TileMapCell.CTYPE_45DEG] = this.ProjCircle_45Deg; this.circleTileProjections[TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONCAVE] = this.ProjCircle_Concave; this.circleTileProjections[TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONVEX] = this.ProjCircle_Convex; //Proj_CircleTile[CTYPE_22DEGs] = ProjCircle_22DegS; //Proj_CircleTile[CTYPE_22DEGb] = ProjCircle_22DegB; //Proj_CircleTile[CTYPE_67DEGs] = ProjCircle_67DegS; //Proj_CircleTile[CTYPE_67DEGb] = ProjCircle_67DegB; //Proj_CircleTile[CTYPE_HALF] = ProjCircle_Half; } Circle.prototype.IntegrateVerlet = function () { //var d = DRAG; //var g = GRAV; var d = 1; var g = 0.2; var p = this.pos; var o = this.oldpos; var px, py; var ox = o.x; var oy = o.y; o.x = px = p.x; o.y = py = p.y; //o = oldposition //integrate p.x += (d * px) - (d * ox); p.y += (d * py) - (d * oy) + g; }; Circle.prototype.ReportCollisionVsWorld = function (px, py, dx, dy, obj) { var p = this.pos; var o = this.oldpos; //calc velocity var vx = p.x - o.x; var vy = p.y - o.y; //find component of velocity parallel to collision normal var dp = (vx * dx + vy * dy); var nx = dp * dx; var ny = dp * dy; var tx = vx - nx; var ty = vy - ny; //we only want to apply collision response forces if the object is travelling into, and not out of, the collision var b, bx, by, f, fx, fy; if (dp < 0) { //f = FRICTION; f = 0.05; fx = tx * f; fy = ty * f; //b = 1 + BOUNCE;//this bounce constant should be elsewhere, i.e inside the object/tile/etc.. b = 1 + 0.3; bx = (nx * b); by = (ny * b); } else { //moving out of collision, do not apply forces bx = by = fx = fy = 0; } p.x += px; p.y += py; o.x += px + bx + fx; o.y += py + by + fy; }; Circle.prototype.CollideCircleVsWorldBounds = function () { var p = this.pos; var r = this.radius; var XMIN = 0; var XMAX = 800; var YMIN = 0; var YMAX = 600; //collide vs. x-bounds //test XMIN var dx = XMIN - (p.x - r); if (0 < dx) { //object is colliding with XMIN this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx, 0, 1, 0, null); } else { //test XMAX dx = (p.x + r) - XMAX; if (0 < dx) { //object is colliding with XMAX this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(-dx, 0, -1, 0, null); } } //collide vs. y-bounds //test YMIN var dy = YMIN - (p.y - r); if (0 < dy) { //object is colliding with YMIN this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, dy, 0, 1, null); } else { //test YMAX dy = (p.y + r) - YMAX; if (0 < dy) { //object is colliding with YMAX this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, -dy, 0, -1, null); } } }; Circle.prototype.render = function (context) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)'; context.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); if (this.oH == 1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } else if (this.oH == -1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } if (this.oV == 1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } else if (this.oV == -1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } }; Circle.prototype.CollideCircleVsTile = function (tile) { var pos = this.pos; var r = this.radius; var c = tile; var tx = c.pos.x; var ty = c.pos.y; var txw = c.xw; var tyw = c.yw; var dx = pos.x - tx; var px = (txw + r) - Math.abs(dx); if (0 < px) { var dy = pos.y - ty; var py = (tyw + r) - Math.abs(dy); if (0 < py) { //object may be colliding with tile //determine grid/voronoi region of circle center this.oH = 0; this.oV = 0; if (dx < -txw) { //circle is on left side of tile this.oH = -1; } else if (txw < dx) { //circle is on right side of tile this.oH = 1; } if (dy < -tyw) { //circle is on top side of tile this.oV = -1; } else if (tyw < dy) { //circle is on bottom side of tile this.oV = 1; } this.ResolveCircleTile(px, py, this.oH, this.oV, this, c); } } }; Circle.prototype.ResolveCircleTile = function (x, y, oH, oV, obj, t) { if (0 < t.ID) { return this.circleTileProjections[t.CTYPE](x, y, oH, oV, obj, t); } else { console.log("ResolveCircleTile() was called with an empty (or unknown) tile!: ID=" + t.ID + " (" + t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } }; Circle.prototype.ProjCircle_Full = function (x, y, oH, oV, obj, t) { if (oH == 0) { if (oV == 0) { if (x < y) { //penetration in x is smaller; project in x var dx = obj.pos.x - t.pos.x; if (dx < 0) { obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(-x, 0, -1, 0, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x, 0, 1, 0, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } } else { //penetration in y is smaller; project in y var dy = obj.pos.y - t.pos.y; if (dy < 0) { obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, -y, 0, -1, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, y, 0, 1, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } } } else { //collision with vertical neighbor obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, y * oV, 0, oV, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } } else if (oV == 0) { //collision with horizontal neighbor obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x * oH, 0, oH, 0, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //diagonal collision //get diag vertex position var vx = t.pos.x + (oH * t.xw); var vy = t.pos.y + (oV * t.yw); var dx = obj.pos.x - vx; var dy = obj.pos.y - vy; var len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var pen = obj.radius - len; if (0 < pen) { if (len == 0) { //project out by 45deg dx = oH / Math.SQRT2; dy = oV / Math.SQRT2; } else { dx /= len; dy /= len; } obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx * pen, dy * pen, dx, dy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } return Circle.COL_NONE; }; Circle.prototype.ProjCircle_45Deg = function (x, y, oH, oV, obj, t) { //if we're colliding diagonally: // -if obj is in the diagonal pointed to by the slope normal: we can't collide, do nothing // -else, collide vs. the appropriate vertex //if obj is in this tile: perform collision as for aabb-ve-45deg //if obj is horiz OR very neighb in direction of slope: collide only vs. slope //if obj is horiz or vert neigh against direction of slope: collide vs. face var signx = t.signx; var signy = t.signy; var lenP; if (oH == 0) { if (oV == 0) { //colliding with current tile var sx = t.sx; var sy = t.sy; var ox = (obj.pos.x - (sx * obj.radius)) - t.pos.x; var oy = (obj.pos.y - (sy * obj.radius)) - t.pos.y; //if the dotprod of (ox,oy) and (sx,sy) is negative, the innermost point is in the slope //and we need toproject it out by the magnitude of the projection of (ox,oy) onto (sx,sy) var dp = (ox * sx) + (oy * sy); if (dp < 0) { //collision; project delta onto slope and use this as the slope penetration vector sx *= -dp; sy *= -dp; if (x < y) { //penetration in x is smaller lenP = x; y = 0; if ((obj.pos.x - t.pos.x) < 0) { x *= -1; } } else { //penetration in y is smaller lenP = y; x = 0; if ((obj.pos.y - t.pos.y) < 0) { y *= -1; } } var lenN = Math.sqrt(sx * sx + sy * sy); if (lenP < lenN) { obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x, y, x / lenP, y / lenP, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(sx, sy, t.sx, t.sy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } else { if ((signy * oV) < 0) { //colliding with face/edge obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, y * oV, 0, oV, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //we could only be colliding vs the slope OR a vertex //look at the vector form the closest vert to the circle to decide var sx = t.sx; var sy = t.sy; var ox = obj.pos.x - (t.pos.x - (signx * t.xw)); var oy = obj.pos.y - (t.pos.y + (oV * t.yw)); //if the component of (ox,oy) parallel to the normal's righthand normal //has the same sign as the slope of the slope (the sign of the slope's slope is signx*signy) //then we project by the vertex, otherwise by the normal. //note that this is simply a VERY tricky/weird method of determining //if the circle is in side the slope/face's voronoi region, or that of the vertex. var perp = (ox * -sy) + (oy * sx); if (0 < (perp * signx * signy)) { //collide vs. vertex var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var pen = obj.radius - len; if (0 < pen) { //note: if len=0, then perp=0 and we'll never reach here, so don't worry about div-by-0 ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } else { //collide vs. slope //if the component of (ox,oy) parallel to the normal is less than the circle radius, we're //penetrating the slope. note that this method of penetration calculation doesn't hold //in general (i.e it won't work if the circle is in the slope), but works in this case //because we know the circle is in a neighboring cell var dp = (ox * sx) + (oy * sy); var pen = obj.radius - Math.abs(dp); if (0 < pen) { //collision; circle out along normal by penetration amount obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(sx * pen, sy * pen, sx, sy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } } } else if (oV == 0) { if ((signx * oH) < 0) { //colliding with face/edge obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x * oH, 0, oH, 0, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //we could only be colliding vs the slope OR a vertex //look at the vector form the closest vert to the circle to decide var sx = t.sx; var sy = t.sy; var ox = obj.pos.x - (t.pos.x + (oH * t.xw)); var oy = obj.pos.y - (t.pos.y - (signy * t.yw)); //if the component of (ox,oy) parallel to the normal's righthand normal //has the same sign as the slope of the slope (the sign of the slope's slope is signx*signy) //then we project by the normal, otherwise by the vertex. //(NOTE: this is the opposite logic of the vertical case; // for vertical, if the perp prod and the slope's slope agree, it's outside. // for horizontal, if the perp prod and the slope's slope agree, circle is inside. // ..but this is only a property of flahs' coord system (i.e the rules might swap // in righthanded systems)) //note that this is simply a VERY tricky/weird method of determining //if the circle is in side the slope/face's voronio region, or that of the vertex. var perp = (ox * -sy) + (oy * sx); if ((perp * signx * signy) < 0) { //collide vs. vertex var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var pen = obj.radius - len; if (0 < pen) { //note: if len=0, then perp=0 and we'll never reach here, so don't worry about div-by-0 ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } else { //collide vs. slope //if the component of (ox,oy) parallel to the normal is less than the circle radius, we're //penetrating the slope. note that this method of penetration calculation doesn't hold //in general (i.e it won't work if the circle is in the slope), but works in this case //because we know the circle is in a neighboring cell var dp = (ox * sx) + (oy * sy); var pen = obj.radius - Math.abs(dp); if (0 < pen) { //collision; circle out along normal by penetration amount obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(sx * pen, sy * pen, sx, sy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } } else { if (0 < ((signx * oH) + (signy * oV))) { //the dotprod of slope normal and cell offset is strictly positive, //therefore obj is in the diagonal neighb pointed at by the normal, and //it cannot possibly reach/touch/penetrate the slope return Circle.COL_NONE; } else { //collide vs. vertex //get diag vertex position var vx = t.pos.x + (oH * t.xw); var vy = t.pos.y + (oV * t.yw); var dx = obj.pos.x - vx; var dy = obj.pos.y - vy; var len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var pen = obj.radius - len; if (0 < pen) { if (len == 0) { //project out by 45deg dx = oH / Math.SQRT2; dy = oV / Math.SQRT2; } else { dx /= len; dy /= len; } obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx * pen, dy * pen, dx, dy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } return Circle.COL_NONE; }; Circle.prototype.ProjCircle_Concave = function (x, y, oH, oV, obj, t) { //if we're colliding diagonally: // -if obj is in the diagonal pointed to by the slope normal: we can't collide, do nothing // -else, collide vs. the appropriate vertex //if obj is in this tile: perform collision as for aabb //if obj is horiz OR very neighb in direction of slope: collide vs vert //if obj is horiz or vert neigh against direction of slope: collide vs. face var signx = t.signx; var signy = t.signy; var lenP; if (oH == 0) { if (oV == 0) { //colliding with current tile var ox = (t.pos.x + (signx * t.xw)) - obj.pos.x; var oy = (t.pos.y + (signy * t.yw)) - obj.pos.y; var twid = t.xw * 2; var trad = Math.sqrt(twid * twid + 0); //note that this should be precomputed at compile-time since it's constant var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var pen = (len + obj.radius) - trad; if (0 < pen) { if (x < y) { //penetration in x is smaller lenP = x; y = 0; if ((obj.pos.x - t.pos.x) < 0) { x *= -1; } } else { //penetration in y is smaller lenP = y; x = 0; if ((obj.pos.y - t.pos.y) < 0) { y *= -1; } } if (lenP < pen) { obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x, y, x / lenP, y / lenP, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //we can assume that len >0, because if we're here then //(len + obj.radius) > trad, and since obj.radius <= trad //len MUST be > 0 ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } else { return Circle.COL_NONE; } } else { if ((signy * oV) < 0) { //colliding with face/edge obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, y * oV, 0, oV, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //we could only be colliding vs the vertical tip //get diag vertex position var vx = t.pos.x - (signx * t.xw); var vy = t.pos.y + (oV * t.yw); var dx = obj.pos.x - vx; var dy = obj.pos.y - vy; var len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var pen = obj.radius - len; if (0 < pen) { if (len == 0) { //project out vertically dx = 0; dy = oV; } else { dx /= len; dy /= len; } obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx * pen, dy * pen, dx, dy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } } else if (oV == 0) { if ((signx * oH) < 0) { //colliding with face/edge obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x * oH, 0, oH, 0, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //we could only be colliding vs the horizontal tip //get diag vertex position var vx = t.pos.x + (oH * t.xw); var vy = t.pos.y - (signy * t.yw); var dx = obj.pos.x - vx; var dy = obj.pos.y - vy; var len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var pen = obj.radius - len; if (0 < pen) { if (len == 0) { //project out horizontally dx = oH; dy = 0; } else { dx /= len; dy /= len; } obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx * pen, dy * pen, dx, dy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } else { if (0 < ((signx * oH) + (signy * oV))) { //the dotprod of slope normal and cell offset is strictly positive, //therefore obj is in the diagonal neighb pointed at by the normal, and //it cannot possibly reach/touch/penetrate the slope return Circle.COL_NONE; } else { //collide vs. vertex //get diag vertex position var vx = t.pos.x + (oH * t.xw); var vy = t.pos.y + (oV * t.yw); var dx = obj.pos.x - vx; var dy = obj.pos.y - vy; var len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var pen = obj.radius - len; if (0 < pen) { if (len == 0) { //project out by 45deg dx = oH / Math.SQRT2; dy = oV / Math.SQRT2; } else { dx /= len; dy /= len; } obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx * pen, dy * pen, dx, dy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } return Circle.COL_NONE; }; Circle.prototype.ProjCircle_Convex = function (x, y, oH, oV, obj, t) { //if the object is horiz AND/OR vertical neighbor in the normal (signx,signy) //direction, collide vs. tile-circle only. //if we're colliding diagonally: // -else, collide vs. the appropriate vertex //if obj is in this tile: perform collision as for aabb //if obj is horiz or vert neigh against direction of slope: collide vs. face var signx = t.signx; var signy = t.signy; var lenP; if (oH == 0) { if (oV == 0) { //colliding with current tile var ox = obj.pos.x - (t.pos.x - (signx * t.xw)); var oy = obj.pos.y - (t.pos.y - (signy * t.yw)); var twid = t.xw * 2; var trad = Math.sqrt(twid * twid + 0); //note that this should be precomputed at compile-time since it's constant var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var pen = (trad + obj.radius) - len; if (0 < pen) { if (x < y) { //penetration in x is smaller lenP = x; y = 0; if ((obj.pos.x - t.pos.x) < 0) { x *= -1; } } else { //penetration in y is smaller lenP = y; x = 0; if ((obj.pos.y - t.pos.y) < 0) { y *= -1; } } if (lenP < pen) { obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x, y, x / lenP, y / lenP, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //note: len should NEVER be == 0, because if it is, //projeciton by an axis shoudl always be shorter, and we should //never arrive here ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } else { if ((signy * oV) < 0) { //colliding with face/edge obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, y * oV, 0, oV, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //obj in neighboring cell pointed at by tile normal; //we could only be colliding vs the tile-circle surface var ox = obj.pos.x - (t.pos.x - (signx * t.xw)); var oy = obj.pos.y - (t.pos.y - (signy * t.yw)); var twid = t.xw * 2; var trad = Math.sqrt(twid * twid + 0); //note that this should be precomputed at compile-time since it's constant var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var pen = (trad + obj.radius) - len; if (0 < pen) { //note: len should NEVER be == 0, because if it is, //obj is not in a neighboring cell! ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } } else if (oV == 0) { if ((signx * oH) < 0) { //colliding with face/edge obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(x * oH, 0, oH, 0, t); return Circle.COL_AXIS; } else { //obj in neighboring cell pointed at by tile normal; //we could only be colliding vs the tile-circle surface var ox = obj.pos.x - (t.pos.x - (signx * t.xw)); var oy = obj.pos.y - (t.pos.y - (signy * t.yw)); var twid = t.xw * 2; var trad = Math.sqrt(twid * twid + 0); //note that this should be precomputed at compile-time since it's constant var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var pen = (trad + obj.radius) - len; if (0 < pen) { //note: len should NEVER be == 0, because if it is, //obj is not in a neighboring cell! ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } else { if (0 < ((signx * oH) + (signy * oV))) { //obj in diag neighb cell pointed at by tile normal; //we could only be colliding vs the tile-circle surface var ox = obj.pos.x - (t.pos.x - (signx * t.xw)); var oy = obj.pos.y - (t.pos.y - (signy * t.yw)); var twid = t.xw * 2; var trad = Math.sqrt(twid * twid + 0); //note that this should be precomputed at compile-time since it's constant var len = Math.sqrt(ox * ox + oy * oy); var pen = (trad + obj.radius) - len; if (0 < pen) { //note: len should NEVER be == 0, because if it is, //obj is not in a neighboring cell! ox /= len; oy /= len; obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(ox * pen, oy * pen, ox, oy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } else { //collide vs. vertex //get diag vertex position var vx = t.pos.x + (oH * t.xw); var vy = t.pos.y + (oV * t.yw); var dx = obj.pos.x - vx; var dy = obj.pos.y - vy; var len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var pen = obj.radius - len; if (0 < pen) { if (len == 0) { //project out by 45deg dx = oH / Math.SQRT2; dy = oV / Math.SQRT2; } else { dx /= len; dy /= len; } obj.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx * pen, dy * pen, dx, dy, t); return Circle.COL_OTHER; } } } return Circle.COL_NONE; }; Circle.COL_NONE = 0; Circle.COL_AXIS = 1; Circle.COL_OTHER = 2; return Circle; })(); (function () { var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, init, create, update, render); function init() { game.load.image('ball', 'assets/sprites/shinyball.png'); game.load.image('card', 'assets/sprites/mana_card.png'); } var cells; var physics; var b; var c; var t; var ball; var card; function create() { this.ball = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'ball'); this.ball.origin.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.card = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'card'); this.card.rotation = 30; //this.card.origin.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.physics = new NPhysics(); this.c = new Circle(200, 100, 16); this.b = new AABB(200, 200, 74 / 2, 128 / 2); // pos is center, not upper-left this.cells = []; var tid; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { console.log('pn'); tid = TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEpn; } else { console.log('nn'); tid = TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEnn; } //this.cells.push(new TileMapCell(100 + (i * 100), 400, 50, 100).SetState(TileMapCell.TID_FULL)); this.cells.push(new TileMapCell(100 + (i * 100), 400, 50, 50).SetState(tid)); //this.cells.push(new TileMapCell(100 + (i * 100), 500, 50, 50).SetState(TileMapCell.TID_FULL)); //this.cells.push(new TileMapCell(100 + (i * 100), 500, 50, 50).SetState(TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEpn)); } //this.t = new TileMapCell(200, 500, 100, 100); //this.t.SetState(TileMapCell.TID_FULL); //this.t.SetState(TileMapCell.TID_45DEGpn); //this.t.SetState(TileMapCell.TID_CONCAVEpn); //this.t.SetState(TileMapCell.TID_CONVEXpn); } function update() { var fx = 0; var fy = 0; if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT)) { fx -= 0.2; } else if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT)) { fx += 0.2; } if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.UP)) { fy -= 0.2 + 0.2; } else if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN)) { fy += 0.2; } // update circle this.c.pos.x = this.c.oldpos.x + Math.min(20, Math.max(-20, this.c.pos.x - this.c.oldpos.x + fx)); this.c.pos.y = this.c.oldpos.y + Math.min(20, Math.max(-20, this.c.pos.y - this.c.oldpos.y + fy)); this.c.IntegrateVerlet(); // update box this.b.pos.x = this.b.oldpos.x + Math.min(40, Math.max(-40, this.b.pos.x - this.b.oldpos.x + fx)); this.b.pos.y = this.b.oldpos.y + Math.min(40, Math.max(-40, this.b.pos.y - this.b.oldpos.y + fy)); this.b.IntegrateVerlet(); for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) { this.c.CollideCircleVsTile(this.cells[i]); this.b.CollideAABBVsTile(this.cells[i]); } this.c.CollideCircleVsWorldBounds(); this.b.CollideAABBVsWorldBounds(); this.ball.x = this.c.pos.x; this.ball.y = this.c.pos.y; this.card.transform.centerOn(this.b.pos.x, this.b.pos.y); //this.card.x = this.b.pos.x; //this.card.y = this.b.pos.y; } function render() { this.c.render(game.stage.context); this.b.render(game.stage.context); for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) { this.cells[i].render(game.stage.context); } } })();