/// /** * Phaser - Physics - Circle */ module Phaser.Physics { export class Circle { constructor(game: Phaser.Game, x: number, y: number, radius:number) { this.game = game; this.pos = new Phaser.Vec2(x, y); this.oldpos = new Phaser.Vec2(x, y); this.radius = radius; this.circleTileProjections = {}; this.circleTileProjections[Phaser.Physics.TileMapCell.CTYPE_FULL] = Phaser.Physics.Projection.CircleFull.Collide; this.circleTileProjections[Phaser.Physics.TileMapCell.CTYPE_45DEG] = Phaser.Physics.Projection.Circle45Deg.Collide; this.circleTileProjections[Phaser.Physics.TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONCAVE] = Phaser.Physics.Projection.CircleConcave.Collide; this.circleTileProjections[Phaser.Physics.TileMapCell.CTYPE_CONVEX] = Phaser.Physics.Projection.CircleConvex.Collide; } public game: Phaser.Game; public static COL_NONE = 0; public static COL_AXIS = 1; public static COL_OTHER = 2; public type: number = 1; public pos: Phaser.Vec2; public oldpos: Phaser.Vec2; public radius: number; public oH: number; // horizontal collision public oV: number; private circleTileProjections; public IntegrateVerlet() { var d = 1; // drag var g = 0.2; // gravity var p = this.pos; var o = this.oldpos; var px; var py; var ox = o.x; var oy = o.y; //o = oldposition o.x = px = p.x; //get vector values o.y = py = p.y; //p = position //integrate p.x += (d * px) - (d * ox); p.y += (d * py) - (d * oy) + g; } public ReportCollisionVsWorld(px: number, py: number, dx: number, dy: number, obj: Phaser.Physics.TileMapCell) { var p = this.pos; var o = this.oldpos; //calc velocity var vx = p.x - o.x; var vy = p.y - o.y; //find component of velocity parallel to collision normal var dp = (vx * dx + vy * dy); var nx = dp * dx;//project velocity onto collision normal var ny = dp * dy;//nx,ny is normal velocity var tx = vx - nx;//px,py is tangent velocity var ty = vy - ny; //we only want to apply collision response forces if the object is travelling into, and not out of, the collision var b, bx, by, f, fx, fy; if (dp < 0) { //f = FRICTION; f = 0.05; fx = tx * f; fy = ty * f; //b = 1 + BOUNCE;//this bounce constant should be elsewhere, i.e inside the object/tile/etc.. b = 1 + 0.9;//this bounce constant should be elsewhere, i.e inside the object/tile/etc.. bx = (nx * b); by = (ny * b); } else { //moving out of collision, do not apply forces bx = by = fx = fy = 0; } p.x += px;//project object out of collision p.y += py; o.x += px + bx + fx;//apply bounce+friction impulses which alter velocity o.y += py + by + fy; } public CollideCircleVsWorldBounds() { var p = this.pos; var r = this.radius; var XMIN = 0; var XMAX = 800; var YMIN = 0; var YMAX = 600; //collide vs. x-bounds //test XMIN var dx = XMIN - (p.x - r); if (0 < dx) { //object is colliding with XMIN this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(dx, 0, 1, 0, null); } else { //test XMAX dx = (p.x + r) - XMAX; if (0 < dx) { //object is colliding with XMAX this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(-dx, 0, -1, 0, null); } } //collide vs. y-bounds //test YMIN var dy = YMIN - (p.y - r); if (0 < dy) { //object is colliding with YMIN this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, dy, 0, 1, null); } else { //test YMAX dy = (p.y + r) - YMAX; if (0 < dy) { //object is colliding with YMAX this.ReportCollisionVsWorld(0, -dy, 0, -1, null); } } } public render(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)'; context.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); if (this.oH == 1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } else if (this.oH == -1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } if (this.oV == 1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y - this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } else if (this.oV == -1) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)'; context.moveTo(this.pos.x - this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.lineTo(this.pos.x + this.radius, this.pos.y + this.radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } } public CollideCircleVsTile(tile) { var pos = this.pos; var r = this.radius; var c = tile; var tx = c.pos.x; var ty = c.pos.y; var txw = c.xw; var tyw = c.yw; var dx = pos.x - tx;//tile->obj delta var px = (txw + r) - Math.abs(dx);//penetration depth in x if (0 < px) { var dy = pos.y - ty;//tile->obj delta var py = (tyw + r) - Math.abs(dy);//pen depth in y if (0 < py) { //object may be colliding with tile //determine grid/voronoi region of circle center this.oH = 0; this.oV = 0; if (dx < -txw) { //circle is on left side of tile this.oH = -1; } else if (txw < dx) { //circle is on right side of tile this.oH = 1; } if (dy < -tyw) { //circle is on top side of tile this.oV = -1; } else if (tyw < dy) { //circle is on bottom side of tile this.oV = 1; } this.ResolveCircleTile(px, py, this.oH, this.oV, this, c); } } } public ResolveCircleTile(x, y, oH, oV, obj, t) { if (0 < t.ID) { return this.circleTileProjections[t.CTYPE](x, y, oH, oV, obj, t); } else { console.log("ResolveCircleTile() was called with an empty (or unknown) tile!: ID=" + t.ID + " (" + t.i + "," + t.j + ")"); return false; } } } }