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@copyright 2016 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * The Keyboard class monitors keyboard input and dispatches keyboard events. * * _Note_: many keyboards are unable to process certain combinations of keys due to hardware limitations known as ghosting. * See http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/4876-impossible-to-use-more-than-2-keyboard-input-buttons-at-the-same-time/ for more details. * * Also please be aware that certain browser extensions can disable or override Phaser keyboard handling. * For example the Chrome extension vimium is known to disable Phaser from using the D key. And there are others. * So please check your extensions before opening Phaser issues. * * @class Phaser.Keyboard * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game. */ Phaser.Keyboard = function (game) { /** * @property {Phaser.Game} game - Local reference to game. */ this.game = game; /** * Keyboard input will only be processed if enabled. * @property {boolean} enabled * @default */ this.enabled = true; /** * @property {object} event - The most recent DOM event from keydown or keyup. This is updated every time a new key is pressed or released. */ this.event = null; /** * @property {object} pressEvent - The most recent DOM event from keypress. */ this.pressEvent = null; /** * @property {object} callbackContext - The context under which the callbacks are run. */ this.callbackContext = this; /** * @property {function} onDownCallback - This callback is invoked every time a key is pressed down, including key repeats when a key is held down. */ this.onDownCallback = null; /** * @property {function} onPressCallback - This callback is invoked every time a DOM onkeypress event is raised, which is only for printable keys. */ this.onPressCallback = null; /** * @property {function} onUpCallback - This callback is invoked every time a key is released. */ this.onUpCallback = null; /** * @property {array<Phaser.Key>} _keys - The array the Phaser.Key objects are stored in. * @private */ this._keys = []; /** * @property {array} _capture - The array the key capture values are stored in. * @private */ this._capture = []; /** * @property {function} _onKeyDown * @private * @default */ this._onKeyDown = null; /** * @property {function} _onKeyPress * @private * @default */ this._onKeyPress = null; /** * @property {function} _onKeyUp * @private * @default */ this._onKeyUp = null; /** * @property {number} _i - Internal cache var * @private */ this._i = 0; /** * @property {number} _k - Internal cache var * @private */ this._k = 0; }; Phaser.Keyboard.prototype = { /** * Add callbacks to the Keyboard handler so that each time a key is pressed down or released the callbacks are activated. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#addCallbacks * @param {object} context - The context under which the callbacks are run. * @param {function} [onDown=null] - This callback is invoked every time a key is pressed down. * @param {function} [onUp=null] - This callback is invoked every time a key is released. * @param {function} [onPress=null] - This callback is invoked every time the onkeypress event is raised. */ addCallbacks: function (context, onDown, onUp, onPress) { this.callbackContext = context; if (onDown !== undefined && onDown !== null) { this.onDownCallback = onDown; } if (onUp !== undefined && onUp !== null) { this.onUpCallback = onUp; } if (onPress !== undefined && onPress !== null) { this.onPressCallback = onPress; } }, /** * If you need more fine-grained control over a Key you can create a new Phaser.Key object via this method. * The Key object can then be polled, have events attached to it, etc. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#addKey * @param {integer} keycode - The {@link Phaser.KeyCode keycode} of the key. * @return {Phaser.Key} The Key object which you can store locally and reference directly. */ addKey: function (keycode) { if (!this._keys[keycode]) { this._keys[keycode] = new Phaser.Key(this.game, keycode); this.addKeyCapture(keycode); } return this._keys[keycode]; }, /** * A practical way to create an object containing user selected hotkeys. * * For example, * * addKeys( { 'up': Phaser.KeyCode.W, 'down': Phaser.KeyCode.S, 'left': Phaser.KeyCode.A, 'right': Phaser.KeyCode.D } ); * * would return an object containing properties (`up`, `down`, `left` and `right`) referring to {@link Phaser.Key} object. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#addKeys * @param {object} keys - A key mapping object, i.e. `{ 'up': Phaser.KeyCode.W, 'down': Phaser.KeyCode.S }` or `{ 'up': 52, 'down': 53 }`. * @return {object} An object containing the properties mapped to {@link Phaser.Key} values. */ addKeys: function (keys) { var output = {}; for (var key in keys) { output[key] = this.addKey(keys[key]); } return output; }, /** * Removes a Key object from the Keyboard manager. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#removeKey * @param {integer} keycode - The {@link Phaser.KeyCode keycode} of the key to remove. */ removeKey: function (keycode) { if (this._keys[keycode]) { this._keys[keycode] = null; this.removeKeyCapture(keycode); } }, /** * Creates and returns an object containing 4 hotkeys for Up, Down, Left and Right. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#createCursorKeys * @return {object} An object containing properties: `up`, `down`, `left` and `right` of {@link Phaser.Key} objects. */ createCursorKeys: function () { return this.addKeys({ 'up': Phaser.KeyCode.UP, 'down': Phaser.KeyCode.DOWN, 'left': Phaser.KeyCode.LEFT, 'right': Phaser.KeyCode.RIGHT }); }, /** * Starts the Keyboard event listeners running (keydown and keyup). They are attached to the window. * This is called automatically by Phaser.Input and should not normally be invoked directly. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#start * @protected */ start: function () { if (this.game.device.cocoonJS) { return; } if (this._onKeyDown !== null) { // Avoid setting multiple listeners return; } var _this = this; this._onKeyDown = function (event) { return _this.processKeyDown(event); }; this._onKeyUp = function (event) { return _this.processKeyUp(event); }; this._onKeyPress = function (event) { return _this.processKeyPress(event); }; window.addEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown, false); window.addEventListener('keyup', this._onKeyUp, false); window.addEventListener('keypress', this._onKeyPress, false); }, /** * Stops the Keyboard event listeners from running (keydown, keyup and keypress). They are removed from the window. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#stop */ stop: function () { window.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown); window.removeEventListener('keyup', this._onKeyUp); window.removeEventListener('keypress', this._onKeyPress); this._onKeyDown = null; this._onKeyUp = null; this._onKeyPress = null; }, /** * Stops the Keyboard event listeners from running (keydown and keyup). They are removed from the window. * Also clears all key captures and currently created Key objects. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#destroy */ destroy: function () { this.stop(); this.clearCaptures(); this._keys.length = 0; this._i = 0; }, /** * By default when a key is pressed Phaser will not stop the event from propagating up to the browser. * There are some keys this can be annoying for, like the arrow keys or space bar, which make the browser window scroll. * * The `addKeyCapture` method enables consuming keyboard event for specific keys so it doesn't bubble up to the the browser * and cause the default browser behavior. * * Pass in either a single keycode or an array/hash of keycodes. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#addKeyCapture * @param {integer|integer[]|object} keycode - Either a single {@link Phaser.KeyCode keycode} or an array/hash of keycodes such as `[65, 67, 68]`. */ addKeyCapture: function (keycode) { if (typeof keycode === 'object') { for (var key in keycode) { this._capture[keycode[key]] = true; } } else { this._capture[keycode] = true; } }, /** * Removes an existing key capture. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#removeKeyCapture * @param {integer} keycode - The {@link Phaser.KeyCode keycode} to remove capturing of. */ removeKeyCapture: function (keycode) { delete this._capture[keycode]; }, /** * Clear all set key captures. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#clearCaptures */ clearCaptures: function () { this._capture = {}; }, /** * Updates all currently defined keys. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#update */ update: function () { this._i = this._keys.length; while (this._i--) { if (this._keys[this._i]) { this._keys[this._i].update(); } } }, /** * Process the keydown event. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#processKeyDown * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * @protected */ processKeyDown: function (event) { this.event = event; if (!this.game.input.enabled || !this.enabled) { return; } var key = event.keyCode; // The event is being captured but another hotkey may need it if (this._capture[key]) { event.preventDefault(); } if (!this._keys[key]) { this._keys[key] = new Phaser.Key(this.game, key); } this._keys[key].processKeyDown(event); this._k = key; if (this.onDownCallback) { this.onDownCallback.call(this.callbackContext, event); } }, /** * Process the keypress event. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#processKeyPress * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * @protected */ processKeyPress: function (event) { this.pressEvent = event; if (!this.game.input.enabled || !this.enabled) { return; } if (this.onPressCallback) { this.onPressCallback.call(this.callbackContext, String.fromCharCode(event.charCode), event); } }, /** * Process the keyup event. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#processKeyUp * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * @protected */ processKeyUp: function (event) { this.event = event; if (!this.game.input.enabled || !this.enabled) { return; } var key = event.keyCode; if (this._capture[key]) { event.preventDefault(); } if (!this._keys[key]) { this._keys[key] = new Phaser.Key(this.game, key); } this._keys[key].processKeyUp(event); if (this.onUpCallback) { this.onUpCallback.call(this.callbackContext, event); } }, /** * Resets all Keys. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#reset * @param {boolean} [hard=true] - A soft reset won't reset any events or callbacks that are bound to the Keys. A hard reset will. */ reset: function (hard) { if (hard === undefined) { hard = true; } this.event = null; var i = this._keys.length; while (i--) { if (this._keys[i]) { this._keys[i].reset(hard); } } }, /** * Returns `true` if the Key was pressed down within the `duration` value given, or `false` if it either isn't down, * or was pressed down longer ago than then given duration. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#downDuration * @param {integer} keycode - The {@link Phaser.KeyCode keycode} of the key to check: i.e. Phaser.KeyCode.UP or Phaser.KeyCode.SPACEBAR. * @param {number} [duration=50] - The duration within which the key is considered as being just pressed. Given in ms. * @return {boolean} True if the key was pressed down within the given duration, false if not or null if the Key wasn't found. */ downDuration: function (keycode, duration) { if (this._keys[keycode]) { return this._keys[keycode].downDuration(duration); } else { return null; } }, /** * Returns `true` if the Key was pressed down within the `duration` value given, or `false` if it either isn't down, * or was pressed down longer ago than then given duration. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#upDuration * @param {Phaser.KeyCode|integer} keycode - The keycode of the key to check, i.e. Phaser.KeyCode.UP or Phaser.KeyCode.SPACEBAR. * @param {number} [duration=50] - The duration within which the key is considered as being just released. Given in ms. * @return {boolean} True if the key was released within the given duration, false if not or null if the Key wasn't found. */ upDuration: function (keycode, duration) { if (this._keys[keycode]) { return this._keys[keycode].upDuration(duration); } else { return null; } }, /** * Returns true of the key is currently pressed down. Note that it can only detect key presses on the web browser. * * @method Phaser.Keyboard#isDown * @param {integer} keycode - The {@link Phaser.KeyCode keycode} of the key to check: i.e. Phaser.KeyCode.UP or Phaser.KeyCode.SPACEBAR. * @return {boolean} True if the key is currently down, false if not or null if the Key wasn't found. */ isDown: function (keycode) { if (this._keys[keycode]) { return this._keys[keycode].isDown; } else { return null; } } }; /** * Returns the string value of the most recently pressed key. * @name Phaser.Keyboard#lastChar * @property {string} lastChar - The string value of the most recently pressed key. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Keyboard.prototype, "lastChar", { get: function () { if (this.event.charCode === 32) { return ''; } else { return String.fromCharCode(this.pressEvent.charCode); } } }); /** * Returns the most recently pressed Key. This is a Phaser.Key object and it changes every time a key is pressed. * @name Phaser.Keyboard#lastKey * @property {Phaser.Key} lastKey - The most recently pressed Key. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Keyboard.prototype, "lastKey", { get: function () { return this._keys[this._k]; } }); Phaser.Keyboard.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Keyboard; /** * A key code represents a physical key on a keyboard. * * The KeyCode class contains commonly supported keyboard key codes which can be used * as keycode`-parameters in several {@link Phaser.Keyboard} and {@link Phaser.Key} methods. * * _Note_: These values should only be used indirectly, eg. as `Phaser.KeyCode.KEY`. * Future versions may replace the actual values, such that they remain compatible with `keycode`-parameters. * The current implementation maps to the {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode KeyboardEvent.keyCode} property. * * _Note_: Use `Phaser.KeyCode.KEY` instead of `Phaser.Keyboard.KEY` to refer to a key code; * the latter approach is supported for compatibility. * * @class Phaser.KeyCode */ Phaser.KeyCode = { /** @static */ A: "A".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ B: "B".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ C: "C".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ D: "D".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ E: "E".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ F: "F".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ G: "G".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ H: "H".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ I: "I".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ J: "J".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ K: "K".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ L: "L".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ M: "M".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ N: "N".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ O: "O".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ P: "P".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ Q: "Q".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ R: "R".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ S: "S".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ T: "T".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ U: "U".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ V: "V".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ W: "W".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ X: "X".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ Y: "Y".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ Z: "Z".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ ZERO: "0".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ ONE: "1".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ TWO: "2".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ THREE: "3".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ FOUR: "4".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ FIVE: "5".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ SIX: "6".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ SEVEN: "7".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ EIGHT: "8".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ NINE: "9".charCodeAt(0), /** @static */ NUMPAD_0: 96, /** @static */ NUMPAD_1: 97, /** @static */ NUMPAD_2: 98, /** @static */ NUMPAD_3: 99, /** @static */ NUMPAD_4: 100, /** @static */ NUMPAD_5: 101, /** @static */ NUMPAD_6: 102, /** @static */ NUMPAD_7: 103, /** @static */ NUMPAD_8: 104, /** @static */ NUMPAD_9: 105, /** @static */ NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106, /** @static */ NUMPAD_ADD: 107, /** @static */ NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, /** @static */ NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: 109, /** @static */ NUMPAD_DECIMAL: 110, /** @static */ NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, /** @static */ F1: 112, /** @static */ F2: 113, /** @static */ F3: 114, /** @static */ F4: 115, /** @static */ F5: 116, /** @static */ F6: 117, /** @static */ F7: 118, /** @static */ F8: 119, /** @static */ F9: 120, /** @static */ F10: 121, /** @static */ F11: 122, /** @static */ F12: 123, /** @static */ F13: 124, /** @static */ F14: 125, /** @static */ F15: 126, /** @static */ COLON: 186, /** @static */ EQUALS: 187, /** @static */ COMMA: 188, /** @static */ UNDERSCORE: 189, /** @static */ PERIOD: 190, /** @static */ QUESTION_MARK: 191, /** @static */ TILDE: 192, /** @static */ OPEN_BRACKET: 219, /** @static */ BACKWARD_SLASH: 220, /** @static */ CLOSED_BRACKET: 221, /** @static */ QUOTES: 222, /** @static */ BACKSPACE: 8, /** @static */ TAB: 9, /** @static */ CLEAR: 12, /** @static */ ENTER: 13, /** @static */ SHIFT: 16, /** @static */ CONTROL: 17, /** @static */ ALT: 18, /** @static */ CAPS_LOCK: 20, /** @static */ ESC: 27, /** @static */ SPACEBAR: 32, /** @static */ PAGE_UP: 33, /** @static */ PAGE_DOWN: 34, /** @static */ END: 35, /** @static */ HOME: 36, /** @static */ LEFT: 37, /** @static */ UP: 38, /** @static */ RIGHT: 39, /** @static */ DOWN: 40, /** @static */ PLUS: 43, /** @static */ MINUS: 44, /** @static */ INSERT: 45, /** @static */ DELETE: 46, /** @static */ HELP: 47, /** @static */ NUM_LOCK: 144 }; // Duplicate Phaser.KeyCode values in Phaser.Keyboard for compatibility for (var key in Phaser.KeyCode) { if (Phaser.KeyCode.hasOwnProperty(key) && !key.match(/[a-z]/)) { Phaser.Keyboard[key] = Phaser.KeyCode[key]; } } </pre> </article> </section> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <footer> <span class="copyright"> Phaser Copyright © 2012-2016 Photon Storm Ltd. </span> <br /> <span class="jsdoc-message"> Documentation generated by <a href="https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc">JSDoc 3.4.0</a> on Fri Aug 26 2016 01:16:09 GMT+0100 (BST) using the <a href="https://github.com/terryweiss/docstrap">DocStrap template</a>. </span> </footer> </div> <br clear="both"> </div> </div> <script src="scripts/sunlight.js"></script> <script src="scripts/sunlight.javascript.js"></script> <script src="scripts/sunlight-plugin.doclinks.js"></script> <script src="scripts/sunlight-plugin.linenumbers.js"></script> <script src="scripts/sunlight-plugin.menu.js"></script> <script src="scripts/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="scripts/jquery.scrollTo.js"></script> <script src="scripts/jquery.localScroll.js"></script> <script src="scripts/bootstrap-dropdown.js"></script> <script src="scripts/toc.js"></script> <script> Sunlight.highlightAll({lineNumbers:true, showMenu: true, enableDoclinks :true}); 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