/** * When JSdoc encounters names it disables the automatic code inspection ability; * this is especially problematic for cases like * * > @class MyClass * > @constructor * * because the properties without an explicit @memberof or fullname are not being included in * in the newer JSDoc output. * * This is a simple plugin, as discussed https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/issues/804#event-195287680 * to rewrite the @class [@constructor] to @alias @class which enables JSDoc to collect better data. */ exports.handlers = {}; exports.handlers.jsdocCommentFound = function (e) { var raw = e.comment; var m = /^(\s*[*])\s*@class\b/m.exec(raw); if (m) { // @class X -> @alias X / @class raw = raw.replace(/^(\s*[*])\s*@class[ \t]+(\S+).*?((?=[\r\n]+))/mg, "$1 @alias $2$3$1 @class"); // @constructor -> {removed} raw = raw.replace(/^(\s*[*])\s*@constructor\b.*?(?=[\r\n]+)/mg, "$1"); e.comment = raw; } };