var Class = require('../../../utils/Class'); var GameObject = require('../../GameObject'); var Components = require('../../../components'); var TilemapRender = require('./TilemapRender'); var Tile = require('./Tile'); var Tilemap = new Class({ Extends: GameObject, Mixins: [ Components.Alpha, Components.BlendMode, Components.Flip, Components.GetBounds, Components.Origin, Components.RenderTarget, Components.ScaleMode, Components.Size, Components.Texture, Components.Transform, Components.Visible, Components.ScrollFactor, TilemapRender ], initialize: function Tilemap (state, mapData, x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight, mapWidth, mapHeight, texture, frame) {, state, 'Tilemap'); this.mapData = mapData !== null ? new Uint32Array(mapData) : new Uint32Array(mapWidth * mapHeight); this.tileWidth = tileWidth; this.tileHeight = tileHeight; this.mapWidth = mapWidth; this.mapHeight = mapHeight; this.tileArray = []; this.culledTiles = []; this.setTexture(texture, frame); this.setPosition(x, y); this.setSizeToFrame(); this.setOrigin(); this.setSize(tileWidth * mapWidth, tileHeight * mapHeight); this.buildTilemap(); }, getTotalTileCount: function () { return this.tileArray.length; }, getVisibleTileCount: function (camera) { return this.cull(camera).length; }, buildTilemap: function () { var tileArray = this.tileArray; var mapData = this.mapData; // var frame = this.frame; var tileWidth = this.tileWidth; var tileHeight = this.tileHeight; var width = this.texture.source[0].width; var height = this.texture.source[0].height; var mapWidth = this.mapWidth; var mapHeight = this.mapHeight; var setWidth = width / tileWidth; tileArray.length = 0; for (var y = 0; y < mapHeight; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x < mapWidth; ++x) { var tileId = mapData[y * mapWidth + x]; var halfTileWidth = (tileWidth) * 0.5; var halfTileHeight = (tileHeight) * 0.5; var rectx = (((tileId % setWidth)|0) * tileWidth) + halfTileWidth; var recty = (((tileId / setWidth)|0) * tileHeight) + halfTileHeight; var tx = x * tileWidth; var ty = y * tileHeight; tileArray.push(new Tile({ index: x + y, id: tileId, x: tx, y: ty, width: tileWidth, height: tileHeight, frameX: rectx, frameY: recty, frameWidth: tileWidth, frameHeight: tileHeight, textureWidth: width, textureHeight: height })); } } }, cull: function (camera) { var culledTiles = this.culledTiles; var tiles = this.tileArray; var length = tiles.length; var scrollX = camera.scrollX * this.scrollFactorX; var scrollY = camera.scrollY * this.scrollFactorY; var cameraW = camera.width; var cameraH = camera.height; culledTiles.length = 0; for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index) { var tile = tiles[index]; var tileX = tile.x - scrollX; var tileY = tile.y - scrollY; var tileW = tile.width; var tileH = tile.height; var cullW = cameraW + tileW; var cullH = cameraH + tileH; if (tile.visible && tileX > -tileH && tileY > -tileW && tileX < cullW && tileY < cullH) { culledTiles.push(tile); } } return culledTiles; }, forEach: function (callback) { this.tileArray.forEach(callback); }, // Returns Object containing: // { // alpha // frameWidth, // frameHeight, // frameX // frameY // id // index = the tile in the tilset to render // textureWidth = tileset texture size // textureHeight // tint // visible // width // x // y // } getTileAt: function (x, y) { var ix = (x|0); var iy = (y|0); var tiles = this.tileArray; var index = iy * this.mapWidth + ix; if (index < tiles.length) { return tiles[index]; } return null; }, getTileAtIndex: function (index) { var tiles = this.tileArray; if (index < tiles.length) { return tiles[index]; } return null; } }); module.exports = Tilemap;