var Class = require('../../../utils/Class'); var GameObject = require('../../GameObject'); var Components = require('../../components'); var DynamicTilemapLayerRender = require('./DynamicTilemapLayerRender'); var TilemapComponents = require('../components'); var DynamicTilemapLayer = new Class({ Extends: GameObject, Mixins: [ Components.Alpha, Components.BlendMode, Components.Flip, Components.GetBounds, Components.Origin, Components.RenderTarget, Components.ScaleMode, Components.Size, Components.Texture, Components.Transform, Components.Visible, Components.ScrollFactor, DynamicTilemapLayerRender ], initialize: function DynamicTilemapLayer (scene, tilemap, layerIndex, tileset, x, y) {, scene, 'DynamicTilemapLayer'); = tilemap; this.layerIndex = layerIndex; this.layer = tilemap.layers[layerIndex]; this.tileset = tileset; // Link the layer data with this dynamic tilemap layer this.layer.tilemapLayer = this; this.culledTiles = []; this.setTexture(tileset.image.key); this.setPosition(x, y); this.setSizeToFrame(); this.setOrigin(); this.setSize( * this.layer.width, * this.layer.height); this.skipIndexZero = false; }, getTotalTileCount: function () { return this.tileArray.length; }, getVisibleTileCount: function (camera) { return this.cull(camera).length; }, cull: function (camera) { var mapData =; var mapWidth = this.layer.width; var mapHeight = this.layer.height; var culledTiles = this.culledTiles; var cameraW = camera.width; var cameraH = camera.height; var left = this.worldToTileX(0, camera); var top = this.worldToTileY(0, camera); culledTiles.length = 0; for (var row = 0; row < mapHeight; ++row) { for (var col = 0; col < mapWidth; ++col) { var tile = mapData[row][col]; if (tile === null || (tile.index <= 0 && this.skipIndexZero)) { continue; } var tileX = tile.worldX - left; var tileY = tile.worldY - top; var tileW = tile.width; var tileH = tile.height; var cullW = cameraW + tileW; var cullH = cameraH + tileH; if (tile.visible && tileX > -tileW && tileY > -tileH && tileX < cullW && tileY < cullH) { culledTiles.push(tile); } } } return culledTiles; }, copy: function (srcTileX, srcTileY, width, height, destTileX, destTileY) { TilemapComponents.Copy(srcTileX, srcTileY, width, height, destTileX, destTileY, this.layer); return this; }, destroy: function () { this.layer.tilemapLayer = undefined; = undefined; this.layer = undefined; this.tileset = undefined; this.culledTiles.length = 0;; }, fill: function (index, tileX, tileY, width, height) { TilemapComponents.Fill(index, tileX, tileY, width, height, this.layer); return this; }, findByIndex: function (findIndex, skip, reverse) { return TilemapComponents.FindByIndex(findIndex, skip, reverse, this.layer); }, forEachTile: function (callback, context, tileX, tileY, width, height) { TilemapComponents.ForEachTile(callback, context, tileX, tileY, width, height, this.layer); return this; }, getTileAt: function (tileX, tileY, nonNull) { return TilemapComponents.GetTileAt(tileX, tileY, nonNull, this.layer); }, getTileAtWorldXY: function (worldX, worldY, nonNull, camera) { return TilemapComponents.GetTileAtWorldXY(worldX, worldY, nonNull, camera, this.layer); }, getTilesWithin: function (tileX, tileY, width, height) { return TilemapComponents.GetTilesWithin(tileX, tileY, width, height, this.layer); }, hasTileAt: function (tileX, tileY) { return TilemapComponents.HasTileAt(tileX, tileY, this.layer); }, hasTileAtWorldXY: function (worldX, worldY, camera) { return TilemapComponents.HasTileAtWorldXY(worldX, worldY, camera, this.layer); }, putTile: function (tile, tileX, tileY) { return TilemapComponents.PutTile(tile, tileX, tileY, this.layer); }, putTileWorldXY: function (tile, worldX, worldY, camera) { return TilemapComponents.PutTileWorldXY(tile, worldX, worldY, camera, this.layer); }, randomize: function (tileX, tileY, width, height, indices) { TilemapComponents.Randomize(tileX, tileY, width, height, indices, this.layer); return this; }, removeTile: function (tileX, tileY, replaceWithNull) { return TilemapComponents.RemoveTile(tileX, tileY, replaceWithNull, this.layer); }, removeTileWorldXY: function (worldX, worldY, replaceWithNull, camera) { return TilemapComponents.RemoveTileWorldXY(worldX, worldY, replaceWithNull, camera, this.layer); }, replaceByIndex: function (findIndex, newIndex, tileX, tileY, width, height) { TilemapComponents.ReplaceByIndex(findIndex, newIndex, tileX, tileY, width, height, this.layer); return this; }, shuffle: function (tileX, tileY, width, height) { TilemapComponents.Shuffle(tileX, tileY, width, height, this.layer); return this; }, swapByIndex: function (indexA, indexB, tileX, tileY, width, height) { TilemapComponents.SwapByIndex(indexA, indexB, tileX, tileY, width, height, this.layer); return this; }, worldToTileX: function (worldX, camera) { return TilemapComponents.WorldToTileX(worldX, camera, this.layer); }, worldToTileY: function (worldY, camera) { return TilemapComponents.WorldToTileY(worldY, camera, this.layer); }, worldToTileXY: function (worldX, worldY, point, camera) { return TilemapComponents.WorldToTileXY(worldX, worldY, point, camera, this.layer); } }); module.exports = DynamicTilemapLayer;