* Phaser - Physics - Body
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Body {
constructor(parent: Sprite, type: number) {
this.parent = parent;
this.game = parent.game;
this.type = type;
// Fixture properties
// Will extend into its own class at a later date - can move the fixture defs there and add shape support, but this will do for 1.0 release
this.bounds = new Rectangle(parent.x + Math.round(parent.width / 2), parent.y + Math.round(parent.height / 2), parent.width, parent.height);
this.bounce = Vec2Utils.clone(this.game.world.physics.bounce);
// Body properties
this.gravity = Vec2Utils.clone(this.game.world.physics.gravity);
this.velocity = new Vec2;
this.acceleration = new Vec2;
this.drag = Vec2Utils.clone(this.game.world.physics.drag);
this.maxVelocity = new Vec2(10000, 10000);
this.angle = 0;
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.angularAcceleration = 0;
this.angularDrag = 0;
this.touching = Types.NONE;
this.wasTouching = Types.NONE;
this.allowCollisions = Types.ANY;
this.position = new Vec2(parent.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, parent.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
this.oldPosition = new Vec2(parent.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, parent.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
this.offset = new Vec2;
public game: Game;
public parent: Sprite;
* The type of Body (disabled, dynamic, static or kinematic)
* Disabled = skips all physics operations / tests (default)
* Dynamic = gives and receives impacts
* Static = gives but doesn't receive impacts, cannot be moved by physics
* Kinematic = gives impacts, but never receives, can be moved by physics
* @type {number}
public type: number;
public gravity: Vec2;
public bounce: Vec2;
public velocity: Vec2;
public acceleration: Vec2;
public drag: Vec2;
public maxVelocity: Vec2;
public angularVelocity: number = 0;
public angularAcceleration: number = 0;
public angularDrag: number = 0;
public maxAngular: number = 10000;
* Angle of rotation of this body.
* @type {number}
public angle: number;
* Orientation of the object.
* @type {number}
public facing: number;
public touching: number;
public allowCollisions: number;
public wasTouching: number;
public mass: number = 1;
public position: Vec2;
public oldPosition: Vec2;
public offset: Vec2;
public bounds: Rectangle;
public preUpdate() {
this.bounds.x = this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth;
this.bounds.y = this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight;
if (this.parent.scale.equals(1) == false)
// Shall we do this? Or just update the values directly in the separate functions? But then the bounds will be out of sync - as long as
// the bounds are updated and used in calculations then we can do one final sprite movement here I guess?
public postUpdate() {
// if this is all it does maybe move elsewhere? Sprite postUpdate?
if (this.type !== Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED)
this.parent.x = (this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth) - this.offset.x;
this.parent.y = (this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight) - this.offset.y;
this.wasTouching = this.touching;
this.touching = Phaser.Types.NONE;
public get hullWidth(): number {
if (this.deltaX > 0)
return this.bounds.width + this.deltaX;
return this.bounds.width - this.deltaX;
public get hullHeight(): number {
if (this.deltaY > 0)
return this.bounds.height + this.deltaY;
return this.bounds.height - this.deltaY;
public get hullX(): number {
if (this.position.x < this.oldPosition.x)
return this.position.x;
return this.oldPosition.x;
public get hullY(): number {
if (this.position.y < this.oldPosition.y)
return this.position.y;
return this.oldPosition.y;
public get deltaXAbs(): number {
return (this.deltaX > 0 ? this.deltaX : -this.deltaX);
public get deltaYAbs(): number {
return (this.deltaY > 0 ? this.deltaY : -this.deltaY);
public get deltaX(): number {
return this.position.x - this.oldPosition.x;
public get deltaY(): number {
return this.position.y - this.oldPosition.y;
public render(context:CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)';
context.strokeRect(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height);
// center point
context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)';
context.fillRect(this.position.x, this.position.y, 2, 2);
if (this.touching & Phaser.Types.LEFT)
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
context.moveTo(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight);
context.lineTo(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
if (this.touching & Phaser.Types.RIGHT)
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
context.moveTo(this.position.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight);
context.lineTo(this.position.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
if (this.touching & Phaser.Types.UP)
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
context.moveTo(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight);
context.lineTo(this.position.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight);
if (this.touching & Phaser.Types.DOWN)
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
context.moveTo(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
context.lineTo(this.position.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
* Render debug infos. (including name, bounds info, position and some other properties)
* @param x {number} X position of the debug info to be rendered.
* @param y {number} Y position of the debug info to be rendered.
* @param [color] {number} color of the debug info to be rendered. (format is css color string)
public renderDebugInfo(x: number, y: number, color?: string = 'rgb(255,255,255)') {
this.parent.texture.context.fillStyle = color;
this.parent.texture.context.fillText('Sprite: (' + this.parent.frameBounds.width + ' x ' + this.parent.frameBounds.height + ')', x, y);
//this.parent.texture.context.fillText('x: ' + this._parent.frameBounds.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + this._parent.frameBounds.y.toFixed(1) + ' rotation: ' + this._parent.rotation.toFixed(1), x, y + 14);
this.parent.texture.context.fillText('x: ' + this.bounds.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + this.bounds.y.toFixed(1) + ' angle: ' + this.angle.toFixed(0), x, y + 14);
this.parent.texture.context.fillText('vx: ' + this.velocity.x.toFixed(1) + ' vy: ' + this.velocity.y.toFixed(1), x, y + 28);
this.parent.texture.context.fillText('acx: ' + this.acceleration.x.toFixed(1) + ' acy: ' + this.acceleration.y.toFixed(1), x, y + 42);
this.parent.texture.context.fillText('angVx: ' + this.angularVelocity.toFixed(1) + ' angAc: ' + this.angularAcceleration.toFixed(1), x, y + 56);