/// /** * Phaser - GeomSprite * * A GeomSprite is a special kind of GameObject that contains a base geometry class (Circle, Line, Point, Rectangle). * They can be rendered in the game and used for collision just like any other game object. Display of them is controlled * via the lineWidth / lineColor / fillColor and renderOutline / renderFill properties. */ module Phaser { export class GeomSprite extends GameObject { constructor(game: Game, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0) { super(game, x, y); this.type = GeomSprite.UNASSIGNED; return this; } // local rendering related temp vars to help avoid gc spikes private _dx: number = 0; private _dy: number = 0; private _dw: number = 0; private _dh: number = 0; public type: number = 0; public static UNASSIGNED: number = 0; public static CIRCLE: number = 1; public static LINE: number = 2; public static POINT: number = 3; public static RECTANGLE: number = 4; public circle: Circle; public line: Line; public point: Point; public rect: Rectangle; public renderOutline: bool = true; public renderFill: bool = true; public lineWidth: number = 1; public lineColor: string = 'rgb(0,255,0)'; public fillColor: string = 'rgb(0,100,0)'; loadCircle(circle:Circle): GeomSprite { this.refresh(); this.circle = circle; this.type = GeomSprite.CIRCLE; return this; } loadLine(line:Line): GeomSprite { this.refresh(); this.line = line; this.type = GeomSprite.LINE; return this; } loadPoint(point:Point): GeomSprite { this.refresh(); this.point = point; this.type = GeomSprite.POINT; return this; } loadRectangle(rect:Rectangle): GeomSprite { this.refresh(); this.rect = rect; this.type = GeomSprite.RECTANGLE; return this; } createCircle(diameter: number): GeomSprite { this.refresh(); this.circle = new Circle(this.x, this.y, diameter); this.type = GeomSprite.CIRCLE; this.bounds.setTo(this.circle.x - this.circle.radius, this.circle.y - this.circle.radius, this.circle.diameter, this.circle.diameter); return this; } createLine(x: number, y: number): GeomSprite { this.refresh(); this.line = new Line(this.x, this.y, x, y); this.type = GeomSprite.LINE; this.bounds.setTo(this.x, this.y, this.line.width, this.line.height); return this; } createPoint(): GeomSprite { this.refresh(); this.point = new Point(this.x, this.y); this.type = GeomSprite.POINT; this.bounds.width = 1; this.bounds.height = 1; return this; } createRectangle(width: number, height: number): GeomSprite { this.refresh(); this.rect = new Rectangle(this.x, this.y, width, height); this.type = GeomSprite.RECTANGLE; this.bounds.copyFrom(this.rect); return this; } refresh() { this.circle = null; this.line = null; this.point = null; this.rect = null; } update() { // Update bounds and position? if (this.type == GeomSprite.UNASSIGNED) { return; } else if (this.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE) { this.circle.x = this.x; this.circle.y = this.y; this.bounds.width = this.circle.diameter; this.bounds.height = this.circle.diameter; } else if (this.type == GeomSprite.LINE) { this.line.x1 = this.x; this.line.y1 = this.y; this.bounds.setTo(this.x, this.y, this.line.width, this.line.height); } else if (this.type == GeomSprite.POINT) { this.point.x = this.x; this.point.y = this.y; } else if (this.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE) { this.rect.x = this.x; this.rect.y = this.y; this.bounds.copyFrom(this.rect); } } public inCamera(camera: Rectangle): bool { if (this.scrollFactor.x !== 1.0 || this.scrollFactor.y !== 1.0) { this._dx = this.bounds.x - (camera.x * this.scrollFactor.x); this._dy = this.bounds.y - (camera.y * this.scrollFactor.x); this._dw = this.bounds.width * this.scale.x; this._dh = this.bounds.height * this.scale.y; return (camera.right > this._dx) && (camera.x < this._dx + this._dw) && (camera.bottom > this._dy) && (camera.y < this._dy + this._dh); } else { return camera.intersects(this.bounds); } } public render(camera: Camera, cameraOffsetX: number, cameraOffsetY: number): bool { // Render checks if (this.type == GeomSprite.UNASSIGNED || this.visible === false || this.scale.x == 0 || this.scale.y == 0 || this.alpha < 0.1 || this.cameraBlacklist.indexOf(camera.ID) !== -1 || this.inCamera(camera.worldView) == false) { return false; } // Alpha if (this.alpha !== 1) { var globalAlpha = this._game.stage.context.globalAlpha; this._game.stage.context.globalAlpha = this.alpha; } this._dx = cameraOffsetX + (this.bounds.x - camera.worldView.x); this._dy = cameraOffsetY + (this.bounds.y - camera.worldView.y); this._dw = this.bounds.width * this.scale.x; this._dh = this.bounds.height * this.scale.y; // Circles are drawn center based if (this.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE) { this._dx += this.circle.radius; this._dy += this.circle.radius; } // Apply camera difference if (this.scrollFactor.x !== 1.0 || this.scrollFactor.y !== 1.0) { this._dx -= (camera.worldView.x * this.scrollFactor.x); this._dy -= (camera.worldView.y * this.scrollFactor.y); } // Rotation is disabled for now as I don't want it to be misleading re: collision /* if (this.angle !== 0) { this._game.stage.context.save(); this._game.stage.context.translate(this._dx + (this._dw / 2) - this.origin.x, this._dy + (this._dh / 2) - this.origin.y); this._game.stage.context.rotate(this.angle * (Math.PI / 180)); this._dx = -(this._dw / 2); this._dy = -(this._dh / 2); } */ this._dx = Math.round(this._dx); this._dy = Math.round(this._dy); this._dw = Math.round(this._dw); this._dh = Math.round(this._dh); this._game.stage.saveCanvasValues(); // Debug //this._game.stage.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'; //this._game.stage.context.fillRect(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height); this._game.stage.context.lineWidth = this.lineWidth; this._game.stage.context.strokeStyle = this.lineColor; this._game.stage.context.fillStyle = this.fillColor; if (this._game.stage.fillStyle !== this.fillColor) { } // Primitive Renderer if (this.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE) { this._game.stage.context.beginPath(); this._game.stage.context.arc(this._dx, this._dy, this.circle.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2); this._game.stage.context.stroke(); if (this.renderFill) { this._game.stage.context.fill(); } this._game.stage.context.closePath(); } else if (this.type == GeomSprite.LINE) { this._game.stage.context.beginPath(); this._game.stage.context.moveTo(this._dx, this._dy); this._game.stage.context.lineTo(this.line.x2, this.line.y2); this._game.stage.context.stroke(); this._game.stage.context.closePath(); } else if (this.type == GeomSprite.POINT) { this._game.stage.context.fillRect(this._dx, this._dy, 2, 2); } else if (this.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE) { // We can use the faster fillRect if we don't need the outline if (this.renderOutline == false) { this._game.stage.context.fillRect(this._dx, this._dy, this.rect.width, this.rect.height); } else { this._game.stage.context.beginPath(); this._game.stage.context.rect(this._dx, this._dy, this.rect.width, this.rect.height); this._game.stage.context.stroke(); if (this.renderFill) { this._game.stage.context.fill(); } this._game.stage.context.closePath(); } // And now the edge points this._game.stage.context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; //this.renderPoint(this.rect.topLeft, this._dx, this._dy, 2); //this.renderPoint(this.rect.topCenter, this._dx, this._dy, 2); //this.renderPoint(this.rect.topRight, this._dx, this._dy, 2); //this.renderPoint(this.rect.leftCenter, this._dx, this._dy, 2); //this.renderPoint(this.rect.center, this._dx, this._dy, 2); //this.renderPoint(this.rect.rightCenter, this._dx, this._dy, 2); //this.renderPoint(this.rect.bottomLeft, this._dx, this._dy, 2); //this.renderPoint(this.rect.bottomCenter, this._dx, this._dy, 2); //this.renderPoint(this.rect.bottomRight, this._dx, this._dy, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.topLeft, 0, 0, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.topCenter, 0, 0, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.topRight, 0, 0, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.leftCenter, 0, 0, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.center, 0, 0, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.rightCenter, 0, 0, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.bottomLeft, 0, 0, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.bottomCenter, 0, 0, 2); this.renderPoint(this.rect.bottomRight, 0, 0, 2); } this._game.stage.restoreCanvasValues(); if (this.rotation !== 0) { this._game.stage.context.translate(0, 0); this._game.stage.context.restore(); } if (globalAlpha > -1) { this._game.stage.context.globalAlpha = globalAlpha; } return true; } public renderPoint(point, offsetX?: number = 0, offsetY?: number = 0, size?: number = 1) { this._game.stage.context.fillRect(offsetX + point.x, offsetY + point.y, size, size); } public renderDebugInfo(x: number, y: number, color?: string = 'rgb(255,255,255)') { //this._game.stage.context.fillStyle = color; //this._game.stage.context.fillText('Sprite: ' + this.name + ' (' + this.bounds.width + ' x ' + this.bounds.height + ')', x, y); //this._game.stage.context.fillText('x: ' + this.bounds.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + this.bounds.y.toFixed(1) + ' rotation: ' + this.angle.toFixed(1), x, y + 14); //this._game.stage.context.fillText('dx: ' + this._dx.toFixed(1) + ' dy: ' + this._dy.toFixed(1) + ' dw: ' + this._dw.toFixed(1) + ' dh: ' + this._dh.toFixed(1), x, y + 28); //this._game.stage.context.fillText('sx: ' + this._sx.toFixed(1) + ' sy: ' + this._sy.toFixed(1) + ' sw: ' + this._sw.toFixed(1) + ' sh: ' + this._sh.toFixed(1), x, y + 42); } // Gives a basic boolean response to a geometric collision. // If you need the details of the collision use the Collision functions instead and inspect the IntersectResult object. public collide(source: GeomSprite): bool { // Circle vs. Circle if (this.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE && source.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE) { return Collision.circleToCircle(this.circle, source.circle).result; } // Circle vs. Rect if (this.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE && source.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE) { return Collision.circleToRectangle(this.circle, source.rect).result; } // Circle vs. Point if (this.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE && source.type == GeomSprite.POINT) { return Collision.circleContainsPoint(this.circle, source.point).result; } // Circle vs. Line if (this.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE && source.type == GeomSprite.LINE) { return Collision.lineToCircle(source.line, this.circle).result; } // Rect vs. Rect if (this.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE && source.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE) { return Collision.rectangleToRectangle(this.rect, source.rect).result; } // Rect vs. Circle if (this.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE && source.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE) { return Collision.circleToRectangle(source.circle, this.rect).result; } // Rect vs. Point if (this.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE && source.type == GeomSprite.POINT) { return Collision.pointToRectangle(source.point, this.rect).result; } // Rect vs. Line if (this.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE && source.type == GeomSprite.LINE) { return Collision.lineToRectangle(source.line, this.rect).result; } // Point vs. Point if (this.type == GeomSprite.POINT && source.type == GeomSprite.POINT) { return this.point.equals(source.point); } // Point vs. Circle if (this.type == GeomSprite.POINT && source.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE) { return Collision.circleContainsPoint(source.circle, this.point).result; } // Point vs. Rect if (this.type == GeomSprite.POINT && source.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE) { return Collision.pointToRectangle(this.point, source.rect).result; } // Point vs. Line if (this.type == GeomSprite.POINT && source.type == GeomSprite.LINE) { return source.line.isPointOnLine(this.point.x, this.point.y); } // Line vs. Line if (this.type == GeomSprite.LINE && source.type == GeomSprite.LINE) { return Collision.lineSegmentToLineSegment(this.line, source.line).result; } // Line vs. Circle if (this.type == GeomSprite.LINE && source.type == GeomSprite.CIRCLE) { return Collision.lineToCircle(this.line, source.circle).result; } // Line vs. Rect if (this.type == GeomSprite.LINE && source.type == GeomSprite.RECTANGLE) { return Collision.lineSegmentToRectangle(this.line, source.rect).result; } // Line vs. Point if (this.type == GeomSprite.LINE && source.type == GeomSprite.POINT) { return this.line.isPointOnLine(source.point.x, source.point.y); } return false; } } }