var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render }, false); function preload() { game.load.image('box', 'assets/sprites/block.png'); } var world; var box; var box2; var boxShape; var boxBody; var boxShape2; var boxBody2; var planeShape; var planeBody; function p2px(v) { return v *= -20; } function px2p(v) { return v * -0.05; } function create() { game.renderer.roundPixels = true; box = game.add.image(300, 200, 'box'); box.anchor.set(0.5); box2 = game.add.image(300, 10, 'box'); box2.anchor.set(0.5); world = new p2.World(); boxShape = new p2.Rectangle(px2p(box.width), px2p(box.height)); boxBody = new p2.Body({ mass: 1, position:[px2p(box.x), px2p(box.y)], angularVelocity: 1 }); boxBody.addShape(boxShape); boxShape2 = new p2.Rectangle(px2p(box2.width), px2p(box2.height)); boxBody2 = new p2.Body({ mass: 1, position:[px2p(box2.x), px2p(box2.y)], angularVelocity: 1 }); boxBody2.addShape(boxShape2); world.addBody(boxBody); world.addBody(boxBody2); // Add a plane planeShape = new p2.Plane(); planeBody = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position:[0, px2p(550)] }); // planeBody = new p2.Body(); planeBody.addShape(planeShape); world.addBody(planeBody); } function update() { // Move physics bodies forward in time world.step(1/60); box.x = p2px(boxBody.position[0]); box.y = p2px(boxBody.position[1]); box.rotation = boxBody.angle; // Rotate to the box body frame box2.x = p2px(boxBody2.position[0]); box2.y = p2px(boxBody2.position[1]); box2.rotation = boxBody2.angle; // Rotate to the box body frame } function render() { // game.debug.renderText('x: ' + p2px(boxBody.position[0]), 32, 32); // game.debug.renderText('y: ' + p2px(boxBody.position[1]), 32, 64); // game.debug.renderText('r: ' + boxBody.angle, 32, 96); // drawbox(); } function drawbox() { var ctx = game.context;; ctx.translate(game.width/2, game.height/2); // Translate to the center ctx.scale(50, -50); // Zoom in and flip y axis ctx.lineWidth = 0.05; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; ctx.beginPath(); var x = boxBody.position[0], y = boxBody.position[1];; ctx.translate(x, y); // Translate to the center of the box ctx.rotate(boxBody.angle); // Rotate to the box body frame ctx.rect(-boxShape.width/2, -boxShape.height/2, boxShape.width, boxShape.height); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); // ctx.restore(); //; // ctx.translate(game.width/2, game.height/2); // Translate to the center // ctx.scale(50, -50); // Zoom in and flip y axis // ctx.lineWidth = 0.05; // ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; // ctx.beginPath(); // var y = planeBody.position[1]; // ctx.rotate(0); // Rotate to the box body frame // ctx.moveTo(-game.width, y); // ctx.lineTo( game.width, y); // ctx.stroke(); // ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); }