new Time(game)
This is the core internal game clock. It manages the elapsed time and calculation of elapsed values, used for game object motion and tweens.
Name | Type | Description |
game |
Phaser.Game | A reference to the currently running game. |
- Source - time/Time.js, line 15
advancedTiming :boolean
If true Phaser.Time will perform advanced profiling including the fps rate, fps min/max and msMin and msMax.
- Default Value:
- false
- Source - time/Time.js, line 82
desiredFps :number
The desired frame rate of your game.
- Default Value:
- 60
- Source - time/Time.js, line 63
<internal> elapsed :number
Elapsed time since the last frame. In ms if running under setTimeout or an integer if using RAF.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 45
- See:
- Phaser.Time.time
<internal> elapsedMS :number
The time in ms since the last update. Will vary dramatically based on system performance, do not use for physics calculations!
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 51
events :Phaser.Timer
This is a Phaser.Timer object bound to the master clock to which you can add timed events.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 139
<internal> fps :number
Frames per second. Only calculated if Time.advancedTiming is true.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 88
fpsMax :number
The highest rate the fps has reached (usually no higher than 60fps). Only calculated if Time.advancedTiming is true.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 98
fpsMin :number
The lowest rate the fps has dropped to. Only calculated if Time.advancedTiming is true.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 93
frames :number
The number of frames record in the last second. Only calculated if Time.advancedTiming is true.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 119
game :Phaser.Game
Local reference to game.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 20
msMax :number
The maximum amount of time the game has taken between two frames. Only calculated if Time.advancedTiming is true.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 109
msMin :number
The minimum amount of time the game has taken between two frames. Only calculated if Time.advancedTiming is true.
- Default Value:
- 1000
- Source - time/Time.js, line 104
<internal> now :number
The high resolution RAF timer value (if RAF is available) or if using setTimeout.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 38
<internal> pausedTime :number
Records how long the game has been paused for. Is reset each time the game pauses.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 57
pauseDuration :number
Records how long the game was paused for in miliseconds.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 124
physicsElapsed :number
The physics motion value as used by Arcade Physics. Equivalent to 1.0 / Time.desiredFps.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 114
<internal> prevTime :number
The time the previous update occurred.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 32
slowMotion :number
= 1.0 - Scaling factor to make the game move smoothly in slow motion (1.0 = normal speed, 2.0 = half speed)
- Default Value:
- 1.0
- Source - time/Time.js, line 76
suggestedFps :number
= The suggested frame rate for your game, based on an averaged real frame rate. NOTE: Not available until after a few frames have passed, it is recommended to use this after a few seconds (eg. after the menus)
- Default Value:
- null
- Source - time/Time.js, line 70
<internal> time :number
This always contains the value.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 26
timeExpected :number
The time when the next call is expected when using setTimer to control the update loop
- Source - time/Time.js, line 134
timeToCall :number
The value that setTimeout needs to work out when to next update
- Source - time/Time.js, line 129
add(timer) → {Phaser.Timer}
Adds an existing Phaser.Timer object to the Timer pool.
Name Type Description timer
Phaser.Timer An existing Phaser.Timer object.
The given Phaser.Timer object.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 213
<internal> boot()
Called automatically by Phaser.Game after boot. Should not be called directly.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 199
create(autoDestroy) → {Phaser.Timer}
Creates a new stand-alone Phaser.Timer object.
Name Type Argument Default Description autoDestroy
boolean <optional>
true A Timer that is set to automatically destroy itself will do so after all of its events have been dispatched (assuming no looping events).
The Timer object that was created.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 228
elapsedSecondsSince(since) → {number}
How long has passed since the given time (in seconds).
Name Type Description since
number The time you want to measure (in seconds).
number -Duration between given time and now (in seconds).
- Source - time/Time.js, line 424
elapsedSince(since) → {number}
How long has passed since the given time.
Name Type Description since
number The time you want to measure against.
number -The difference between the given time and now.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 413
Remove all Timer objects, regardless of their state. Also clears all Timers from the timer.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 247
Resets the private _started value to now and removes all currently running Timers.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 435
totalElapsedSeconds() → {number}
The number of seconds that have elapsed since the game was started.
number -The number of seconds that have elapsed since the game was started.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 403
<internal> update(time)
Updates the game clock and if enabled the advanced timing data. This is called automatically by Phaser.Game.
Name Type Description time
number The current timestamp.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source - time/Time.js, line 265