{ "project": { "name": "Phaser", "description": "HTML5 Game Framework", "version": "1.0.0", "url": "http://www.phaser.io/" }, "files": { "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts": { "name": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "modules": { "Phaser": 1 }, "classes": { "TimeManager": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} } }, "modules": { "Phaser": { "name": "Phaser", "submodules": {}, "classes": { "TimeManager": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {}, "tag": "module", "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 13, "author": "Richard Davey ", "copyright": "2013 Photon Storm Ltd.", "license": "https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt MIT License" } }, "classes": { "TimeManager": { "name": "TimeManager", "shortname": "TimeManager", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Phaser", "namespace": "", "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 13, "description": "This is the core internal game clock. It manages the elapsed time and calculation of delta values,\nused for game object motion and tweens.", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "game", "description": "A reference to the currently running game.", "type": "Phaser.Game" } ] } }, "classitems": [ { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 34, "description": "A reference to the currently running Game.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "game", "type": "{Phaser.Game}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 41, "description": "The time at which the Game instance started.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_started", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 49, "description": "Number of milliseconds elapsed since the last frame update.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "elapsed", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 57, "description": "Game time counter.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "time", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 65, "description": "Records how long the game has been paused for. Is reset each time the game pauses.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "pausedTime", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 73, "description": "The time right now.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "now", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 81, "description": "Elapsed time since the last frame.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "delta", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 89, "description": "The number of seconds that have elapsed since the game was started.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "totalElapsedSeconds", "return": { "description": "", "type": "Number" }, "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 100, "description": "Frames per second.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "fps", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 108, "description": "The lowest rate the fps has dropped to.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "fpsMin", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 116, "description": "The highest rate the fps has reached (usually no higher than 60fps).", "itemtype": "property", "name": "fpsMax", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 124, "description": "The minimum amount of time the game has taken between two frames.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "msMin", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 132, "description": "The maximum amount of time the game has taken between two frames.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "msMax", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 140, "description": "The number of frames record in the last second.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "frames", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 148, "description": "The time (in ms) that the last second counter ticked over.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_timeLastSecond", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 156, "description": "Update clock and calculate the fps.\nThis is called automatically by Game._raf", "itemtype": "method", "name": "update", "params": [ { "name": "raf", "description": "The current timestamp, either performance.now or Date.now", "type": "Number" } ], "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 192, "description": "Called when the game enters a paused state.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "gamePaused", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 201, "description": "Called when the game resumes from a paused state.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "gameResumed", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 211, "description": "Records how long the game was paused for in miliseconds.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "pauseDuration", "access": "public", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 219, "description": "The time the game started being paused.", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_pauseStarted", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "type": "{Number}", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 227, "description": "How long has passed since the given time.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "elapsedSince", "params": [ { "name": "since", "description": "The time you want to measure against.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "The difference between the given time and now.", "type": "Number" }, "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 239, "description": "How long has passed since the given time (in seconds).", "itemtype": "method", "name": "elapsedSecondsSince", "params": [ { "name": "since", "description": "The time you want to measure (in seconds).", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Duration between given time and now (in seconds).", "type": "Number" }, "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" }, { "file": "..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts", "line": 251, "description": "Resets the private _started value to now.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "reset", "class": "TimeManager", "module": "Phaser" } ], "warnings": [ { "message": "unknown tag: copyright", "line": " ..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts:3" }, { "message": "unknown tag: license", "line": " ..\\Phaser\\time\\TimeManager.ts:3" } ] }