/** * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * DOM utility class. * * Provides a useful Window and Element functions as well as cross-browser compatibility buffer. * * Some code originally derived from {@link https://github.com/ryanve/verge verge}. * Some parts were inspired by the research of Ryan Van Etten, released under MIT License 2013. * * @class Phaser.DOM * @static */ Phaser.DOM = { /** * Get the [absolute] position of the element relative to the Document. * * The value may vary slightly as the page is scrolled due to rounding errors. * * @method Phaser.DOM.getOffset * @param {DOMElement} element - The targeted element that we want to retrieve the offset. * @param {Phaser.Point} [point] - The point we want to take the x/y values of the offset. * @return {Phaser.Point} - A point objet with the offsetX and Y as its properties. */ getOffset: function (element, point) { point = point || new Phaser.Point(); var box = element.getBoundingClientRect(); var scrollTop = Phaser.DOM.scrollY; var scrollLeft = Phaser.DOM.scrollX; var clientTop = document.documentElement.clientTop; var clientLeft = document.documentElement.clientLeft; point.x = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft; point.y = box.top + scrollTop - clientTop; return point; }, /** * A cross-browser element.getBoundingClientRect method with optional cushion. * * Returns a plain object containing the properties `top/bottom/left/right/width/height` with respect to the top-left corner of the current viewport. * Its properties match the native rectangle. * The cushion parameter is an amount of pixels (+/-) to cushion the element. * It adjusts the measurements such that it is possible to detect when an element is near the viewport. * * @method Phaser.DOM.getBounds * @param {DOMElement|Object} element - The element or stack (uses first item) to get the bounds for. * @param {number} [cushion] - A +/- pixel adjustment amount. * @return {Object|boolean} A plain object containing the properties `top/bottom/left/right/width/height` or `false` if a non-valid element is given. */ getBounds: function (element, cushion) { if (typeof cushion === 'undefined') { cushion = 0; } element = element && !element.nodeType ? element[0] : element; if (!element || element.nodeType !== 1) { return false; } else { return this.calibrate(element.getBoundingClientRect(), cushion); } }, /** * Calibrates element coordinates for `inViewport` checks. * * @method Phaser.DOM.calibrate * @private * @param {object} coords - An object containing the following properties: `{top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number}` * @param {number} [cushion] - A value to adjust the coordinates by. * @return {object} The calibrated element coordinates */ calibrate: function (coords, cushion) { cushion = +cushion || 0; var output = { width: 0, height: 0, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }; output.width = (output.right = coords.right + cushion) - (output.left = coords.left - cushion); output.height = (output.bottom = coords.bottom + cushion) - (output.top = coords.top - cushion); return output; }, /** * Get the Visual viewport aspect ratio (or the aspect ratio of an object or element) * * @method Phaser.DOM.getAspectRatio * @param {(DOMElement|Object)} [object=(visualViewport)] - The object to determine the aspect ratio for. Must have public `width` and `height` properties or methods. * @return {number} The aspect ratio. */ getAspectRatio: function (object) { object = null == object ? this.visualBounds : 1 === object.nodeType ? this.getBounds(object) : object; var w = object['width']; var h = object['height']; if (typeof w === 'function') { w = w.call(object); } if (typeof h === 'function') { h = h.call(object); } return w / h; }, /** * Tests if the given DOM element is within the Layout viewport. * * The optional cushion parameter allows you to specify a distance. * * inViewport(element, 100) is `true` if the element is in the viewport or 100px near it. * inViewport(element, -100) is `true` if the element is in the viewport or at least 100px near it. * * @method Phaser.DOM.inViewport * @param {DOMElement|Object} element - The DOM element to check. If no element is given it defaults to the Phaser game canvas. * @param {number} [cushion] - The cushion allows you to specify a distance within which the element must be within the viewport. * @return {boolean} True if the element is within the viewport, or within `cushion` distance from it. */ inLayoutViewport: function (element, cushion) { var r = this.getBounds(element, cushion); return !!r && r.bottom >= 0 && r.right >= 0 && r.top <= this.layoutBounds.width && r.left <= this.layoutBounds.height; }, /** * Returns the device screen orientation. * * Orientation values: 'portrait-primary', 'landscape-primary', 'portrait-secondary', 'landscape-secondary'. * * Order of resolving: * - Screen Orientation API, or variation of - Future track. Most desktop and mobile browsers. * - Screen size ratio check - If fallback is 'screen', suited for desktops. * - Viewport size ratio check - If fallback is 'viewport', suited for mobile. * - window.orientation - If fallback is 'window.orientation', works iOS and probably most Android; non-recommended track. * - Media query * - Viewport size ratio check (probably only IE9 and legacy mobile gets here..) * * See * - https://w3c.github.io/screen-orientation/ (conflicts with mozOrientation/msOrientation) * - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Screen.orientation (mozOrientation) * - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/dn342934(v=vs.85).aspx * - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Testing_media_queries * - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4917664/detect-viewport-orientation * - http://www.matthewgifford.com/blog/2011/12/22/a-misconception-about-window-orientation * * @method Phaser.DOM.getScreenOrientation * @protected * @param {string} [primaryFallback=(none)] - Specify 'screen', 'viewport', or 'window.orientation'. */ getScreenOrientation: function (primaryFallback) { var screen = window.screen; var orientation = screen.orientation || screen.mozOrientation || screen.msOrientation; if (orientation && typeof orientation.type === 'string') { // Screen Orientation API specification return orientation.type; } else if (typeof orientation === 'string') { // moz/ms-orientation are strings return orientation; } var PORTRAIT = 'portrait-primary'; var LANDSCAPE = 'landscape-primary'; if (primaryFallback === 'screen') { return (screen.height > screen.width) ? PORTRAIT : LANDSCAPE; } else if (primaryFallback === 'viewport') { return (this.visualBounds.height > this.visualBounds.width) ? PORTRAIT : LANDSCAPE; } else if (primaryFallback === 'window.orientation' && typeof window.orientation === 'number') { // This may change by device based on "natural" orientation. return (window.orientation === 0 || window.orientation === 180) ? PORTRAIT : LANDSCAPE; } else if (window.matchMedia) { if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches) { return PORTRAIT; } else if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches) { return LANDSCAPE; } } return (this.visualBounds.height > this.visualBounds.width) ? PORTRAIT : LANDSCAPE; }, /** * The bounds of the Visual viewport, as discussed in * {@link http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports.html A tale of two viewports — part one} * with one difference: the viewport size _excludes_ scrollbars, as found on some desktop browsers. * * Supported mobile: * iOS/Safari, Android 4, IE10, Firefox OS (maybe not Firefox Android), Opera Mobile 16 * * The properties change dynamically. * * @type {Phaser.Rectangle} * @property {number} x - Scroll, left offset - eg. "scrollX" * @property {number} y - Scroll, top offset - eg. "scrollY" * @property {number} width - Viewport width in pixels. * @property {number} height - Viewport height in pixels. * @readonly */ visualBounds: new Phaser.Rectangle(), /** * The bounds of the Layout viewport, as discussed in * {@link http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports2.html A tale of two viewports — part two}; * but honoring the constraints as specified applicable viewport meta-tag. * * The bounds returned are not guaranteed to be fully aligned with CSS media queries (see * {@link http://www.matanich.com/2013/01/07/viewport-size/ What size is my viewport?}). * * This is _not_ representative of the Visual bounds: in particular the non-primary axis will * generally be significantly larger than the screen height on mobile devices when running with a * constrained viewport. * * The properties change dynamically. * * @type {Phaser.Rectangle} * @property {number} width - Viewport width in pixels. * @property {number} height - Viewport height in pixels. * @readonly */ layoutBounds: new Phaser.Rectangle(), /** * The size of the document / Layout viewport. * * This incorrectly reports the dimensions in IE. * * The properties change dynamically. * * @type {Phaser.Rectangle} * @property {number} width - Document width in pixels. * @property {number} height - Document height in pixels. * @readonly */ documentBounds: new Phaser.Rectangle() }; Phaser.Device.whenReady(function (device) { // All target browsers should support page[XY]Offset. var scrollX = window && ('pageXOffset' in window) ? function () { return window.pageXOffset; } : function () { return document.documentElement.scrollLeft; }; var scrollY = window && ('pageYOffset' in window) ? function () { return window.pageYOffset; } : function () { return document.documentElement.scrollTop; }; /** * A cross-browser window.scrollX. * * @name Phaser.DOM.scrollX * @property {number} scrollX * @readonly * @protected */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM, "scrollX", { get: scrollX }); /** * A cross-browser window.scrollY. * * @name Phaser.DOM.scrollY * @property {number} scrollY * @readonly * @protected */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM, "scrollY", { get: scrollY }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.visualBounds, "x", { get: scrollX }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.visualBounds, "y", { get: scrollY }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.layoutBounds, "x", { value: 0 }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.layoutBounds, "y", { value: 0 }); var treatAsDesktop = device.desktop && (document.documentElement.clientWidth <= window.innerWidth) && (document.documentElement.clientHeight <= window.innerHeight); // Desktop browsers align the layout viewport with the visual viewport. // This differs from mobile browsers with their zooming design. // Ref. http://quirksmode.org/mobile/tableViewport.html if (treatAsDesktop) { var clientWidth = function () { return document.documentElement.clientWidth; }; var clientHeight = function () { return document.documentElement.clientHeight; }; // Interested in area sans-scrollbar Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.visualBounds, "width", { get: clientWidth }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.visualBounds, "height", { get: clientHeight }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.layoutBounds, "width", { get: clientWidth }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.layoutBounds, "height", { get: clientHeight }); } else { Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.visualBounds, "width", { get: function () { return window.innerWidth; } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.visualBounds, "height", { get: function () { return window.innerHeight; } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.layoutBounds, "width", { get: function () { var a = document.documentElement.clientWidth; var b = window.innerWidth; return a < b ? b : a; // max } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.layoutBounds, "height", { get: function () { var a = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var b = window.innerHeight; return a < b ? b : a; // max } }); } // For Phaser.DOM.documentBounds // Ref. http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/tableViewport_desktop.html Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.documentBounds, "x", { value: 0 }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.documentBounds, "y", { value: 0 }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.documentBounds, "width", { get: function () { var d = document.documentElement; return Math.max(d.clientWidth, d.offsetWidth, d.scrollWidth); } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.DOM.documentBounds, "height", { get: function () { var d = document.documentElement; return Math.max(d.clientHeight, d.offsetHeight, d.scrollHeight); } }); }, null, true);