Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) { this.sprite = sprite; =; this.offset = new Phaser.Point; this.x = sprite.x; this.y = sprite.y; // un-scaled original size this.sourceWidth = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW; this.sourceHeight = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH; // calculated (scaled) size this.width = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW; this.height = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH; this.halfWidth = Math.floor(sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW / 2); this.halfHeight = Math.floor(sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH / 2); // Scale value cache this._sx = sprite.scale.x; this._sy = sprite.scale.y; this.velocity = new Phaser.Point; this.acceleration = new Phaser.Point; this.drag = new Phaser.Point; this.gravity = new Phaser.Point; this.bounce = new Phaser.Point; this.maxVelocity = new Phaser.Point(10000, 10000); this.angularVelocity = 0; this.angularAcceleration = 0; this.angularDrag = 0; this.maxAngular = 1000; this.mass = 1; this.quadTreeIDs = []; this.quadTreeIndex = -1; // Allow collision this.allowCollision = { none: false, any: true, up: true, down: true, left: true, right: true }; this.touching = { none: true, up: false, down: false, left: false, right: false }; this.wasTouching = { none: true, up: false, down: false, left: false, right: false }; this.immovable = false; this.moves = true; this.rotation = 0; this.allowRotation = true; this.allowGravity = true; // These two flags allow you to disable the custom separation that takes place // Used in combination with your own collision processHandler you can create whatever // type of collision response you need. this.customSeparateX = false; this.customSeparateY = false; // When this body collides with another the amount of overlap is stored in here // These values are useful if you want to provide your own custom separation logic. this.overlapX = 0; this.overlapY = 0; this.collideWorldBounds = false; this.lastX = sprite.x; this.lastY = sprite.y; }; Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = { updateBounds: function (centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY) { if (scaleX != this._sx || scaleY != this._sy) { this.width = this.sourceWidth * scaleX; this.height = this.sourceHeight * scaleY; this.halfWidth = Math.floor(this.width / 2); this.halfHeight = Math.floor(this.height / 2); this._sx = scaleX; this._sy = scaleY; } }, update: function () { // Store and reset collision flags this.wasTouching.none = this.touching.none; this.wasTouching.up = this.touching.up; this.wasTouching.down = this.touching.down; this.wasTouching.left = this.touching.left; this.wasTouching.right = this.touching.right; this.touching.none = true; this.touching.up = false; this.touching.down = false; this.touching.left = false; this.touching.right = false; this.lastX = this.x; this.lastY = this.y; this.rotation = this.sprite.angle; this.x = (this.sprite.x - (this.sprite.anchor.x * this.width)) + this.offset.x; this.y = (this.sprite.y - (this.sprite.anchor.y * this.height)) + this.offset.y; if (this.moves) {; } if (this.collideWorldBounds) { this.checkWorldBounds(); } if (this.allowCollision.none == false && this.sprite.visible && this.sprite.alive) { this.quadTreeIDs = []; this.quadTreeIndex = -1;; } // Adjust the sprite based on all of the above, so the x/y coords will be correct going into the State update this.sprite.x = this.x - this.offset.x + (this.sprite.anchor.x * this.width); this.sprite.y = this.y - this.offset.y + (this.sprite.anchor.y * this.height); if (this.allowRotation) { this.sprite.angle = this.rotation; } }, postUpdate: function () { this.sprite.x = this.x - this.offset.x + (this.sprite.anchor.x * this.width); this.sprite.y = this.y - this.offset.y + (this.sprite.anchor.y * this.height); if (this.allowRotation) { this.sprite.angle = this.rotation; } }, checkWorldBounds: function () { if (this.x < { this.x =; this.velocity.x *= -this.bounce.x; } else if (this.right > { this.x = - this.width; this.velocity.x *= -this.bounce.x; } if (this.y < { this.y =; this.velocity.y *= -this.bounce.y; } else if (this.bottom > { this.y = - this.height; this.velocity.y *= -this.bounce.y; } }, setSize: function (width, height, offsetX, offsetY) { offsetX = offsetX || this.offset.x; offsetY = offsetY || this.offset.y; this.sourceWidth = width; this.sourceHeight = height; this.width = this.sourceWidth * this._sx; this.height = this.sourceHeight * this._sy; this.halfWidth = Math.floor(this.width / 2); this.halfHeight = Math.floor(this.height / 2); this.offset.setTo(offsetX, offsetY); }, reset: function () { this.velocity.setTo(0, 0); this.acceleration.setTo(0, 0); this.angularVelocity = 0; this.angularAcceleration = 0; this.x = (this.sprite.x - (this.sprite.anchor.x * this.width)) + this.offset.x; this.y = (this.sprite.y - (this.sprite.anchor.y * this.height)) + this.offset.y; this.lastX = this.x; this.lastY = this.y; }, deltaAbsX: function () { return (this.deltaX() > 0 ? this.deltaX() : -this.deltaX()); }, deltaAbsY: function () { return (this.deltaY() > 0 ? this.deltaY() : -this.deltaY()); }, deltaX: function () { return this.x - this.lastX; }, deltaY: function () { return this.y - this.lastY; } }; Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "bottom", { /** * The sum of the y and height properties. Changing the bottom property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and width properties, but does change the height property. * @method bottom * @return {Number} **/ get: function () { return this.y + this.height; }, /** * The sum of the y and height properties. Changing the bottom property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and width properties, but does change the height property. * @method bottom * @param {Number} value **/ set: function (value) { if (value <= this.y) { this.height = 0; } else { this.height = (this.y - value); } } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "right", { /** * The sum of the x and width properties. Changing the right property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and height properties. * However it does affect the width property. * @method right * @return {Number} **/ get: function () { return this.x + this.width; }, /** * The sum of the x and width properties. Changing the right property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and height properties. * However it does affect the width property. * @method right * @param {Number} value **/ set: function (value) { if (value <= this.x) { this.width = 0; } else { this.width = this.x + value; } } });