/// /** * Phaser - Vec2 * * A Vector 2 */ var Phaser; (function (Phaser) { var Vec2 = (function () { /** * Creates a new Vec2 object. * @class Vec2 * @constructor * @param {Number} x The x position of the vector * @param {Number} y The y position of the vector * @return {Vec2} This object **/ function Vec2(x, y) { if (typeof x === "undefined") { x = 0; } if (typeof y === "undefined") { y = 0; } this.x = x; this.y = y; return this; } /** * Copies the x and y properties from any given object to this Vec2. * @method copyFrom * @param {any} source - The object to copy from. * @return {Vec2} This Vec2 object. **/ Vec2.prototype.copyFrom = function (source) { return this.setTo(source.x, source.y); }; /** * Sets the x and y properties of the Vector. * @param {Number} x The x position of the vector * @param {Number} y The y position of the vector * @return {Vec2} This object **/ Vec2.prototype.setTo = function (x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; return this; }; /** * Add another vector to this one. * * @param {Vec2} other The other Vector. * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.add = function (a) { this.x += a.x; this.y += a.y; return this; }; /** * Subtract another vector from this one. * * @param {Vec2} other The other Vector. * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.subtract = function (v) { this.x -= v.x; this.y -= v.y; return this; }; /** * Multiply another vector with this one. * * @param {Vec2} other The other Vector. * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.multiply = function (v) { this.x *= v.x; this.y *= v.y; return this; }; /** * Divide this vector by another one. * * @param {Vec2} other The other Vector. * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.divide = function (v) { this.x /= v.x; this.y /= v.y; return this; }; /** * Get the length of this vector. * * @return {number} The length of this vector. */ Vec2.prototype.length = function () { return Math.sqrt((this.x * this.x) + (this.y * this.y)); }; /** * Get the length squared of this vector. * * @return {number} The length^2 of this vector. */ Vec2.prototype.lengthSq = function () { return (this.x * this.x) + (this.y * this.y); }; /** * Normalize this vector. * * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.normalize = function () { var inv = (this.x != 0 || this.y != 0) ? 1 / Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y) : 0; this.x *= inv; this.y *= inv; return this; }; /** * The dot product of two 2D vectors. * * @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object. * @return {Number} */ Vec2.prototype.dot = function (a) { return ((this.x * a.x) + (this.y * a.y)); }; /** * The cross product of two 2D vectors. * * @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object. * @return {Number} */ Vec2.prototype.cross = function (a) { return ((this.x * a.y) - (this.y * a.x)); }; /** * The projection magnitude of two 2D vectors. * * @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object. * @return {Number} */ Vec2.prototype.projectionLength = function (a) { var den = a.dot(a); if (den == 0) { return 0; } else { return Math.abs(this.dot(a) / den); } }; /** * The angle between two 2D vectors. * * @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object. * @return {Number} */ Vec2.prototype.angle = function (a) { return Math.atan2(a.x * this.y - a.y * this.x, a.x * this.x + a.y * this.y); }; /** * Scale this vector. * * @param {number} x The scaling factor in the x direction. * @param {?number=} y The scaling factor in the y direction. If this is not specified, the x scaling factor will be used. * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.scale = function (x, y) { this.x *= x; this.y *= y || x; return this; }; /** * Multiply this vector by the given scalar. * * @param {number} scalar * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.multiplyByScalar = function (scalar) { this.x *= scalar; this.y *= scalar; return this; }; /** * Adds the given vector to this vector then multiplies by the given scalar. * * @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object. * @param {number} scalar * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.multiplyAddByScalar = function (a, scalar) { this.x += a.x * scalar; this.y += a.y * scalar; return this; }; /** * Divide this vector by the given scalar. * * @param {number} scalar * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.divideByScalar = function (scalar) { this.x /= scalar; this.y /= scalar; return this; }; /** * Reverse this vector. * * @return {Vec2} This for chaining. */ Vec2.prototype.reverse = function () { this.x = -this.x; this.y = -this.y; return this; }; /** * Check if both the x and y of this vector equal the given value. * * @return {Boolean} */ Vec2.prototype.equals = function (value) { return (this.x == value && this.y == value); }; /** * Returns a string representation of this object. * @method toString * @return {string} a string representation of the object. **/ Vec2.prototype.toString = function () { return "[{Vec2 (x=" + this.x + " y=" + this.y + ")}]"; }; return Vec2; })(); Phaser.Vec2 = Vec2; })(Phaser || (Phaser = {}));