/// /** * FrameData * * FrameData is a container for Frame objects, which are the internal representation of animation data in Phaser. * * @package Phaser.FrameData * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2013 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt MIT License */ var Phaser; (function (Phaser) { var FrameData = (function () { /** * FrameData constructor */ function FrameData() { this._frames = []; this._frameNames = []; } Object.defineProperty(FrameData.prototype, "total", { get: function () { return this._frames.length; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); /** * Add a new frame. * @param frame {Frame} The frame you want to add. * @return {Frame} The frame you just added. */ FrameData.prototype.addFrame = function (frame) { frame.index = this._frames.length; this._frames.push(frame); if (frame.name !== '') { this._frameNames[frame.name] = frame.index; } return frame; }; /** * Get a frame by its index. * @param index {number} Index of the frame you want to get. * @return {Frame} The frame you want. */ FrameData.prototype.getFrame = function (index) { if (this._frames[index]) { return this._frames[index]; } return null; }; /** * Get a frame by its name. * @param name {string} Name of the frame you want to get. * @return {Frame} The frame you want. */ FrameData.prototype.getFrameByName = function (name) { if (this._frameNames[name] !== '') { return this._frames[this._frameNames[name]]; } return null; }; /** * Check whether there's a frame with given name. * @param name {string} Name of the frame you want to check. * @return {boolean} True if frame with given name found, otherwise return false. */ FrameData.prototype.checkFrameName = function (name) { if (this._frameNames[name] == null) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Get ranges of frames in an array. * @param start {number} Start index of frames you want. * @param end {number} End index of frames you want. * @param [output] {Frame[]} result will be added into this array. * @return {Frame[]} Ranges of specific frames in an array. */ FrameData.prototype.getFrameRange = function (start, end, output) { if (typeof output === "undefined") { output = []; } for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { output.push(this._frames[i]); } return output; }; /** * Get all indexes of frames by giving their name. * @param [output] {number[]} result will be added into this array. * @return {number[]} Indexes of specific frames in an array. */ FrameData.prototype.getFrameIndexes = function (output) { if (typeof output === "undefined") { output = []; } output.length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._frames.length; i++) { output.push(i); } return output; }; /** * Get the frame indexes by giving the frame names. * @param [output] {number[]} result will be added into this array. * @return {number[]} Names of specific frames in an array. */ FrameData.prototype.getFrameIndexesByName = function (input) { var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if (this.getFrameByName(input[i])) { output.push(this.getFrameByName(input[i]).index); } } return output; }; /** * Get all frames in this frame data. * @return {Frame[]} All the frames in an array. */ FrameData.prototype.getAllFrames = function () { return this._frames; }; /** * Get All frames with specific ranges. * @param range {number[]} Ranges in an array. * @return {Frame[]} All frames in an array. */ FrameData.prototype.getFrames = function (range) { var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < range.length; i++) { output.push(this._frames[i]); } return output; }; return FrameData; })(); Phaser.FrameData = FrameData; })(Phaser || (Phaser = {}));