/** * Original shader from http://glsl.heroku.com/e#4122.10 * Tweaked, uniforms added and converted to Phaser/PIXI by Richard Davey */ Phaser.Filter.LightBeam = function (game) { Phaser.Filter.call(this, game); this.uniforms.alpha = { type: '1f', value: 1 }; this.uniforms.thickness = { type: '1f', value: 70.0 }; this.uniforms.speed = { type: '1f', value: 1.0 }; this.uniforms.red = { type: '1f', value: 2.0 }; this.uniforms.green = { type: '1f', value: 1.0 }; this.uniforms.blue = { type: '1f', value: 1.0 }; this.fragmentSrc = [ "precision mediump float;", "uniform vec2 resolution;", "uniform float time;", "uniform float alpha;", "uniform float thickness;", "uniform float speed;", "uniform float red;", "uniform float green;", "uniform float blue;", "void main(void) {", "vec2 uPos = (gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy);", "uPos.y -= 0.50;", "float vertColor = 0.0;", "for (float i = 0.0; i < 1.0; i++)", "{", "float t = time * (i + speed);", "uPos.y += sin(uPos.x + t) * 0.2;", "float fTemp = abs(1.0 / uPos.y / thickness);", "vertColor += fTemp;", "}", "vec4 color = vec4(vertColor * red, vertColor * green, vertColor * blue, alpha);", "gl_FragColor = color;", "}" ]; }; Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Filter.prototype); Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Filter.LightBeam; Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype.init = function (width, height) { this.setResolution(width, height); }; Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype, 'alpha', { get: function() { return this.uniforms.alpha.value; }, set: function(value) { this.uniforms.alpha.value = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype, 'red', { get: function() { return this.uniforms.red.value; }, set: function(value) { this.uniforms.red.value = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype, 'green', { get: function() { return this.uniforms.green.value; }, set: function(value) { this.uniforms.green.value = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype, 'blue', { get: function() { return this.uniforms.blue.value; }, set: function(value) { this.uniforms.blue.value = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype, 'thickness', { get: function() { return this.uniforms.thickness.value; }, set: function(value) { this.uniforms.thickness.value = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Filter.LightBeam.prototype, 'speed', { get: function() { return this.uniforms.speed.value; }, set: function(value) { this.uniforms.speed.value = value; } });