* Phaser - Stage
* The Stage is the canvas on which everything is displayed. This class handles display within the web browser, focus handling,
* resizing, scaling and pause/boot screens.
module Phaser {
export class Stage {
* Stage constructor
* Create a new Stage
with specific width and height.
* @param parent ID of parent DOM element.
* @param width Width of the stage.
* @param height Height of the stage.
constructor(game: Game, parent: string, width: number, height: number) {
this._game = game;
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas.width = width;
this.canvas.height = height;
if (document.getElementById(parent))
document.getElementById(parent).style.overflow = 'hidden';
// Consume default actions on the canvas
this.canvas.style.msTouchAction = 'none';
this.canvas.style['touch-action'] = 'none';
this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
this.offset = this.getOffset(this.canvas);
this.bounds = new Rectangle(this.offset.x, this.offset.y, width, height);
this.aspectRatio = width / height;
this.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
this.scale = new StageScaleMode(this._game);
this._bootScreen = new BootScreen(this._game);
this._pauseScreen = new PauseScreen(this._game, width, height);
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', (event) => this.visibilityChange(event), false);
document.addEventListener('webkitvisibilitychange', (event) => this.visibilityChange(event), false);
window.onblur = (event) => this.visibilityChange(event);
window.onfocus = (event) => this.visibilityChange(event);
* Local private reference to game.
private _game: Game;
* Background color of the stage.
* @type {string}
private _bgColor: string;
* This will be displayed when Phaser is started without any default functions or State
* @type {BootScreen}
private _bootScreen;
* This will be displayed whenever the game loses focus or the player switches to another browser tab.
* @type {PauseScreen}
private _pauseScreen;
* Screen orientation enum: Landscape.
* @type {number}
public static ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: number = 0;
* Screen orientation enum: Portrait.
* @type {number}
public static ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: number = 1;
* Bound of this stage.
* @type {Rectangle}
public bounds: Rectangle;
* Asperct ratio, thus: width / height.
* @type {number}
public aspectRatio: number;
* Clear the whole stage every frame? (Default to true)
* @type {boolean}
public clear: bool = true;
* Canvas element used by engine.
* @type {HTMLCanvasElement}
public canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
* Render context of stage's canvas.
* @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D}
public context: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
* Do not use pause screen when game is paused?
* (Default to false, aka always use PauseScreen)
* @type {boolean}
public disablePauseScreen: bool = false;
* Do not use boot screen when engine starts?
* (Default to false, aka always use BootScreen)
* @type {boolean}
public disableBootScreen: bool = false;
* Offset from this stage to the canvas element.
* @type {Point}
public offset: Point;
* This object manages scaling of the game, see(StageScaleMode).
* @type {StageScaleMode}
public scale: StageScaleMode;
* Which mode will the game be scaled.
* Available: StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT, StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE, StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL.
* @type {number}
public scaleMode: number;
* Minimal scale factor of x-axis.
* @type {number}
public minScaleX: number = null;
* Maximal scale factor of x-axis.
* @type {number}
public maxScaleX: number = null;
* Minimal scale factor of y-axis.
* @type {number}
public minScaleY: number = null;
* Maximal scale factor of y-axis.
* @type {number}
public maxScaleY: number = null;
* Update stage for rendering. This will handle scaling, clearing
* and PauseScreen/BootScreen updating and rendering.
public update() {
if (this.clear)
// implement dirty rect? could take up more cpu time than it saves. needs benching.
this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
if (this._game.isRunning == false && this.disableBootScreen == false)
if (this._game.paused == true && this.disablePauseScreen == false)
* This method will be called when canvas element's visibility changed.
private visibilityChange(event) {
if (this.disablePauseScreen)
if (event.type === 'blur' || document['hidden'] === true || document['webkitHidden'] === true)
if (this._game.paused == false)
this._game.paused = true;
else if (event.type == 'focus')
if (this._game.paused == true)
this._game.paused = false;
private getOffset(element): Point {
var box = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var clientTop = element.clientTop || document.body.clientTop || 0;
var clientLeft = element.clientLeft || document.body.clientLeft || 0;
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || element.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || element.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
return new Point(box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft, box.top + scrollTop - clientTop);
* Canvas strokeStyle.
* @type {string}
public strokeStyle: string;
* Canvas lineWidth.
* @type {number}
public lineWidth: number;
* Canvas fillStyle.
* @type {string}
public fillStyle: string;
* Save current canvas properties (strokeStyle, lineWidth and fillStyle) for later using.
public saveCanvasValues() {
this.strokeStyle = this.context.strokeStyle;
this.lineWidth = this.context.lineWidth;
this.fillStyle = this.context.fillStyle;
* Restore current canvas values (strokeStyle, lineWidth and fillStyle) with saved values.
public restoreCanvasValues() {
this.context.strokeStyle = this.strokeStyle;
this.context.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;
this.context.fillStyle = this.fillStyle;
public set backgroundColor(color: string) {
this.canvas.style.backgroundColor = color;
public get backgroundColor(): string {
return this._bgColor;
public get x(): number {
return this.bounds.x;
public get y(): number {
return this.bounds.y;
public get width(): number {
return this.bounds.width;
public get height(): number {
return this.bounds.height;
public get centerX(): number {
return this.bounds.halfWidth;
public get centerY(): number {
return this.bounds.halfHeight;
public get randomX(): number {
return Math.round(Math.random() * this.bounds.width);
public get randomY(): number {
return Math.round(Math.random() * this.bounds.height);