/** * @author Mat Groves http://matgroves.com/ @Doormat23 */ /** * This applies a sepia effect to your Display Objects. * * @class SepiaFilter * @extends AbstractFilter * @constructor */ PIXI.SepiaFilter = function() { PIXI.AbstractFilter.call( this ); this.passes = [this]; // set the uniforms this.uniforms = { sepia: {type: '1f', value: 1} }; this.fragmentSrc = [ 'precision mediump float;', 'varying vec2 vTextureCoord;', 'varying vec4 vColor;', 'uniform float sepia;', 'uniform sampler2D uSampler;', 'const mat3 sepiaMatrix = mat3(0.3588, 0.7044, 0.1368, 0.2990, 0.5870, 0.1140, 0.2392, 0.4696, 0.0912);', 'void main(void) {', ' gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);', ' gl_FragColor.rgb = mix( gl_FragColor.rgb, gl_FragColor.rgb * sepiaMatrix, sepia);', // ' gl_FragColor = gl_FragColor * vColor;', '}' ]; }; PIXI.SepiaFilter.prototype = Object.create( PIXI.AbstractFilter.prototype ); PIXI.SepiaFilter.prototype.constructor = PIXI.SepiaFilter; /** * The strength of the sepia. 1 will apply the full sepia effect, 0 will make the object its normal color. * @property sepia * @type Number */ Object.defineProperty(PIXI.SepiaFilter.prototype, 'sepia', { get: function() { return this.uniforms.sepia.value; }, set: function(value) { this.uniforms.sepia.value = value; } });