Phaser. ArraySet

new ArraySet(list)

ArraySet is a Set data structure (items must be unique within the set) that also maintains order. This allows specific items to be easily added or removed from the Set.

Item equality (and uniqueness) is determined by the behavior of Array.indexOf.

This used primarily by the Input subsystem.

Name Type Argument Default Description
list Array.<any> <optional>
(new array)

The backing array: if specified the items in the list must be unique, per Array.indexOf, and the ownership of the array should be relinquished to the ArraySet.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 19


first :any

Returns the first item and resets the cursor to the start.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 231

list :Array.<any>

The backing array.

  • Array.<any>
Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 32

next :any

Returns the the next item (based on the cursor) and advances the cursor.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 256

position :integer

Current cursor position as established by first and next.

Default Value:
  • 0
Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 26

total :integer

Number of items in the ArraySet. Same as list.length.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 217


add(item) → {any}

Adds a new element to the end of the list. If the item already exists in the list it is not moved.

Name Type Description
item any

The element to add to this list.

any -

The item that was added.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 38

callAll(key, parameter)

Calls a function on all members of this list, using the member as the context for the callback.

If the key property is present it must be a function. The function is invoked using the item as the context.

Name Type Argument Description
key string

The name of the property with the function to call.

parameter * <repeatable>

Additional parameters that will be passed to the callback.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 159

exists(item) → {boolean}

Checks for the item within this list.

Name Type Description
item any

The element to get the list index for.

boolean -

True if the item is found in the list, otherwise false.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 95

getByKey(property, value) → {any}

Gets an item from the set based on the property strictly equaling the value given. Returns null if not found.

Name Type Description
property string

The property to check against the value.

value any

The value to check if the property strictly equals.

any -

The item that was found, or null if nothing matched.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 70

getIndex(item) → {integer}

Gets the index of the item in the list, or -1 if it isn't in the list.

Name Type Description
item any

The element to get the list index for.

integer -

The index of the item or -1 if not found.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 57

remove(item) → {any}

Removes the given element from this list if it exists.

Name Type Description
item any

The item to be removed from the list.

any -

item - The item that was removed.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 119


Removes every member from this ArraySet and optionally destroys it.

Name Type Argument Default Description
destroy boolean <optional>

Call destroy on each member as it's removed from this set.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 185


Removes all the items.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 108

setAll(key, value)

Sets the property key to the given value on all members of this list.

Name Type Description
key any

The property of the item to set.

value any

The value to set the property to.

Source - utils/ArraySet.js, line 138
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