/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * @class Phaser.Particle * * @classdesc Create a new `Particle` object. Particles are extended Sprites that are emitted by a particle emitter such as Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter. * * @constructor * @extends Phaser.Sprite * @param {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game. * @param {number} x - The x coordinate (in world space) to position the Particle at. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate (in world space) to position the Particle at. * @param {string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|PIXI.Texture} key - This is the image or texture used by the Particle during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture or PIXI.Texture. * @param {string|number} frame - If this Particle is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index. */ Phaser.Particle = function (game, x, y, key, frame) { Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, x, y, key, frame); /** * @property {boolean} autoScale - If this Particle automatically scales this is set to true by Particle.setScaleData. * @protected */ this.autoScale = false; /** * @property {array} scaleData - A reference to the scaleData array owned by the Emitter that emitted this Particle. * @protected */ this.scaleData = null; /** * @property {number} _s - Internal cache var for tracking auto scale. * @private */ this._s = 0; /** * @property {boolean} autoAlpha - If this Particle automatically changes alpha this is set to true by Particle.setAlphaData. * @protected */ this.autoAlpha = false; /** * @property {array} alphaData - A reference to the alphaData array owned by the Emitter that emitted this Particle. * @protected */ this.alphaData = null; /** * @property {number} _a - Internal cache var for tracking auto alpha. * @private */ this._a = 0; }; Phaser.Particle.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype); Phaser.Particle.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Particle; /** * Updates the Particle scale or alpha if autoScale and autoAlpha are set. * * @method Phaser.Particle#update * @memberof Phaser.Particle */ Phaser.Particle.prototype.update = function() { if (this.autoScale) { this._s--; if (this._s) { this.scale.set(this.scaleData[this._s].v); } else { this.autoScale = false; } } if (this.autoAlpha) { this._a--; if (this._a) { this.alpha = this.alphaData[this._a].v; } else { this.autoAlpha = false; } } }; /** * Called by the Emitter when this particle is emitted. Left empty for you to over-ride as required. * * @method Phaser.Particle#onEmit * @memberof Phaser.Particle */ Phaser.Particle.prototype.onEmit = function() { }; /** * Called by the Emitter if autoAlpha has been enabled. Passes over the alpha ease data and resets the alpha counter. * * @method Phaser.Particle#setAlphaData * @memberof Phaser.Particle */ Phaser.Particle.prototype.setAlphaData = function(data) { this.alphaData = data; this._a = data.length - 1; this.alpha = this.alphaData[this._a].v; this.autoAlpha = true; }; /** * Called by the Emitter if autoScale has been enabled. Passes over the scale ease data and resets the scale counter. * * @method Phaser.Particle#setScaleData * @memberof Phaser.Particle */ Phaser.Particle.prototype.setScaleData = function(data) { this.scaleData = data; this._s = data.length - 1; this.scale.set(this.scaleData[this._s].v); this.autoScale = true; }; /** * Resets the Particle. This places the Particle at the given x/y world coordinates and then * sets alive, exists, visible and renderable all to true. Also resets the outOfBounds state and health values. * If the Particle has a physics body that too is reset. * * @method Phaser.Particle#reset * @memberof Phaser.Particle * @param {number} x - The x coordinate (in world space) to position the Particle at. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate (in world space) to position the Particle at. * @param {number} [health=1] - The health to give the Particle. * @return (Phaser.Particle) This instance. */ Phaser.Particle.prototype.reset = function(x, y, health) { if (typeof health === 'undefined') { health = 1; } this.world.setTo(x, y); this.position.x = x; this.position.y = y; this.alive = true; this.exists = true; this.visible = true; this.renderable = true; this._outOfBoundsFired = false; this.health = health; if (this.body) { this.body.reset(x, y, false, false); } this._cache[4] = 1; this.alpha = 1; this.scale.set(1); this.autoScale = false; this.autoAlpha = false; return this; };