var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var DegToRad = require('../../math/DegToRad'); var DistanceBetween = require('../../math/distance/DistanceBetween'); var Particle = new Class({ initialize: function Particle (emitter) { this.emitter = emitter; // Phaser.Texture.Frame this.frame = null; this.index = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.velocityX = 0; this.velocityY = 0; this.accelerationX = 0; this.accelerationY = 0; this.maxVelocityX = 10000; this.maxVelocityY = 10000; this.bounce = 0; this.scaleX = 1; this.scaleY = 1; this.alpha = 1; // degs this.angle = 0; // rads this.rotation = 0; this.scrollFactorX = 1; this.scrollFactorY = 1; this.tint = 0xffffffff; this.color = 0xffffffff; // in ms = 1000; this.lifeCurrent = 1000; this.delayCurrent = 0; // 0-1 this.lifeT = 0; // ease data = { tint: { min: 0xffffff, max: 0xffffff, current: 0xffffff }, alpha: { min: 1, max: 1 }, rotate: { min: 0, max: 0 }, scaleX: { min: 1, max: 1 }, scaleY: { min: 1, max: 1 } }; }, isAlive: function () { return (this.lifeCurrent > 0); }, emit: function (x, y) { var emitter = this.emitter; this.frame = emitter.getFrame(); if ( { // Updates particle.x and particle.y during this call; } if (x === undefined) { if (emitter.follow) { this.x += emitter.follow.x + emitter.followOffset.x; } this.x += emitter.x.onEmit(this, 'x'); } else { this.x += x; } if (y === undefined) { if (emitter.follow) { this.y += emitter.follow.y + emitter.followOffset.y; } this.y += emitter.y.onEmit(this, 'y'); } else { this.y += y; } = emitter.lifespan.onEmit(this, 'lifespan'); this.lifeCurrent =; this.lifeT = 0; var sx = emitter.speedX.onEmit(this, 'speedX'); var sy = (emitter.speedY) ? emitter.speedY.onEmit(this, 'speedY') : sx; if (emitter.radial) { var rad = DegToRad(emitter.angle.onEmit(this, 'angle')); this.velocityX = Math.cos(rad) * Math.abs(sx); this.velocityY = Math.sin(rad) * Math.abs(sy); } else if (emitter.moveTo) { var mx = emitter.moveToX.onEmit(this, 'moveToX'); var my = (emitter.moveToY) ? emitter.moveToY.onEmit(this, 'moveToY') : mx; var angle = Math.atan2(my - this.y, mx - this.x); var speed = DistanceBetween(this.x, this.y, mx, my) / ( / 1000); // We know how many pixels we need to move, but how fast? // var speed = this.distanceToXY(displayObject, x, y) / (maxTime / 1000); this.velocityX = Math.cos(angle) * speed; this.velocityY = Math.sin(angle) * speed; } else { this.velocityX = sx; this.velocityY = sy; } if (emitter.acceleration) { this.accelerationX = emitter.accelerationX.onEmit(this, 'accelerationX'); this.accelerationY = emitter.accelerationY.onEmit(this, 'accelerationY'); } this.maxVelocityX = emitter.maxVelocityX.onEmit(this, 'maxVelocityX'); this.maxVelocityY = emitter.maxVelocityY.onEmit(this, 'maxVelocityY'); this.delayCurrent = emitter.delay.onEmit(this, 'delay'); this.scaleX = emitter.scaleX.onEmit(this, 'scaleX'); this.scaleY = (emitter.scaleY) ? emitter.scaleY.onEmit(this, 'scaleY') : this.scaleX; this.angle = emitter.rotate.onEmit(this, 'rotate'); this.rotation = DegToRad(this.angle); this.bounce = emitter.bounce.onEmit(this, 'bounce'); this.alpha = emitter.alpha.onEmit(this, 'alpha'); this.tint = emitter.tint.onEmit(this, 'tint'); this.color = (this.tint & 0x00FFFFFF) | (((this.alpha * 0xFF) | 0) << 24); this.index = emitter.alive.length; }, computeVelocity: function (emitter, delta, step, processors) { var vx = this.velocityX; var vy = this.velocityY; var ax = this.accelerationX; var ay = this.accelerationY; var mx = this.maxVelocityX; var my = this.maxVelocityY; vx += (emitter.gravityX * step); vy += (emitter.gravityY * step); if (ax) { vx += (ax * step); } if (ay) { vy += (ay * step); } if (vx > mx) { vx = mx; } else if (vx < -mx) { vx = -mx; } if (vy > my) { vy = my; } else if (vy < -my) { vy = -my; } this.velocityX = vx; this.velocityY = vy; // Apply any additional processors for (var i = 0; i < processors.length; i++) { processors[i].update(this, delta, step); } }, checkBounds: function (emitter) { var bounds = emitter.bounds; var bounce = -this.bounce; if (this.x < bounds.x && emitter.collideLeft) { this.x = bounds.x; this.velocityX *= bounce; } else if (this.x > bounds.right && emitter.collideRight) { this.x = bounds.right; this.velocityX *= bounce; } if (this.y < bounds.y && emitter.collideTop) { this.y = bounds.y; this.velocityY *= bounce; } else if (this.y > bounds.bottom && emitter.collideBottom) { this.y = bounds.bottom; this.velocityY *= bounce; } }, // delta = ms, step = delta / 1000 update: function (delta, step, processors) { if (this.delayCurrent > 0) { this.delayCurrent -= delta; return false; } var emitter = this.emitter; // How far along in life is this particle? (t = 0 to 1) var t = 1 - (this.lifeCurrent /; this.lifeT = t; this.computeVelocity(emitter, delta, step, processors); this.x += this.velocityX * step; this.y += this.velocityY * step; if (emitter.bounds) { this.checkBounds(emitter); } this.scaleX = emitter.scaleX.onUpdate(this, 'scaleX', t, this.scaleX); if (emitter.scaleY) { this.scaleY = emitter.scaleY.onUpdate(this, 'scaleY', t, this.scaleY); } else { this.scaleY = this.scaleX; } this.angle = emitter.rotate.onUpdate(this, 'rotate', t, this.angle); this.rotation = DegToRad(this.angle); this.alpha = emitter.alpha.onUpdate(this, 'alpha', t, this.alpha); this.tint = emitter.tint.onUpdate(this, 'tint', t, this.tint); this.color = (this.tint & 0x00FFFFFF) | (((this.alpha * 0xFF) | 0) << 24); this.lifeCurrent -= delta; return (this.lifeCurrent <= 0); } }); module.exports = Particle;