/** * Original shader by Daniil (https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4sl3DH) * Tweaked, uniforms added and converted to Phaser/PIXI by Richard Davey */ Phaser.Filter.HueRotate = function (game) { Phaser.Filter.call(this, game); this.uniforms.alpha = { type: '1f', value: 1.0 }; this.uniforms.size = { type: '1f', value: 0.03 }; this.uniforms.iChannel0 = { type: 'sampler2D', value: null, textureData: { repeat: true } }; this.fragmentSrc = [ "precision mediump float;", "uniform vec2 resolution;", "uniform float time;", "uniform float alpha;", "uniform sampler2D iChannel0;", "/* Simple hue rotation filter based on article:", "http://beesbuzz.biz/code/hsv_color_transforms.php", "*/", "#define SPEED 10.0", "void main(void)", "{", "vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;", "float c = cos(time * SPEED);", "float s = sin(time * SPEED);", "mat4 hueRotation =", "mat4( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0,", "0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0,", "0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0,", "0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.0) +", "mat4( 0.701, -0.587, -0.114, 0.0,", "-0.299, 0.413, -0.114, 0.0,", "-0.300, -0.588, 0.886, 0.0,", "0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.0) * c +", "mat4( 0.168, 0.330, -0.497, 0.0,", "-0.328, 0.035, 0.292, 0.0,", "1.250, -1.050, -0.203, 0.0,", "0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.0) * s;", "vec4 pixel = texture2D(iChannel0, uv);", "gl_FragColor = pixel * hueRotation;", "}" ]; }; Phaser.Filter.HueRotate.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Filter.prototype); Phaser.Filter.HueRotate.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Filter.HueRotate; Phaser.Filter.HueRotate.prototype.init = function (width, height, texture) { this.setResolution(width, height); this.uniforms.iChannel0.value = texture; }; Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Filter.HueRotate.prototype, 'alpha', { get: function() { return this.uniforms.alpha.value; }, set: function(value) { this.uniforms.alpha.value = value; } });