var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var GetObjectValue = require('../../utils/object/GetObjectValue'); // Key: [ Object Key, Default Value ] var propertyMap = { font: [ 'font', '16px Courier' ], backgroundColor: [ 'backgroundColor', null ], fill: [ 'fill', '#fff' ], stroke: [ 'stroke', '#fff' ], strokeThickness: [ 'strokeThickness', 0 ], shadowOffsetX: [ 'shadow.offsetX', 0 ], shadowOffsetY: [ 'shadow.offsetY', 0 ], shadowColor: [ 'shadow.color', '#000' ], shadowBlur: [ 'shadow.blur', 0 ], shadowStroke: [ 'shadow.stroke', false ], shadowFill: [ 'shadow.fill', false ], align: [ 'align', 'left' ], maxLines: [ 'maxLines', 0 ] }; var TextStyle = new Class({ initialize: function TextStyle (text, style) { this.parent = text; this.font = propertyMap.font[1]; this.backgroundColor = propertyMap.backgroundColor[1]; this.fill = propertyMap.fill[1]; this.stroke = propertyMap.stroke[1]; this.strokeThickness = propertyMap.strokeThickness[1]; this.shadowOffsetX = propertyMap.shadowOffsetX[1]; this.shadowOffsetY = propertyMap.shadowOffsetY[1]; this.shadowColor = propertyMap.shadowColor[1]; this.shadowBlur = propertyMap.shadowBlur[1]; this.shadowStroke = propertyMap.shadowStroke[1]; this.shadowFill = propertyMap.shadowFill[1]; this.align = propertyMap.align[1]; this.maxLines = propertyMap.maxLines[1]; if (style !== undefined) { this.setStyle(style); } }, syncFont: function (canvas, context) { context.font = this.font; context.textBaseline = 'alphabetic'; context.fillStyle = this.fill; context.strokeStyle = this.stroke; context.lineWidth = this.strokeThickness; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.lineJoin = 'round'; }, syncShadow: function (canvas, context, visible) { var style =; if (visible) { context.shadowOffsetX = style.shadowOffsetX; context.shadowOffsetY = style.shadowOffsetY; context.shadowColor = style.shadowColor; context.shadowBlur = style.shadowBlur; } else { context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowColor = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; } }, setStyle: function (style) { for (var key in propertyMap) { this[key] = GetObjectValue(style, propertyMap[key][0], this[key]); } return this; }, setFont: function (font) { this.font = font; this.parent.updateText(); return this; }, setBackgroundColor: function (color) { this.backgroundColor = color; this.parent.updateText(); return this; }, setFill: function (color) { this.fill = color; this.parent.updateText(); return this; }, setStroke: function (color, thickness) { if (color === undefined) { // Reset the stroke to zero (disabling it) this.strokeThickness = 0; } else { if (thickness === undefined) { thickness = this.strokeThickness; } this.stroke = color; this.strokeThickness = thickness; } this.parent.updateText(); return this; }, setShadow: function (x, y, color, blur, shadowStroke, shadowFill) { if (x === undefined) { x = 0; } if (y === undefined) { y = 0; } if (color === undefined) { color = '#000'; } if (blur === undefined) { blur = 0; } if (shadowStroke === undefined) { shadowStroke = false; } if (shadowFill === undefined) { shadowFill = false; } this.shadowOffsetX = x; this.shadowOffsetY = y; this.shadowColor = color; this.shadowBlur = blur; this.shadowStroke = shadowStroke; this.shadowFill = shadowFill; this.parent.updateText(); return this; }, setAlign: function (align) { if (align === undefined) { align = 'left'; } this.align = align; this.parent.updateText(); return this; }, setMaxLines: function (max) { if (max === undefined) { max = 0; } this.maxLines = max; this.parent.updateText(); return this; }, destroy: function () { this.parent = undefined; } }); module.exports = TextStyle;