/** * @author @karlmacklin <tacklemcclean@gmail.com> * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * A single Phaser Gamepad * * @class Phaser.SinglePad * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - Current game instance. * @param {Object} padParent - The parent Phaser.Gamepad object (all gamepads reside under this) */ Phaser.SinglePad = function (game, padParent) { /** * @property {Phaser.Game} game - Local reference to game. */ this.game = game; /** * @property {number} index - The gamepad index as per browsers data * @readonly */ this.index = null; /** * @property {boolean} connected - Whether or not this particular gamepad is connected or not. * @readonly */ this.connected = false; /** * @property {Object} callbackContext - The context under which the callbacks are run. */ this.callbackContext = this; /** * @property {function} onConnectCallback - This callback is invoked every time this gamepad is connected */ this.onConnectCallback = null; /** * @property {function} onDisconnectCallback - This callback is invoked every time this gamepad is disconnected */ this.onDisconnectCallback = null; /** * @property {function} onDownCallback - This callback is invoked every time a button is pressed down. */ this.onDownCallback = null; /** * @property {function} onUpCallback - This callback is invoked every time a gamepad button is released. */ this.onUpCallback = null; /** * @property {function} onAxisCallback - This callback is invoked every time an axis is changed. */ this.onAxisCallback = null; /** * @property {function} onFloatCallback - This callback is invoked every time a button is changed to a value where value > 0 and value < 1. */ this.onFloatCallback = null; /** * @property {number} deadZone - Dead zone for axis feedback - within this value you won't trigger updates. */ this.deadZone = 0.26; /** * @property {Phaser.Gamepad} padParent - Main Phaser Gamepad object * @private */ this._padParent = padParent; /** * @property {Object} _rawPad - The 'raw' gamepad data. * @private */ this._rawPad = null; /** * @property {number} _prevTimestamp - Used to check for differences between earlier polls and current state of gamepads. * @private */ this._prevTimestamp = null; /** * @property {Array} _buttons - Array of Phaser.GamepadButton objects. This array is populated when the gamepad is connected. * @private */ this._buttons = []; /** * @property {number} _buttonsLen - Length of the _buttons array. * @private */ this._buttonsLen = 0; /** * @property {Array} _axes - Current axes state. * @private */ this._axes = []; /** * @property {number} _axesLen - Length of the _axes array. * @private */ this._axesLen = 0; }; Phaser.SinglePad.prototype = { /** * Add callbacks to the this Gamepad to handle connect / disconnect / button down / button up / axis change / float value buttons. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#addCallbacks * @param {Object} context - The context under which the callbacks are run. * @param {Object} callbacks - Object that takes six different callbak methods: * onConnectCallback, onDisconnectCallback, onDownCallback, onUpCallback, onAxisCallback, onFloatCallback */ addCallbacks: function (context, callbacks) { if (typeof callbacks !== 'undefined') { this.onConnectCallback = (typeof callbacks.onConnect === 'function') ? callbacks.onConnect : this.onConnectCallback; this.onDisconnectCallback = (typeof callbacks.onDisconnect === 'function') ? callbacks.onDisconnect : this.onDisconnectCallback; this.onDownCallback = (typeof callbacks.onDown === 'function') ? callbacks.onDown : this.onDownCallback; this.onUpCallback = (typeof callbacks.onUp === 'function') ? callbacks.onUp : this.onUpCallback; this.onAxisCallback = (typeof callbacks.onAxis === 'function') ? callbacks.onAxis : this.onAxisCallback; this.onFloatCallback = (typeof callbacks.onFloat === 'function') ? callbacks.onFloat : this.onFloatCallback; } }, /** * Gets a GamepadButton object from this controller to be stored and referenced locally. * The GamepadButton object can then be polled, have events attached to it, etc. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#getButton * @param {number} buttonCode - The buttonCode of the button, i.e. Phaser.Gamepad.BUTTON_0, Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_A, etc. * @return {Phaser.GamepadButton} The GamepadButton object which you can store locally and reference directly. */ getButton: function (buttonCode) { if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { return this._buttons[buttonCode]; } else { return null; } }, /** * Main update function called by Phaser.Gamepad. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#pollStatus */ pollStatus: function () { if (!this.connected || this.game.input.disabled || this.game.input.gamepad.disabled || (this._rawPad.timestamp && (this._rawPad.timestamp === this._prevTimestamp))) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < this._buttonsLen; i++) { var rawButtonVal = isNaN(this._rawPad.buttons[i]) ? this._rawPad.buttons[i].value : this._rawPad.buttons[i]; if (rawButtonVal !== this._buttons[i].value) { if (rawButtonVal === 1) { this.processButtonDown(i, rawButtonVal); } else if (rawButtonVal === 0) { this.processButtonUp(i, rawButtonVal); } else { this.processButtonFloat(i, rawButtonVal); } } } for (var index = 0; index < this._axesLen; index++) { var value = this._rawPad.axes[index]; if ((value > 0 && value > this.deadZone) || (value < 0 && value < -this.deadZone)) { this.processAxisChange(index, value); } else { this.processAxisChange(index, 0); } } this._prevTimestamp = this._rawPad.timestamp; }, /** * Gamepad connect function, should be called by Phaser.Gamepad. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#connect * @param {Object} rawPad - The raw gamepad object */ connect: function (rawPad) { var triggerCallback = !this.connected; this.connected = true; this.index = rawPad.index; this._rawPad = rawPad; this._buttons = []; this._buttonsLen = rawPad.buttons.length; this._axes = []; this._axesLen = rawPad.axes.length; for (var a = 0; a < this._axesLen; a++) { this._axes[a] = rawPad.axes[a]; } for (var buttonCode in rawPad.buttons) { buttonCode = parseInt(buttonCode, 10); this._buttons[buttonCode] = new Phaser.GamepadButton(this, buttonCode); } if (triggerCallback && this._padParent.onConnectCallback) { this._padParent.onConnectCallback.call(this._padParent.callbackContext, this.index); } if (triggerCallback && this.onConnectCallback) { this.onConnectCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } }, /** * Gamepad disconnect function, should be called by Phaser.Gamepad. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#disconnect */ disconnect: function () { var triggerCallback = this.connected; var disconnectingIndex = this.index; this.connected = false; this.index = null; this._rawPad = undefined; for (var i = 0; i < this._buttonsLen; i++) { this._buttons[i].destroy(); } this._buttons = []; this._buttonsLen = 0; this._axes = []; this._axesLen = 0; if (triggerCallback && this._padParent.onDisconnectCallback) { this._padParent.onDisconnectCallback.call(this._padParent.callbackContext, disconnectingIndex); } if (triggerCallback && this.onDisconnectCallback) { this.onDisconnectCallback.call(this.callbackContext); } }, /** * Destroys this object and associated callback references. * * @method destroy */ destroy: function () { this._rawPad = undefined; for (var i = 0; i < this._buttonsLen; i++) { this._buttons[i].destroy(); } this._buttons = []; this._buttonsLen = 0; this._axes = []; this._axesLen = 0; this.onConnectCallback = null; this.onDisconnectCallback = null; this.onDownCallback = null; this.onUpCallback = null; this.onAxisCallback = null; this.onFloatCallback = null; }, /** * Handles changes in axis. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#processAxisChange * @param {Object} axisState - State of the relevant axis */ processAxisChange: function (index, value) { if (this._axes[index] === value) { return; } this._axes[index] = value; if (this._padParent.onAxisCallback) { this._padParent.onAxisCallback.call(this._padParent.callbackContext, this, index, value); } if (this.onAxisCallback) { this.onAxisCallback.call(this.callbackContext, this, index, value); } }, /** * Handles button down press. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#processButtonDown * @param {number} buttonCode - Which buttonCode of this button * @param {Object} value - Button value */ processButtonDown: function (buttonCode, value) { if (this._padParent.onDownCallback) { this._padParent.onDownCallback.call(this._padParent.callbackContext, buttonCode, value, this.index); } if (this.onDownCallback) { this.onDownCallback.call(this.callbackContext, buttonCode, value); } if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { this._buttons[buttonCode].processButtonDown(value); } }, /** * Handles button release. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#processButtonUp * @param {number} buttonCode - Which buttonCode of this button * @param {Object} value - Button value */ processButtonUp: function (buttonCode, value) { if (this._padParent.onUpCallback) { this._padParent.onUpCallback.call(this._padParent.callbackContext, buttonCode, value, this.index); } if (this.onUpCallback) { this.onUpCallback.call(this.callbackContext, buttonCode, value); } if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { this._buttons[buttonCode].processButtonUp(value); } }, /** * Handles buttons with floating values (like analog buttons that acts almost like an axis but still registers like a button) * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#processButtonFloat * @param {number} buttonCode - Which buttonCode of this button * @param {Object} value - Button value (will range somewhere between 0 and 1, but not specifically 0 or 1. */ processButtonFloat: function (buttonCode, value) { if (this._padParent.onFloatCallback) { this._padParent.onFloatCallback.call(this._padParent.callbackContext, buttonCode, value, this.index); } if (this.onFloatCallback) { this.onFloatCallback.call(this.callbackContext, buttonCode, value); } if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { this._buttons[buttonCode].processButtonFloat(value); } }, /** * Returns value of requested axis. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#axis * @param {number} axisCode - The index of the axis to check * @return {number} Axis value if available otherwise false */ axis: function (axisCode) { if (this._axes[axisCode]) { return this._axes[axisCode]; } return false; }, /** * Returns true if the button is pressed down. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#isDown * @param {number} buttonCode - The buttonCode of the button to check. * @return {boolean} True if the button is pressed down. */ isDown: function (buttonCode) { if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { return this._buttons[buttonCode].isDown; } return false; }, /** * Returns true if the button is not currently pressed. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#isUp * @param {number} buttonCode - The buttonCode of the button to check. * @return {boolean} True if the button is not currently pressed down. */ isUp: function (buttonCode) { if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { return this._buttons[buttonCode].isUp; } return false; }, /** * Returns the "just released" state of a button from this gamepad. Just released is considered as being true if the button was released within the duration given (default 250ms). * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#justReleased * @param {number} buttonCode - The buttonCode of the button to check for. * @param {number} [duration=250] - The duration below which the button is considered as being just released. * @return {boolean} True if the button is just released otherwise false. */ justReleased: function (buttonCode, duration) { if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { return this._buttons[buttonCode].justReleased(duration); } }, /** * Returns the "just pressed" state of a button from this gamepad. Just pressed is considered true if the button was pressed down within the duration given (default 250ms). * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#justPressed * @param {number} buttonCode - The buttonCode of the button to check for. * @param {number} [duration=250] - The duration below which the button is considered as being just pressed. * @return {boolean} True if the button is just pressed otherwise false. */ justPressed: function (buttonCode, duration) { if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { return this._buttons[buttonCode].justPressed(duration); } }, /** * Returns the value of a gamepad button. Intended mainly for cases when you have floating button values, for example * analog trigger buttons on the XBOX 360 controller. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#buttonValue * @param {number} buttonCode - The buttonCode of the button to check. * @return {number} Button value if available otherwise null. Be careful as this can incorrectly evaluate to 0. */ buttonValue: function (buttonCode) { if (this._buttons[buttonCode]) { return this._buttons[buttonCode].value; } return null; }, /** * Reset all buttons/axes of this gamepad. * * @method Phaser.SinglePad#reset */ reset: function () { for (var j = 0; j < this._axes.length; j++) { this._axes[j] = 0; } } }; Phaser.SinglePad.prototype.constructor = Phaser.SinglePad;