var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render }); // This example pokes around with the internal Phaser time and physics systems // just to demonstrate collision and physics behaviour with different framerates. // Doing this in your game is not recommended function preload() { game.load.image('sprite', 'assets/sprites/diamond.png'); } var sprite, box; var configurations = [ { framerate: null, description: 'Default (as fast as possible)', color: 0x999999 }, { framerate: 120, color: 0x0000FF }, { framerate: 60, color: 0x00FF00 }, { framerate: 30, color: 0x00CCCC }, { framerate: 11, color: 0xFF0000 }, { framerate: 7, color: 0xCC00CC }, { framerate: 5, color: 0xCCCC00 }, { framerate: function() { return Math.random() * 30 + 30; }, description: 'Jittered 30-60hz', color: 0x333399 }, { framerate: function() { return Math.random() * 119 + 1; }, description: 'Jittered 1-120hz', color: 0x339933 } ]; var configurationIndex = 0; var currentConfiguration = configurations[0]; var floor = game.height - 40; // Here we keep a copy of the original framerate update method Phaser.Time.prototype.originalUpdate = Phaser.Time.prototype.update; // And replace it with one that overrides the framerate Phaser.Time.prototype.update = function (time) { this.originalUpdate(time); if(currentConfiguration.framerate) { if(typeof(currentConfiguration.framerate) == 'function') { this.physicsElapsed = 1.0 / currentConfiguration.framerate(); } else { this.physicsElapsed = 1.0 / currentConfiguration.framerate; } } }; function resetSprite() { sprite.body.x = 40; sprite.body.y = floor; sprite.body.velocity.x = 300; sprite.body.velocity.y = -900; sprite.body.gravity.y = 20; }; function create() { sprite = game.add.sprite(40, floor, 'sprite'); sprite.body.bounce.y = 0.5; resetSprite(); for(var i = 0; i < configurations.length; i++) { configurations[i].graphics =, 0); configurations[i].points = []; } box = game.add.sprite(450, floor - 40, 'missing'); box.width = 100; box.body.immovable = true; }; function update() { game.physics.collide(sprite, box); currentConfiguration.points.push([,]); if(sprite.body.velocity.y > 0 && sprite.body.y > floor) {;, currentConfiguration.color, 1)[0][0], currentConfiguration.points[0][1]); for(var i = 1; i < currentConfiguration.points.length; i++) {[i][0], currentConfiguration.points[i][1]); } currentConfiguration.points.length = 0; configurationIndex = (configurationIndex + 1) % configurations.length; currentConfiguration = configurations[configurationIndex]; resetSprite(); } }; function render() { game.debug.renderText("Framerate: " + (currentConfiguration.description || (currentConfiguration.framerate + 'hz')), 10, 40); };