import * as dom from 'dts-dom'; const regexEndLine = /^(.*)\r\n|\n|\r/gm; export class Parser { topLevel: dom.TopLevelDeclaration[]; objects: { [key: string]: dom.DeclarationBase }; namespaces: { [key: string]: dom.NamespaceDeclaration }; constructor(docs: any[]) { // TODO remove once stable for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { let doclet = docs[i]; if (doclet.longname && doclet.longname.indexOf('{') === 0) { doclet.longname = doclet.longname.substr(1); console.log(`Warning: had to fix wrong name for ${doclet.longname} in ${doclet.meta.filename}@${doclet.meta.lineno}`); } if (doclet.memberof && doclet.memberof.indexOf('{') === 0) { doclet.memberof = doclet.memberof.substr(1); console.log(`Warning: had to fix wrong name for ${doclet.longname} in ${doclet.meta.filename}@${doclet.meta.lineno}`); } } ////////////////////////// this.topLevel = []; this.objects = {}; this.namespaces = {}; // parse doclets and create corresponding dom objects this.parseObjects(docs); this.resolveObjects(docs); // removes members inherited from classes // possibly could be avoided if mixins were defined as such before JSDoc parses them and then we could globally remove all inherited (not // overriden) members globally from the parsed DB this.resolveInheritance(docs); this.resolveParents(docs); // add integer alias this.topLevel.push(dom.create.alias('integer', dom.type.number)); // add declare module const phaserPkgModuleDOM = dom.create.module('phaser'); phaserPkgModuleDOM.members.push(dom.create.exportEquals('Phaser')); this.topLevel.push(phaserPkgModuleDOM); } emit() { let ignored = []; let result = this.topLevel.reduce((out: string, obj: dom.TopLevelDeclaration) => { // TODO: remove once stable if (obj.kind === 'property') { ignored.push((obj).name); return out; } ////////////////////////// return out + dom.emit(obj); }, ''); console.log('ignored top level properties:'); console.log(ignored); return result; } private parseObjects(docs: any[]) { for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { let doclet = docs[i]; // if (doclet.kind === 'namespace') // { // console.log('module: ',; // } // TODO: Custom temporary rules switch (doclet.longname) { case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Alpha': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Animation': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.BlendMode': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.ComputedSize': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Crop': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Depth': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Flip': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.GetBounds': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Mask': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Origin': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.PathFollower': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Pipeline': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.ScrollFactor': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Size': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Texture': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.TextureCrop': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Tint': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.ToJSON': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Transform': case 'Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible': case 'Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.Pipelines.ModelViewProjection': doclet.kind = 'mixin'; break; } if ((doclet.longname.indexOf('Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Components.') == 0 || doclet.longname.indexOf('Phaser.Physics.Impact.Components.') == 0 || doclet.longname.indexOf('Phaser.Physics.Matter.Components.') == 0) && doclet.longname.indexOf('#') == -1) doclet.kind = 'mixin'; ///////////////////////// let obj: dom.DeclarationBase; let container = this.objects; switch (doclet.kind) { case 'namespace': obj = this.createNamespace(doclet); container = this.namespaces; break; case 'class': obj = this.createClass(doclet); break; case 'mixin': obj = this.createInterface(doclet); break; case 'member': if (doclet.isEnum === true) { obj = this.createEnum(doclet); break; } case 'constant': obj = this.createMember(doclet); break; case 'function': obj = this.createFunction(doclet); break; case 'typedef': obj = this.createTypedef(doclet); break; case 'event': obj = this.createEvent(doclet); break; default: console.log('Ignored doclet kind: ' + doclet.kind); break; } if (obj) { if (container[doclet.longname]) { console.log('Warning: ignoring duplicate doc name: ' + doclet.longname); docs.splice(i--, 1); continue; } container[doclet.longname] = obj; if (doclet.description) { let otherDocs = obj.jsDocComment || ''; obj.jsDocComment = doclet.description.replace(regexEndLine, '$1\n') + otherDocs; } } } } private resolveObjects(docs: any[]) { let allTypes = new Set(); for (let doclet of docs) { let obj = doclet.kind === 'namespace' ? this.namespaces[doclet.longname] : this.objects[doclet.longname]; if (!obj) { // TODO console.log(`Warning: Didn't find object for ${doclet.longname}`); continue; } if (!doclet.memberof) { this.topLevel.push(obj as dom.TopLevelDeclaration); } else { let isNamespaceMember = doclet.kind === 'class' || doclet.kind === 'typedef' || doclet.kind == 'namespace' || doclet.isEnum; let parent = isNamespaceMember ? this.namespaces[doclet.memberof] : (this.objects[doclet.memberof] || this.namespaces[doclet.memberof]); //TODO: this whole section should be removed once stable if (!parent) { console.log(`${doclet.longname} in ${doclet.meta.filename}@${doclet.meta.lineno} has parent '${doclet.memberof}' that is not defined.`); let parts: string[] = doclet.memberof.split('.'); let newParts = [parts.pop()]; while (parts.length > 0 && this.objects[parts.join('.')] == null) newParts.unshift(parts.pop()); parent = this.objects[parts.join('.')] as dom.NamespaceDeclaration; if (parent == null) { parent = dom.create.namespace(doclet.memberof); this.namespaces[doclet.memberof] = parent; this.topLevel.push(parent); } else { while (newParts.length > 0) { let oldParent = parent; parent = dom.create.namespace(newParts.shift()); parts.push((parent).name); this.namespaces[parts.join('.')] = parent; oldParent.members.push(parent); (parent)._parent = oldParent; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((parent).members) { (parent).members.push(obj); } else { console.log('Cannot find members array for:'); console.log(parent); } (obj)._parent = parent; // class/interface members have methods, not functions if (((parent as any).kind === 'class' || (parent as any).kind === 'interface') && (obj as any).kind === 'function') (obj as any).kind = 'method'; // namespace members are vars or consts, not properties if ((parent as any).kind === 'namespace' && (obj as any).kind === 'property') { if (doclet.kind == 'constant') (obj as any).kind = 'const'; else (obj as any).kind = 'var'; } } } } private resolveInheritance(docs: any[]) { for (let doclet of docs) { let obj = doclet.kind === 'namespace' ? this.namespaces[doclet.longname] : this.objects[doclet.longname]; if (!obj) { // TODO console.log(`Didn't find type ${doclet.longname} ???`); continue; } if (!(obj)._parent) continue; if (doclet.inherited) {// remove inherited members if they aren't from an interface let from = this.objects[doclet.inherits]; if (!from || !(from)._parent) throw `'${doclet.longname}' should inherit from '${doclet.inherits}', which is not defined.`; if ((from)._parent.kind != 'interface') { (obj)._parent.members.splice((obj)._parent.members.indexOf(obj), 1); (obj)._parent = null; } } } } private resolveParents(docs: any[]) { for (let doclet of docs) { let obj = this.objects[doclet.longname]; if (!obj || doclet.kind !== 'class') continue; let o = obj as dom.ClassDeclaration; // resolve augments if (doclet.augments && doclet.augments.length) { for (let augment of doclet.augments) { let name: string = this.prepareTypeName(augment); let wrappingName = name.match(/[^<]+/s)[0];//gets everything up to a first < (to handle augments with type parameters) let baseType = this.objects[wrappingName] as dom.ClassDeclaration | dom.InterfaceDeclaration; if (!baseType) { console.log(`ERROR: Did not find base type: ${augment} for ${doclet.longname}`); } else { if (baseType.kind == 'class') { o.baseType = dom.create.class(name); } else { o.implements.push(dom.create.interface(name)); } } } } } } private createNamespace(doclet: any): dom.NamespaceDeclaration { /** namespace: { comment: '', meta: { filename: 'index.js', lineno: 10, columnno: 0, path: '/Users/rich/Documents/GitHub/phaser/src/tweens', code: {} }, kind: 'namespace', name: 'Tweens', memberof: 'Phaser', longname: 'Phaser.Tweens', scope: 'static', ___id: 'T000002R034468', ___s: true } */ // console.log('namespace:', doclet.longname); let obj = dom.create.namespace(; return obj; } private createClass(doclet: any): dom.ClassDeclaration { let obj = dom.create.class(; let params = null; if (doclet.params) { let ctor = dom.create.constructor(null); this.setParams(doclet, ctor); params = ctor.parameters; obj.members.push(ctor); (ctor)._parent = obj; } this.processGeneric(doclet, obj, params); if (doclet.classdesc) doclet.description = doclet.classdesc.replace(regexEndLine, '$1\n'); // make sure docs will be added return obj; } private createInterface(doclet: any): dom.InterfaceDeclaration { return dom.create.interface(; } private createMember(doclet: any): dom.PropertyDeclaration { let type = this.parseType(doclet); let obj =, type); this.processGeneric(doclet, obj, null); this.processFlags(doclet, obj); return obj; } private createEvent(doclet: any): dom.ConstDeclaration { let type = this.parseType(doclet); let obj = dom.create.const(, type); this.processFlags(doclet, obj); return obj; } private createEnum(doclet: any): dom.EnumDeclaration { let obj = dom.create.enum(, false); this.processFlags(doclet, obj); return obj; } private createFunction(doclet: any): dom.FunctionDeclaration { let returnType: dom.Type = dom.type.void; if (doclet.returns) { returnType = this.parseType(doclet.returns[0]); } let obj = dom.create.function(, null, returnType); this.setParams(doclet, obj); this.processGeneric(doclet, obj, obj.parameters); this.processFlags(doclet, obj); return obj; } private createTypedef(doclet: any): dom.TypeAliasDeclaration { const typeName = doclet.type.names[0]; let type = null; if (doclet.type.names[0] === 'object') { let properties = []; for (let propDoc of { let prop = this.createMember(propDoc); properties.push(prop); if (propDoc.description) prop.jsDocComment = propDoc.description.replace(regexEndLine, '$1\n'); } type = dom.create.objectType(properties); if (doclet.augments && doclet.augments.length) { let intersectionTypes = []; for (let i = 0; i < doclet.augments.length; i++) { intersectionTypes.push(dom.create.namedTypeReference(doclet.augments[i])); } intersectionTypes.push(type); type = dom.create.intersection(intersectionTypes); } } else { if (doclet.type.names[0] == "function") { type = dom.create.functionType(null, dom.type.void); this.setParams(doclet, type); } else { type = this.parseType(doclet); } } let alias = dom.create.alias(, type); this.processGeneric(doclet, alias, null); return alias; } private setParams(doclet: any, obj: dom.FunctionDeclaration | dom.ConstructorDeclaration): void { let parameters: dom.Parameter[] = []; if (doclet.params) { let optional = false; obj.jsDocComment = ''; for (let paramDoc of doclet.params) { // TODO REMOVE TEMP FIX if ('.') != -1) { console.log(`Warning: ignoring param with '.' for '${doclet.longname}' in ${doclet.meta.filename}@${doclet.meta.lineno}`); let defaultVal = paramDoc.defaultvalue !== undefined ? ` Default ${String(paramDoc.defaultvalue)}.` : ''; if (paramDoc.description) obj.jsDocComment += `\n@param ${} ${paramDoc.description.replace(regexEndLine, '$1\n')}` + defaultVal; else if (defaultVal.length) obj.jsDocComment += `\n@param ${} ` + defaultVal; continue; } /////////////////////// let param = dom.create.parameter(, this.parseType(paramDoc)); parameters.push(param); if (optional && paramDoc.optional != true) { console.log(`Warning: correcting to optional: parameter '${}' for '${doclet.longname}' in ${doclet.meta.filename}@${doclet.meta.lineno}`); paramDoc.optional = true; } this.processFlags(paramDoc, param); optional = optional || paramDoc.optional === true; let defaultVal = paramDoc.defaultvalue !== undefined ? ` Default ${String(paramDoc.defaultvalue)}.` : ''; if (paramDoc.description) obj.jsDocComment += `\n@param ${} ${paramDoc.description.replace(regexEndLine, '$1\n')}` + defaultVal; else if (defaultVal.length) obj.jsDocComment += `\n@param ${} ` + defaultVal; } } obj.parameters = parameters; } private parseType(typeDoc: any): dom.Type { if (!typeDoc || !typeDoc.type) { return dom.type.any; } else { let types = []; for (let name of typeDoc.type.names) { name = this.prepareTypeName(name); let type = dom.create.namedTypeReference(this.processTypeName(name)); types.push(type); } if (types.length == 1) return types[0]; else return dom.create.union(types); } } private prepareTypeName(name: string): string { if (name.indexOf('*') != -1) { name = (name).split('*').join('any'); } if (name.indexOf('.<') != -1) { name = (name).split('.<').join('<'); } return name; } private processTypeName(name: string): string { if (name === 'float') return 'number'; if (name === 'function') return 'Function'; if (name === 'array') return 'any[]'; if (name.startsWith('Array<')) { let matches = name.match(/^Array<(.*)>$/); if (matches && matches[1]) { return this.processTypeName(matches[1]) + '[]'; } } else if (name.startsWith('Object<')) { let matches = name.match(/^Object<(.*)>$/); if (matches && matches[1]) { if (matches[1].indexOf(',') != -1) { let parts = matches[1].split(','); return `{[key: ${this.processTypeName(parts[0])}]: ${this.processTypeName(parts[1])}}`; } else { return `{[key: string]: ${this.processTypeName(matches[1])}}`; } } } return name; } private processFlags(doclet: any, obj: dom.DeclarationBase | dom.Parameter) { obj.flags = dom.DeclarationFlags.None; if (doclet.variable === true) { obj.flags |= dom.ParameterFlags.Rest; let type: any = (obj).type; if (!'[]')) { if ( != 'any') console.log(`Warning: rest parameter should be an array type for ${doclet.longname}`); = + '[]'; // Must be an array } } else if (doclet.optional === true) {// Rest implies Optional – no need to flag it as such if (obj['kind'] === 'parameter') obj.flags |= dom.ParameterFlags.Optional; else obj.flags |= dom.DeclarationFlags.Optional; } switch (doclet.access) { case 'protected': obj.flags |= dom.DeclarationFlags.Protected; break; case 'private': obj.flags |= dom.DeclarationFlags.Private; break; } if (doclet.readonly || doclet.kind === 'constant') obj.flags |= dom.DeclarationFlags.ReadOnly; if (doclet.scope === 'static') obj.flags |= dom.DeclarationFlags.Static; } private processGeneric(doclet: any, obj: dom.ClassDeclaration | dom.FunctionDeclaration | dom.PropertyDeclaration | dom.TypeAliasDeclaration, params: dom.Parameter[]) { if (doclet.tags) for (let tag of doclet.tags) { if (tag.originalTitle === 'generic') { let matches = (tag.value).match(/(?:(?:{)([^}]+)(?:}))?\s?([^\s]+)(?:\s?-\s?(?:\[)(.+)(?:\]))?/); let typeParam = dom.create.typeParameter(matches[2], matches[1] == null ? null : dom.create.typeParameter(matches[1])); (obj).typeParameters.push(typeParam); handleOverrides(matches[3], matches[2]); } else if (tag.originalTitle === 'genericUse') { let matches = (tag.value).match(/(?:(?:{)([^}]+)(?:}))(?:\s?-\s?(?:\[)(.+)(?:\]))?/); let overrideType: string = this.prepareTypeName(matches[1]); handleOverrides(matches[2], this.processTypeName(overrideType)); } } function handleOverrides(matchedString: string, overrideType: string) { if (matchedString != null) { let overrides = matchedString.split(','); if (params != null) { for (let param of params) { if (overrides.indexOf( != -1) { param.type = dom.create.namedTypeReference(overrideType); } } } if (overrides.indexOf('$return') != -1) {// has $return, must be a function (obj).returnType = dom.create.namedTypeReference(overrideType); } if (overrides.indexOf('$type') != -1) {// has $type, must be a property (obj).type = dom.create.namedTypeReference(overrideType); } } } } }