var Class = require('../utils/Class'); var Extend = require('../utils/object/Extend'); var EventDispatcher = require('../events/EventDispatcher'); // Phaser.Sound.BaseSound var BaseSound = new Class({ initialize: function BaseSound(manager, key, config) { /** * Local reference to the sound manager. * * @property {Phaser.Sound.BaseSoundManager} manager */ this.manager = manager; /** * [description] * * @property {string} key */ this.key = key; /** * [description] * * Duration set explicitly, rest of default values * will be set by other properties setters. * * @property {ISoundConfig} config */ this.config = {}; /** * Reference to the currently used config. * It could be default config or marker config. * * @property {ISoundConfig} currentConfig */ this.currentConfig = this.config; /** * [description] * * @property {boolean} mute */ this.mute = false; /** * [description] * * @property {number} volume */ this.volume = 1; /** * Defines the speed at which the audio asset will be played. * Value of 1.0 plays the audio at full speed, 0.5 plays the audio * at half speed and 2.0 doubles the audio's playback speed. * This value gets multiplied by global rate to have the final playback speed. * * @property {number} rate */ this.rate = 1; /** * Represents detuning of sound in [cents]( * The range of the value is -1200 to 1200, but we recommend setting it to [50]( * * Standards based Web Audio implementation only. * Webkit Web Audio implementation and HTML5 Audio don't support this. * * @property {number} detune */ this.detune = 0; /** * [description] * * @property {number} seek */ = 0; /** * [description] * * @property {boolean} loop */ this.loop = false; /** * [description] * * @property {number} pan */ this.pan = 0; this.config = Extend(this.config, config); /** * A value representing the duration, in seconds. * It could be total sound duration or a marker duration. * * @readonly * @property {number} duration */ this.duration = 0; /** * Duration of the entire sound. * * @readonly * @property {number} */ this.totalDuration = 0; /** * Flag indicating if sound is currently playing. * * @property {boolean} isPlaying */ this.isPlaying = false; /** * Flag indicating if sound is currently paused. * * @property {boolean} isPaused */ this.isPaused = false; /** * Object containing markers definitions. * * @property {{}} markers */ this.markers = {}; /** * Currently playing marker. * 'null' if whole sound is playing. * * @property {ISoundMarker} currentMarker */ this.currentMarker = null; /** * [description] * * @property {Phaser.Tween} */ this.fadeTween = null; // TODO see how to use global tween /** * Event dispatches used to handle all sound instance * relevant events. * * @property {Phaser.Events.EventDispatcher} */ = new EventDispatcher(); }, // TODO set default methods to NOOP if not used addMarker: function (marker) { if (!marker) { console.error('Marker object has to be provided to \'addMarker\' method!'); return false; } this.markers[] = marker; return false; }, removeMarker: function (markerName) { return false; }, play: function (markerName, config) { if (markerName === void 0) { markerName = ''; } if (typeof markerName === 'object') { config = markerName; markerName = ''; } if (typeof markerName !== 'string') { console.error('Sound marker name has to be a string!'); return null; } if (!markerName) { this.currentConfig = this.config; this.duration = this.totalDuration; } else { if (!this.markers[markerName]) { console.error('No marker with name \'' + markerName + '\' found for sound \'' + this.key + '\'!'); return null; } this.currentMarker = this.markers[markerName]; this.currentConfig = this.currentMarker.config; this.duration = this.currentMarker.duration; } this.currentConfig = Extend(this.currentConfig, config); this.isPlaying = true; this.isPaused = false; return this; }, pause: function () { if (this.isPaused || !this.isPlaying) { return false; } this.isPlaying = false; this.isPaused = true; return true; }, resume: function () { if (!this.isPaused || this.isPlaying) { return false; } this.isPlaying = true; this.isPaused = false; return true; }, stop: function () { if (!this.isPaused && !this.isPlaying) { return false; } this.isPlaying = false; this.isPaused = false; return true; }, applyConfig: function () { this.mute = this.currentConfig.mute; this.volume = this.currentConfig.volume; this.rate = this.currentConfig.rate; this.detune = this.currentConfig.detune; // TODO assign other config values to buffer source }, fadeTo: function (volume, duration) { return null; }, update: function () { }, destroy: function () { } }); module.exports = BaseSound;