# Phaser 3.85.0 Change Log Return to the [Change Log index](CHANGELOG-v3.85.md). # New Body.wrap method The old `MatterWrap` plugin has been deprecated in favour of native integration into the new `Matter.Body.wrap` method. This method ensures that a body's position is always maintained within specified bounds. If the body crosses a boundary, it will appear on the opposite side of the bounds, preserving its velocity. This enhancement eliminates the need for enabling the `wrap` method through the Matter physics `MatterConfig` option by adding `wrap: true` to the plugins property. To utilize the new `wrap` functionality, you can now directly pass a `wrapBounds` object specifying the `x` and `y` boundaries when creating a new Matter object. This approach simplifies the process of applying boundary wrapping to Matter bodies. # Steps to add wrap bounds to a Matter game object - *Define Wrap Bounds*: First, define the boundaries within which you want the game object to wrap. Create a `wrapBounds` object that specifies `min` and `max` coordinates for `x` and `y`. ```js const wrapBounds = { min: { x: 0, y: 0 }, max: { x: 800, y: 600 } }; ``` - *Create a Matter Game Object*: Create a Matter game object that you want to apply the wrapping behavior to. Use the Matter physics system to add a game object, like an image, polygon, circle, rectangle, etc., to the world. For example: ```js const gameObject = this.matter.add.image(x, y, 'key', null, { wrapBounds: wrapBoundary }); ``` - This will enable the game object to wrap around a specified boundary. # To remove the wrap bounds on a game object - Set the `wrapBounds` property on the game object body to `null`. Example: ```js gameObject.body.wrapBounds = null; ```