/** * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * Phaser.Mouse is responsible for handling all aspects of mouse interaction with the browser. It captures and processes mouse events. * * @class Phaser.Mouse * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game. */ Phaser.Mouse = function (game) { /** * @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game. */ this.game = game; /** * @property {Object} callbackContext - The context under which callbacks are called. */ this.callbackContext = this.game; /** * @property {function} mouseDownCallback - A callback that can be fired when the mouse is pressed down. */ this.mouseDownCallback = null; /** * @property {function} mouseMoveCallback - A callback that can be fired when the mouse is moved while pressed down. */ this.mouseMoveCallback = null; /** * @property {function} mouseUpCallback - A callback that can be fired when the mouse is released from a pressed down state. */ this.mouseUpCallback = null; /** * @property {function} mouseOutCallback - A callback that can be fired when the mouse is no longer over the game canvas. */ this.mouseOutCallback = null; /** * @property {function} mouseOverCallback - A callback that can be fired when the mouse enters the game canvas (usually after a mouseout). */ this.mouseOverCallback = null; /** * @property {boolean} capture - If true the DOM mouse events will have event.preventDefault applied to them, if false they will propogate fully. */ this.capture = false; /** * @property {number} button- The type of click, either: Phaser.Mouse.NO_BUTTON, Phaser.Mouse.LEFT_BUTTON, Phaser.Mouse.MIDDLE_BUTTON or Phaser.Mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON. * @default */ this.button = -1; /** * @property {boolean} disabled - You can disable all Input by setting disabled = true. While set all new input related events will be ignored. * @default */ this.disabled = false; /** * @property {boolean} locked - If the mouse has been Pointer Locked successfully this will be set to true. * @default */ this.locked = false; /** * @property {boolean} stopOnGameOut - If true Pointer.stop will be called if the mouse leaves the game canvas. * @default */ this.stopOnGameOut = false; /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} pointerLock - This event is dispatched when the browser enters or leaves pointer lock state. * @default */ this.pointerLock = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {MouseEvent} event - The browser mouse DOM event. Will be set to null if no mouse event has ever been received. * @default */ this.event = null; /** * @property {function} _onMouseDown - Internal event handler reference. * @private */ this._onMouseDown = null; /** * @property {function} _onMouseMove - Internal event handler reference. * @private */ this._onMouseMove = null; /** * @property {function} _onMouseUp - Internal event handler reference. * @private */ this._onMouseUp = null; /** * @property {function} _onMouseOut - Internal event handler reference. * @private */ this._onMouseOut = null; /** * @property {function} _onMouseOver - Internal event handler reference. * @private */ this._onMouseOver = null; }; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Mouse.NO_BUTTON = -1; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Mouse.LEFT_BUTTON = 0; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Mouse.MIDDLE_BUTTON = 1; /** * @constant * @type {number} */ Phaser.Mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON = 2; Phaser.Mouse.prototype = { /** * Starts the event listeners running. * @method Phaser.Mouse#start */ start: function () { if (this.game.device.android && this.game.device.chrome === false) { // Android stock browser fires mouse events even if you preventDefault on the touchStart, so ... return; } if (this._onMouseDown !== null) { // Avoid setting multiple listeners return; } var _this = this; this._onMouseDown = function (event) { return _this.onMouseDown(event); }; this._onMouseMove = function (event) { return _this.onMouseMove(event); }; this._onMouseUp = function (event) { return _this.onMouseUp(event); }; this._onMouseOut = function (event) { return _this.onMouseOut(event); }; this._onMouseOver = function (event) { return _this.onMouseOver(event); }; this.game.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onMouseDown, true); this.game.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', this._onMouseMove, true); this.game.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', this._onMouseUp, true); this.game.canvas.addEventListener('mouseover', this._onMouseOver, true); this.game.canvas.addEventListener('mouseout', this._onMouseOut, true); }, /** * The internal method that handles the mouse down event from the browser. * @method Phaser.Mouse#onMouseDown * @param {MouseEvent} event - The native event from the browser. This gets stored in Mouse.event. */ onMouseDown: function (event) { this.event = event; if (this.capture) { event.preventDefault(); } this.button = event.button; if (this.mouseDownCallback) { this.mouseDownCallback.call(this.callbackContext, event); } if (this.game.input.disabled || this.disabled) { return; } event['identifier'] = 0; this.game.input.mousePointer.start(event); }, /** * The internal method that handles the mouse move event from the browser. * @method Phaser.Mouse#onMouseMove * @param {MouseEvent} event - The native event from the browser. This gets stored in Mouse.event. */ onMouseMove: function (event) { this.event = event; if (this.capture) { event.preventDefault(); } if (this.mouseMoveCallback) { this.mouseMoveCallback.call(this.callbackContext, event); } if (this.game.input.disabled || this.disabled) { return; } event['identifier'] = 0; this.game.input.mousePointer.move(event); }, /** * The internal method that handles the mouse up event from the browser. * @method Phaser.Mouse#onMouseUp * @param {MouseEvent} event - The native event from the browser. This gets stored in Mouse.event. */ onMouseUp: function (event) { this.event = event; if (this.capture) { event.preventDefault(); } this.button = Phaser.Mouse.NO_BUTTON; if (this.mouseUpCallback) { this.mouseUpCallback.call(this.callbackContext, event); } if (this.game.input.disabled || this.disabled) { return; } event['identifier'] = 0; this.game.input.mousePointer.stop(event); }, /** * The internal method that handles the mouse out event from the browser. * * @method Phaser.Mouse#onMouseOut * @param {MouseEvent} event - The native event from the browser. This gets stored in Mouse.event. */ onMouseOut: function (event) { this.event = event; if (this.capture) { event.preventDefault(); } if (this.mouseOutCallback) { this.mouseOutCallback.call(this.callbackContext, event); } if (this.game.input.disabled || this.disabled) { return; } this.game.input.mousePointer.withinGame = false; if (this.stopOnGameOut) { event['identifier'] = 0; this.game.input.mousePointer.stop(event); } }, /** * The internal method that handles the mouse over event from the browser. * * @method Phaser.Mouse#onMouseOver * @param {MouseEvent} event - The native event from the browser. This gets stored in Mouse.event. */ onMouseOver: function (event) { this.event = event; if (this.capture) { event.preventDefault(); } if (this.mouseOverCallback) { this.mouseOverCallback.call(this.callbackContext, event); } if (this.game.input.disabled || this.disabled) { return; } this.game.input.mousePointer.withinGame = true; }, /** * If the browser supports it you can request that the pointer be locked to the browser window. * This is classically known as 'FPS controls', where the pointer can't leave the browser until the user presses an exit key. * If the browser successfully enters a locked state the event Phaser.Mouse.pointerLock will be dispatched and the first parameter will be 'true'. * @method Phaser.Mouse#requestPointerLock */ requestPointerLock: function () { if (this.game.device.pointerLock) { var element = this.game.canvas; element.requestPointerLock = element.requestPointerLock || element.mozRequestPointerLock || element.webkitRequestPointerLock; element.requestPointerLock(); var _this = this; this._pointerLockChange = function (event) { return _this.pointerLockChange(event); }; document.addEventListener('pointerlockchange', this._pointerLockChange, true); document.addEventListener('mozpointerlockchange', this._pointerLockChange, true); document.addEventListener('webkitpointerlockchange', this._pointerLockChange, true); } }, /** * Internal pointerLockChange handler. * @method Phaser.Mouse#pointerLockChange * @param {pointerlockchange} event - The native event from the browser. This gets stored in Mouse.event. */ pointerLockChange: function (event) { var element = this.game.canvas; if (document.pointerLockElement === element || document.mozPointerLockElement === element || document.webkitPointerLockElement === element) { // Pointer was successfully locked this.locked = true; this.pointerLock.dispatch(true, event); } else { // Pointer was unlocked this.locked = false; this.pointerLock.dispatch(false, event); } }, /** * Internal release pointer lock handler. * @method Phaser.Mouse#releasePointerLock */ releasePointerLock: function () { document.exitPointerLock = document.exitPointerLock || document.mozExitPointerLock || document.webkitExitPointerLock; document.exitPointerLock(); document.removeEventListener('pointerlockchange', this._pointerLockChange, true); document.removeEventListener('mozpointerlockchange', this._pointerLockChange, true); document.removeEventListener('webkitpointerlockchange', this._pointerLockChange, true); }, /** * Stop the event listeners. * @method Phaser.Mouse#stop */ stop: function () { this.game.canvas.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._onMouseDown, true); this.game.canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._onMouseMove, true); this.game.canvas.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._onMouseUp, true); this.game.canvas.removeEventListener('mouseover', this._onMouseOver, true); this.game.canvas.removeEventListener('mouseout', this._onMouseOut, true); } }; Phaser.Mouse.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Mouse;