/** * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * @class Phaser.Sprite * * @classdesc Create a new `Sprite` object. Sprites are the lifeblood of your game, used for nearly everything visual. * * At its most basic a Sprite consists of a set of coordinates and a texture that is rendered to the canvas. * They also contain additional properties allowing for physics motion (via Sprite.body), input handling (via Sprite.input), * events (via Sprite.events), animation (via Sprite.animations), camera culling and more. Please see the Examples for use cases. * * @constructor * @extends PIXI.Sprite * @param {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game. * @param {number} x - The x coordinate (in world space) to position the Sprite at. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate (in world space) to position the Sprite at. * @param {string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|PIXI.Texture} key - This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture or PIXI.Texture. * @param {string|number} frame - If this Sprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index. */ Phaser.Sprite = function (game, x, y, key, frame) { x = x || 0; y = y || 0; key = key || null; frame = frame || null; /** * @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running Game. */ this.game = game; /** * @property {string} name - The user defined name given to this Sprite. * @default */ this.name = ''; /** * @property {number} type - The const type of this object. * @readonly */ this.type = Phaser.SPRITE; /** * @property {number} z - The z-depth value of this object within its Group (remember the World is a Group as well). No two objects in a Group can have the same z value. */ this.z = 0; /** * @property {Phaser.Events} events - The Events you can subscribe to that are dispatched when certain things happen on this Sprite or its components. */ this.events = new Phaser.Events(this); /** * @property {Phaser.AnimationManager} animations - This manages animations of the sprite. You can modify animations through it (see Phaser.AnimationManager) */ this.animations = new Phaser.AnimationManager(this); /** * @property {string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|PIXI.Texture} key - This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData or PIXI.Texture. */ this.key = key; /** * @property {number} _frame - Internal cache var. * @private */ this._frame = 0; /** * @property {string} _frameName - Internal cache var. * @private */ this._frameName = ''; PIXI.Sprite.call(this, PIXI.TextureCache['__default']); this.loadTexture(key, frame); this.position.set(x, y); /** * @property {Phaser.Point} world - The world coordinates of this Sprite. This differs from the x/y coordinates which are relative to the Sprites container. */ this.world = new Phaser.Point(x, y); /** * Should this Sprite be automatically culled if out of range of the camera? * A culled sprite has its renderable property set to 'false'. * Be advised this is quite an expensive operation, as it has to calculate the bounds of the object every frame, so only enable it if you really need it. * * @property {boolean} autoCull - A flag indicating if the Sprite should be automatically camera culled or not. * @default */ this.autoCull = false; /** * @property {Phaser.InputHandler|null} input - The Input Handler for this object. Needs to be enabled with image.inputEnabled = true before you can use it. */ this.input = null; /** * By default Sprites won't add themselves to any physics system and their physics body will be `null`. * To enable them for physics you need to call `game.physics.enable(sprite, system)` where `sprite` is this object * and `system` is the Physics system you want to use to manage this body. Once enabled you can access all physics related properties via `Sprite.body`. * * Important: Enabling a Sprite for P2 or Ninja physics will automatically set `Sprite.anchor` to 0.5 so the physics body is centered on the Sprite. * If you need a different result then adjust or re-create the Body shape offsets manually, and/or reset the anchor after enabling physics. * * @property {Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Body|null} body * @default */ this.body = null; /** * @property {number} health - Health value. Used in combination with damage() to allow for quick killing of Sprites. */ this.health = 1; /** * If you would like the Sprite to have a lifespan once 'born' you can set this to a positive value. Handy for particles, bullets, etc. * The lifespan is decremented by game.time.elapsed each update, once it reaches zero the kill() function is called. * @property {number} lifespan - The lifespan of the Sprite (in ms) before it will be killed. * @default */ this.lifespan = 0; /** * If true the Sprite checks if it is still within the world each frame, when it leaves the world it dispatches Sprite.events.onOutOfBounds * and optionally kills the sprite (if Sprite.outOfBoundsKill is true). By default this is disabled because the Sprite has to calculate its * bounds every frame to support it, and not all games need it. Enable it by setting the value to true. * @property {boolean} checkWorldBounds * @default */ this.checkWorldBounds = false; /** * @property {boolean} outOfBoundsKill - If true Sprite.kill is called as soon as Sprite.inWorld returns false, as long as Sprite.checkWorldBounds is true. * @default */ this.outOfBoundsKill = false; /** * @property {boolean} debug - Handy flag to use with Game.enableStep * @default */ this.debug = false; /** * @property {Phaser.Point} cameraOffset - If this object is fixedToCamera then this stores the x/y offset that its drawn at, from the top-left of the camera view. */ this.cameraOffset = new Phaser.Point(); /** * A small internal cache: * 0 = previous position.x * 1 = previous position.y * 2 = previous rotation * 3 = renderID * 4 = fresh? (0 = no, 1 = yes) * 5 = outOfBoundsFired (0 = no, 1 = yes) * 6 = exists (0 = no, 1 = yes) * 7 = fixed to camera (0 = no, 1 = yes) * 8 = destroy phase? (0 = no, 1 = yes) * @property {Array} _cache * @private */ this._cache = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]; /** * @property {Phaser.Rectangle} _bounds - Internal cache var. * @private */ this._bounds = new Phaser.Rectangle(); }; Phaser.Sprite.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Sprite.prototype); Phaser.Sprite.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Sprite; /** * Automatically called by World.preUpdate. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#preUpdate * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @return {boolean} True if the Sprite was rendered, otherwise false. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.preUpdate = function() { if (this._cache[4] === 1 && this.exists) { this.world.setTo(this.parent.position.x + this.position.x, this.parent.position.y + this.position.y); this.worldTransform.tx = this.world.x; this.worldTransform.ty = this.world.y; this._cache[0] = this.world.x; this._cache[1] = this.world.y; this._cache[2] = this.rotation; if (this.body) { this.body.preUpdate(); } this._cache[4] = 0; return false; } this._cache[0] = this.world.x; this._cache[1] = this.world.y; this._cache[2] = this.rotation; if (!this.exists || !this.parent.exists) { // Reset the renderOrderID this._cache[3] = -1; return false; } if (this.lifespan > 0) { this.lifespan -= this.game.time.elapsed; if (this.lifespan <= 0) { this.kill(); return false; } } // Cache the bounds if we need it if (this.autoCull || this.checkWorldBounds) { this._bounds.copyFrom(this.getBounds()); } if (this.autoCull) { // Won't get rendered but will still get its transform updated this.renderable = this.game.world.camera.screenView.intersects(this._bounds); } if (this.checkWorldBounds) { // The Sprite is already out of the world bounds, so let's check to see if it has come back again if (this._cache[5] === 1 && this.game.world.bounds.intersects(this._bounds)) { this._cache[5] = 0; this.events.onEnterBounds.dispatch(this); } else if (this._cache[5] === 0 && !this.game.world.bounds.intersects(this._bounds)) { // The Sprite WAS in the screen, but has now left. this._cache[5] = 1; this.events.onOutOfBounds.dispatch(this); if (this.outOfBoundsKill) { this.kill(); return false; } } } this.world.setTo(this.game.camera.x + this.worldTransform.tx, this.game.camera.y + this.worldTransform.ty); if (this.visible) { this._cache[3] = this.game.stage.currentRenderOrderID++; } this.animations.update(); if (this.body) { this.body.preUpdate(); } // Update any Children for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { this.children[i].preUpdate(); } return true; }; /** * Override and use this function in your own custom objects to handle any update requirements you may have. * Remember if this Sprite has any children you should call update on them too. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#update * @memberof Phaser.Sprite */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.update = function() { }; /** * Internal function called by the World postUpdate cycle. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#postUpdate * @memberof Phaser.Sprite */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.postUpdate = function() { if (this.key instanceof Phaser.BitmapData) { this.key.render(); } if (this.exists && this.body) { this.body.postUpdate(); } // Fixed to Camera? if (this._cache[7] === 1) { this.position.x = (this.game.camera.view.x + this.cameraOffset.x) / this.game.camera.scale.x; this.position.y = (this.game.camera.view.y + this.cameraOffset.y) / this.game.camera.scale.y; } // Update any Children for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { this.children[i].postUpdate(); } }; /** * Changes the Texture the Sprite is using entirely. The old texture is removed and the new one is referenced or fetched from the Cache. * This causes a WebGL texture update, so use sparingly or in low-intensity portions of your game. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#loadTexture * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @param {string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|PIXI.Texture} key - This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData or PIXI.Texture. * @param {string|number} frame - If this Sprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.loadTexture = function (key, frame) { frame = frame || 0; if (key instanceof Phaser.RenderTexture) { this.key = key.key; this.setTexture(key); return; } else if (key instanceof Phaser.BitmapData) { this.key = key; this.setTexture(key.texture); return; } else if (key instanceof PIXI.Texture) { this.key = key; this.setTexture(key); return; } else { if (key === null || typeof key === 'undefined') { this.key = '__default'; this.setTexture(PIXI.TextureCache[this.key]); return; } else if (typeof key === 'string' && !this.game.cache.checkImageKey(key)) { this.key = '__missing'; this.setTexture(PIXI.TextureCache[this.key]); return; } if (this.game.cache.isSpriteSheet(key)) { this.key = key; // var frameData = this.game.cache.getFrameData(key); this.animations.loadFrameData(this.game.cache.getFrameData(key)); if (typeof frame === 'string') { this.frameName = frame; } else { this.frame = frame; } } else { this.key = key; this.setTexture(PIXI.TextureCache[key]); return; } } }; /** * Crop allows you to crop the texture used to display this Sprite. * Cropping takes place from the top-left of the Sprite and can be modified in real-time by providing an updated rectangle object. * Note that cropping a Sprite will reset its animation to the first frame. You cannot currently crop an animated Sprite. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#crop * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @param {Phaser.Rectangle} rect - The Rectangle to crop the Sprite to. Pass null or no parameters to clear a previously set crop rectangle. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.crop = function(rect) { if (typeof rect === 'undefined' || rect === null) { // Clear any crop that may be set if (this.texture.hasOwnProperty('sourceWidth')) { this.texture.setFrame(new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, this.texture.sourceWidth, this.texture.sourceHeight)); } } else { // Do we need to clone the PIXI.Texture object? if (this.texture instanceof PIXI.Texture) { // Yup, let's rock it ... var local = {}; Phaser.Utils.extend(true, local, this.texture); local.sourceWidth = local.width; local.sourceHeight = local.height; local.frame = rect; local.width = rect.width; local.height = rect.height; this.texture = local; this.texture.updateFrame = true; PIXI.Texture.frameUpdates.push(this.texture); } else { this.texture.setFrame(rect); } } }; /** * Brings a 'dead' Sprite back to life, optionally giving it the health value specified. * A resurrected Sprite has its alive, exists and visible properties all set to true. * It will dispatch the onRevived event, you can listen to Sprite.events.onRevived for the signal. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#revive * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @param {number} [health=1] - The health to give the Sprite. * @return (Phaser.Sprite) This instance. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.revive = function(health) { if (typeof health === 'undefined') { health = 1; } this.alive = true; this.exists = true; this.visible = true; this.health = health; if (this.events) { this.events.onRevived.dispatch(this); } return this; }; /** * Kills a Sprite. A killed Sprite has its alive, exists and visible properties all set to false. * It will dispatch the onKilled event, you can listen to Sprite.events.onKilled for the signal. * Note that killing a Sprite is a way for you to quickly recycle it in a Sprite pool, it doesn't free it up from memory. * If you don't need this Sprite any more you should call Sprite.destroy instead. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#kill * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @return (Phaser.Sprite) This instance. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.kill = function() { this.alive = false; this.exists = false; this.visible = false; if (this.events) { this.events.onKilled.dispatch(this); } return this; }; /** * Destroys the Sprite. This removes it from its parent group, destroys the input, event and animation handlers if present * and nulls its reference to game, freeing it up for garbage collection. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#destroy * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @param {boolean} [destroyChildren=true] - Should every child of this object have its destroy method called? */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.destroy = function(destroyChildren) { if (this.game === null || this._cache[8] === 1) { return; } if (typeof destroyChildren === 'undefined') { destroyChildren = true; } this._cache[8] = 1; if (this.parent) { if (this.parent instanceof Phaser.Group) { this.parent.remove(this); } else { this.parent.removeChild(this); } } if (this.input) { this.input.destroy(); } if (this.animations) { this.animations.destroy(); } if (this.body) { this.body.destroy(); } if (this.events) { this.events.destroy(); } var i = this.children.length; if (destroyChildren) { while (i--) { this.children[i].destroy(destroyChildren); } } else { while (i--) { this.removeChild(this.children[i]); } } this.alive = false; this.exists = false; this.visible = false; this.filters = null; this.mask = null; this.game = null; this._cache[8] = 0; }; /** * Damages the Sprite, this removes the given amount from the Sprites health property. * If health is then taken below or is equal to zero `Sprite.kill` is called. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#damage * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @param {number} amount - The amount to subtract from the Sprite.health value. * @return (Phaser.Sprite) This instance. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.damage = function(amount) { if (this.alive) { this.health -= amount; if (this.health <= 0) { this.kill(); } } return this; }; /** * Resets the Sprite. This places the Sprite at the given x/y world coordinates and then * sets alive, exists, visible and renderable all to true. Also resets the outOfBounds state and health values. * If the Sprite has a physics body that too is reset. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#reset * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @param {number} x - The x coordinate (in world space) to position the Sprite at. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate (in world space) to position the Sprite at. * @param {number} [health=1] - The health to give the Sprite. * @return (Phaser.Sprite) This instance. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.reset = function(x, y, health) { if (typeof health === 'undefined') { health = 1; } this.world.setTo(x, y); this.position.x = x; this.position.y = y; this.alive = true; this.exists = true; this.visible = true; this.renderable = true; this._outOfBoundsFired = false; this.health = health; if (this.body) { this.body.reset(x, y, false, false); } this._cache[4] = 1; return this; }; /** * Brings the Sprite to the top of the display list it is a child of. Sprites that are members of a Phaser.Group are only * bought to the top of that Group, not the entire display list. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#bringToTop * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @return (Phaser.Sprite) This instance. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.bringToTop = function() { if (this.parent) { this.parent.bringToTop(this); } return this; }; /** * Play an animation based on the given key. The animation should previously have been added via sprite.animations.add() * If the requested animation is already playing this request will be ignored. If you need to reset an already running animation do so directly on the Animation object itself. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#play * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @param {string} name - The name of the animation to be played, e.g. "fire", "walk", "jump". * @param {number} [frameRate=null] - The framerate to play the animation at. The speed is given in frames per second. If not provided the previously set frameRate of the Animation is used. * @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Should the animation be looped after playback. If not provided the previously set loop value of the Animation is used. * @param {boolean} [killOnComplete=false] - If set to true when the animation completes (only happens if loop=false) the parent Sprite will be killed. * @return {Phaser.Animation} A reference to playing Animation instance. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.play = function (name, frameRate, loop, killOnComplete) { if (this.animations) { return this.animations.play(name, frameRate, loop, killOnComplete); } }; /** * Checks to see if the bounds of this Sprite overlaps with the bounds of the given Display Object, which can be a Sprite, Image, TileSprite or anything that extends those such as a Button. * This check ignores the Sprites hitArea property and runs a Sprite.getBounds comparison on both objects to determine the result. * Therefore it's relatively expensive to use in large quantities (i.e. with lots of Sprites at a high frequency), but should be fine for low-volume testing where physics isn't required. * * @method Phaser.Sprite#overlap * @memberof Phaser.Sprite * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Image|Phaser.TileSprite|Phaser.Button|PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject - The display object to check against. * @return {boolean} True if the bounds of this Sprite intersects at any point with the bounds of the given display object. */ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.overlap = function (displayObject) { return Phaser.Rectangle.intersects(this.getBounds(), displayObject.getBounds()); }; /** * Indicates the rotation of the Sprite, in degrees, from its original orientation. Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation. * Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range. For example, the statement player.angle = 450 is the same as player.angle = 90. * If you wish to work in radians instead of degrees use the property Sprite.rotation instead. Working in radians is also a little faster as it doesn't have to convert the angle. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#angle * @property {number} angle - The angle of this Sprite in degrees. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "angle", { get: function() { return Phaser.Math.wrapAngle(Phaser.Math.radToDeg(this.rotation)); }, set: function(value) { this.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(Phaser.Math.wrapAngle(value)); } }); /** * Returns the delta x value. The difference between world.x now and in the previous step. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#deltaX * @property {number} deltaX - The delta value. Positive if the motion was to the right, negative if to the left. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "deltaX", { get: function() { return this.world.x - this._cache[0]; } }); /** * Returns the delta y value. The difference between world.y now and in the previous step. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#deltaY * @property {number} deltaY - The delta value. Positive if the motion was downwards, negative if upwards. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "deltaY", { get: function() { return this.world.y - this._cache[1]; } }); /** * Returns the delta z value. The difference between rotation now and in the previous step. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#deltaZ * @property {number} deltaZ - The delta value. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "deltaZ", { get: function() { return this.rotation - this._cache[2]; } }); /** * Checks if the Sprite bounds are within the game world, otherwise false if fully outside of it. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#inWorld * @property {boolean} inWorld - True if the Sprite bounds is within the game world, even if only partially. Otherwise false if fully outside of it. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "inWorld", { get: function() { return this.game.world.bounds.intersects(this.getBounds()); } }); /** * Checks if the Sprite bounds are within the game camera, otherwise false if fully outside of it. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#inCamera * @property {boolean} inCamera - True if the Sprite bounds is within the game camera, even if only partially. Otherwise false if fully outside of it. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "inCamera", { get: function() { return this.game.world.camera.screenView.intersects(this.getBounds()); } }); /** * @name Phaser.Sprite#frame * @property {number} frame - Gets or sets the current frame index and updates the Texture Cache for display. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "frame", { get: function () { return this.animations.frame; }, set: function (value) { this.animations.frame = value; } }); /** * @name Phaser.Sprite#frameName * @property {string} frameName - Gets or sets the current frame name and updates the Texture Cache for display. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "frameName", { get: function () { return this.animations.frameName; }, set: function (value) { this.animations.frameName = value; } }); /** * @name Phaser.Sprite#renderOrderID * @property {number} renderOrderID - The render order ID, reset every frame. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "renderOrderID", { get: function() { return this._cache[3]; } }); /** * By default a Sprite won't process any input events at all. By setting inputEnabled to true the Phaser.InputHandler is * activated for this object and it will then start to process click/touch events and more. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#inputEnabled * @property {boolean} inputEnabled - Set to true to allow this object to receive input events. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "inputEnabled", { get: function () { return (this.input && this.input.enabled); }, set: function (value) { if (value) { if (this.input === null) { this.input = new Phaser.InputHandler(this); this.input.start(); } else if (this.input && !this.input.enabled) { this.input.start(); } } else { if (this.input && this.input.enabled) { this.input.stop(); } } } }); /** * Sprite.exists controls if the core game loop and physics update this Sprite or not. * When you set Sprite.exists to false it will remove its Body from the physics world (if it has one) and also set Sprite.visible to false. * Setting Sprite.exists to true will re-add the Body to the physics world (if it has a body) and set Sprite.visible to true. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#exists * @property {boolean} exists - If the Sprite is processed by the core game update and physics. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "exists", { get: function () { return !!this._cache[6]; }, set: function (value) { if (value) { // exists = true this._cache[6] = 1; if (this.body && this.body.type === Phaser.Physics.P2JS) { this.body.addToWorld(); } this.visible = true; } else { // exists = false this._cache[6] = 0; if (this.body && this.body.type === Phaser.Physics.P2JS) { this.body.removeFromWorld(); } this.visible = false; } } }); /** * An Sprite that is fixed to the camera uses its x/y coordinates as offsets from the top left of the camera. These are stored in Sprite.cameraOffset. * Note that the cameraOffset values are in addition to any parent in the display list. * So if this Sprite was in a Group that has x: 200, then this will be added to the cameraOffset.x * * @name Phaser.Sprite#fixedToCamera * @property {boolean} fixedToCamera - Set to true to fix this Sprite to the Camera at its current world coordinates. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "fixedToCamera", { get: function () { return !!this._cache[7]; }, set: function (value) { if (value) { this._cache[7] = 1; this.cameraOffset.set(this.x, this.y); } else { this._cache[7] = 0; } } }); /** * Enable or disable texture smoothing for this Sprite. Only works for bitmap/image textures. Smoothing is enabled by default. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#smoothed * @property {boolean} smoothed - Set to true to smooth the texture of this Sprite, or false to disable smoothing (great for pixel art) */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "smoothed", { get: function () { return !this.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode; }, set: function (value) { if (value) { if (this.texture) { this.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode = 0; } } else { if (this.texture) { this.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode = 1; } } } }); /** * The position of the Sprite on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#x * @property {number} x - The position of the Sprite on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.position.x; }, set: function (value) { this.position.x = value; if (this.body && this.body.type === Phaser.Physics.ARCADE && this.body.phase === 2) { this.body._reset = 1; } } }); /** * The position of the Sprite on the y axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent. * * @name Phaser.Sprite#y * @property {number} y - The position of the Sprite on the y axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.position.y; }, set: function (value) { this.position.y = value; if (this.body && this.body.type === Phaser.Physics.ARCADE && this.body.phase === 2) { this.body._reset = 1; } } }); /** * @name Phaser.Sprite#destroyPhase * @property {boolean} destroyPhase - True if this object is currently being destroyed. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "destroyPhase", { get: function () { return !!this._cache[8]; } });