var FILE_CONST = require('./const'); var Set = require('../structs/Set'); var XHRSettings = require('./XHRSettings'); var BaseLoader = function () { // To finish the loader ... // // 1) Image Tag loader // 2) Events (or Signals?) for the various stages // 3) Progress update // 4) JSON loader // 5) XML Loader // 6) Multi File support (atlas + data) // 7) Atlas Loader // Move to a 'setURL' method? this.baseURL = ''; this.path = ''; // Read from Game / State Config this.enableParallel = true; this.maxParallelDownloads = 8; // xhr specific global settings (can be overridden on a per-file basis) this.xhr = XHRSettings(); this.crossOrigin = undefined; this.list = new Set(); this.inflight = new Set(); this.failed = new Set(); this.queue = new Set(); = new Set(); this._state = 'PENDING'; }; BaseLoader.prototype.contructor = BaseLoader; BaseLoader.prototype = { addFile: function (file) { if (!this.isReady()) { return -1; } // Multipart file? if (file.multipart) { file.fileA.path = this.path; file.fileB.path = this.path; this.list.add(file.fileA); this.list.add(file.fileB); } else { file.path = this.path; this.list.add(file); } return this; }, // Is the Loader actively loading (or processing loaded files) isLoading: function () { return (this._state === 'LOADING' || this._state === 'PROCESSING'); }, // Is the Loader ready to start a new load? isReady: function () { return (this._state === 'PENDING' || this._state === 'COMPLETE' || this._state === 'FAILED'); }, start: function () { console.log('BaseLoader start. Files to load:', this.list.size); if (!this.isReady()) { return; } if (this.list.size === 0) { this.finishedLoading(); } else { // this.state = LOADING; this.failed.clear(); this.inflight.clear(); this.queue.clear(); this.updateProgress(); this.processLoadQueue(); } }, updateProgress: function () { }, processLoadQueue: function () { console.log('BaseLoader processLoadQueue', this.list.size); var _this = this; this.list.each(function (file) { if (file.state === FILE_CONST.PENDING && _this.inflight.size < _this.maxParallelDownloads) { console.log('ADDED TO QUEUE:', file.key); _this.inflight.add(file); _this.list.delete(file); _this.loadFile(file); } if (_this.inflight.size === _this.maxParallelDownloads) { // Tells the Set iterator to abort return false; } }); }, // private loadFile: function (file) { console.log('LOADING', file.key); // If the file doesn't have its own crossOrigin set, // we'll use the Loaders (which is undefined by default) if (!file.crossOrigin) { file.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin; } file.load(this.nextFile.bind(this), this.baseURL); }, nextFile: function (previousFile, success) { console.log('LOADED:', previousFile.src, success); // Move the file that just loaded from the inflight list to the queue or failed Set if (success) { this.queue.add(previousFile); } else { this.failed.add(previousFile); } this.inflight.delete(previousFile); if (this.list.size > 0) { console.log('nextFile - still something in the list'); this.processLoadQueue(); } else if (this.inflight.size === 0) { console.log('nextFile calling finishedLoading'); this.finishedLoading(); } }, finishedLoading: function () { console.log('BaseLoader.finishedLoading PROCESSING'); this.state = 'PROCESSING'; var storage =; storage.clear(); // This could be Promise based as well, allowing for async processing this.queue.each(function (file) { file.onProcess(); // The File specific process handler has run // Now run any custom callbacks if (file.processCallback) { file.processCallback(file); } file.onComplete(); storage.add(file); }); this.list.clear(); this.inflight.clear(); this.queue.clear(); console.log('Loader Complete. Loaded:', storage.size, 'Failed:', this.failed.size); console.log('BaseLoader COMPLETE'); this.state = 'COMPLETE'; // Dispatch 'on complete' signals now }, getLoadedFiles (group = '', output = []) { var output = []; // Return an array of all files that have state = COMPLETE (which means loaded + processed) for (let file of { if (file.state === FILE.COMPLETE && file.tag === group && (type !== '' && file.type === type)) { output.push(file); } } return output; }, reset: function () { this.list.clear(); this.inflight.clear(); this.failed.clear(); this.queue.clear();; this.tag = ''; this.path = ''; this.baseURL = ''; this.state = 'PENDING'; }, destroy: function () { this.reset(); this.state = 'DESTROYED'; } }; module.exports = BaseLoader;